Hybrid - Chapter 19

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:45 AM

Chapter 19

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"It's beautiful here" Aimee stood on the porch facing the lake in front of Aslan's house, holding a cup of coffee in her hand

Aslan walked behind her and hugged her from behind

The house was 15 minutes away from the town, and the lake was an outlet to the river that led to the sea

It was a moonless, cloudy night last night, so Aimee could not appreciate the lake view. But today, at sunrise, the scenery was gorgeous

Aslan wished he could show Aria and Anvi this sight too

"Breakfast is ready" Astrid called as the pair entered the house. Cage was already seated at the table and they joined him and Astrid 

They chatted over breakfast, Aimee and Aslan about their three years in the Academy, and Cage about his new life as a fisherman

After breakfast, they bade farewell to Astrid as Cage was bringing Aimee to Faerie Island

Astrid hugged Aslan, feeling how tall and muscular he is now

"Good catch Aslan, She's a keeper" Astrid whispered in his ear

"I... have three fishes" Aslan said to Astrid's shock

"I'll tell you about it tonight" he continued as they left to the docks in the town


"This is my boat son!" Cage boasted

Aslan was impressed. It wasn't very large, but it could easily fit 10 people and the way Cage took control of it, showed his familiarity and experience

Although he was still much bigger than Aslan, he hopped around the boat as if he was made for the lifestyle

Aslan and Aimee jumped on board and the boat departed, heading for Faerie Island

Cage didn't seem to need maps and knew his way around easily

"You know the way, dad?" Aslan asked

"Sure. You leave the harbor, take a turn towards the north east and head towards that far island. Then you make a left past that and go straight for 1 1/2 hours" Cage said

Aimee was surprised. She wasn't as sure herself, but the directions were just about accurate as far as she could tell

"Ok. Hang on kids, we'll get there in no time" he said as he increased the speed

Aslan has never ridden on a boat before, and didn't have his sea legs, but Cage steered the boat as if he has been on the sea all his life


"Here we are! Angeltown!" Cage said as the boat docked at the seaside town on Faerie Island

"Is your house nearby?" Aslan asked 

"My... house is a little like yours. My mother wanted to live by the sea, yet also life in the forest. We're Vilas, you know" Aimee said

"Thanks for the ride" she said to Cage and Aslan

"Aaah. Just take your time. Aslan will walk you home. I'll just hang around the town until Aslan returns. I know the pub owner anyway" Cage said

Aimee's eyes lit up and Aslan joined her as she led him to her home


They walked for 20 minutes past the town, into the forest, when a wooden cottage came to view

A blonde woman was standing in front of it hanging clothes on a line

"Mummy!" Aimee yelled and started running towards her 

The woman turned around and they embraced

Aslan was stunned how similar they looked. She was beautiful, and didn't look any older than his own mother

Then again, neither did Aria's parents or Anvi's parents. Everyone came from a long lived race!

"Mummy, this is my boyfriend, Aslan" Aimee introduced

"And Aslan, this is my mummy Desiree!" Aimee said

"Pleased to meet you" Aslan said, offering to shake her hand, but she hugged him instead

Just then, a small girl exited the house to see what the commotion was about. She looked about 8 years old

"Angelique!" Aimee said and hugged her

"This is my sister Angelique" Aimee said introducing her to Aslan

Desiree invited him in for tea, but he said he couldn't stay very long as his father was waiting for him in Angeltown

"Oh! Your father's a fisherman?" Desiree asked

"Yes. I think he only just became a fisherman. His name is Cage, from Sailormon" Aslan said

"Cage? I've heard about him from the market. He's been getting a name for himself. Solo fisherman with the biggest catches!" Desiree said

"Well he gave me a ride to Faerie Island, mummy!" Aimee said

"Well, I will just have to thank him personally, won't I?" Desiree said

Aslan was startled, but he didn't object as Aimee, Desiree and Angelique went back to town with him


When they arrived, they suddenly found the town smoldering in flames

"Pirates!" Desiree suddenly yelled as both she and Aimee suddenly had drawn swords in their hands. Angelique had a short knife. Although she was a little girl, it doesn't seem that she was unfamiliar with a weapon. They were Vilas all right!

In the middle of the town, there were pirates everywhere, all dead or heavily injured

Cage stood at the center as he kicked the pirate captain's face!

"Dad!" Aslan yelled

"Oh! Aslan! I'm just finishing off here" Cage said

Slowly, several heads peeked out and a large burly man ran to Cage

"Cage! Thank you! You saved our town. Thank God you so happened to be by" he said

"It's nothing, mayor" Cage said

Aslan arrived with the 3 females

"You must be "Cage"" Desiree said

"Desiree" Cage greeted

Aslan looked at them confused. Did he introduce them yet?

"Thank you for bringing Aimee home" Desiree said

"It's nothing. She's my son's girlfriend! It's the least that I could do" Cage said

Strangely, the mayor bowed down to Desiree as a greeting

"I.. think we should be going now. My wife Astrid should be waiting for us, and I want to show Aslan some fishing before dinner" Cage said

Desiree gave him a strange smile, as Aimee hugged Aslan goodbye. Surprisingly, Angelique hugged Aslan too

Waving goodbye, the ship departed

Aslan was confused why Cage wanted to leave so early. It seemed that he didn't want to be there when Desiree showed up


An hour back to Sailormon, Cage taught Aslan how to fish, preparing the line and casting it into the sea

"Dad, do you know Desiree?" Aslan asked

"Yes. Your mum and I both know her in both our mercenary days, and... before" Cage said

"What do you mean?" Aslan asked

"She's a Vila. They were a neutral force in the 1000 year war. She knew me as Orcrage then. I have fought with her, and also against her

She's hiding, like we are. The Demon King also hunted her and her kin. 

We also met when we started hiding out at Sailormon. She of course knew who we were" Cage explained

Aslan understood. So there were people like them, who were on the run from both sides

Cage spent the afternoon teaching Aslan how to fish, and they caught several large fishes before returning


"So.... what did you mean by saying that you've gotten three fishes? So Aimee is not the only one?" Astrid asked before dinner

"Aimee is Desiree's daughter!" Cage added in

Astrid slapped her head. Desiree could be.. trouble

Aslan explained all about Aria and Anvi, and that he's been betrothed to Aria

"You mean Princess Aria.. the daughter of King Aldair and Queen Luna?" Cage asked in shock

"And they are expecting me to marry Aria after I graduate!" Aslan said

Cage sighed and looked at Astrid

"How.. how do you think your illusions will hold? We'll be entering enemy grounds" Cage asked

"Who do you think I am? Those High Elf magics would not know even if we came to install a new king in Elfheim" Astrid said proudly

"So.... you guys will be coming?" Aslan asked in shock, seeing how much of a risk his parents were taking

"My only son is getting married! The elves will surely host a grand wedding ceremony for their precious daughter!" Cage laughed

"What about the other two?" Aslan asked

"I don't know it the third one Anvi, is anyone dangerous to us. But if you have on one hand the Elven Royal Family, and the other is Desiree, how much worse can the third party be? If we are taking a risk with one, why not all of them? We give you our blessing. But it is your burden to please all 3 girls" Cage laughed


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