Hybrid - Chapter 21

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:43 AM

Chapter 21

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Aslan waited by the town square. He hugged his parents goodbye as the carriage from the Academy arrived

"Wait! Wait for me!" came a familiar voice

The carriage waited for Aimee to arrive, running directly from the docks

"Aimee! I thought you would have taken another way, like before!" Aslan smiled as she got into the carriage

"After so much excitement travelling with you, Anvi and Aria, I thought it would be more exciting, yet safer to travel together again" Aimee said

"Or, we can do it differently this time!" Aslan said, and within the carriage, he controlled the doppelganger of himself and Aimee who sat opposite them in the carriage

"Wow, you've been practicing. Their movements look just like us" Aimee said, amazed

"I discovered the Oblex that cloned us, also copied out memories! So they can can also sound like us" Aslan said

"See? What do you think?" he controlled the Aimee doppelganger and said using her doppelganger.

He used his shadow to control the doppelganger, and he practiced many hours especially to learn and master how to use the doppelgangers to talk in their original's voices.

It wasn't easy. Aslan would have to control their breaths to enter their lungs, and exhale through the vocal cords and it took many nights to control their voices to go high, and to go low, and simple pronunciation took time to learn.

And there were 4 different persons to practice to be. In fact, after he resurrected Mya, nearly all his time at night was used to practice with the doppelgangers. 

Aimee was amazed 

"And besides that, do you know what else they can do? I only found this out two nights ago!" Aslan said. The two doppelgangers suddenly started stripping

He had kept them in black skintight costumes, but he wanted her to see this with the doppelgangers nude!

Aimee looked at them, and remembered that this doppelganger of Aslan probably has fucked her when she was vulnerable. Was Aslan going to get them to fuck?

"Check this out. They can only do this to the those they've fucked before" Aslan said

The Aslan and Aimee doppelganger sat naked next to each other. Then with his shadows, he controlled them to suddenly transform!

The way it works is he tried to control the shadows to force the doppelganger of himself to change to a female, it turned to Aimee instead

He knows that when he force manipulates someone's shadow, it would force the person do change too. And it would stretch and crush bones, leaving that person mangled and most likely dead

When he tried it on his Aslan doppelganger, he was actually testing it's durability. Instead it turned to Aimee!

Aslan did the same to the doppelgangers in the carriage with them, making the Aslan doppelganger in the carriage turned into Aimee, and the Aimee doppelganger became Aslan right in the carriage!

"What? How can this happen?' Aimee asked, examining the large dick of the doppelganger that was a copy of her vagina just moments before

"I think the doppelganger fucked each of us a few times. I found out that all 6 doppelgangers can turn to copies of me. But only two doppelgangers each can turn to either of you girls also. So each doppelganger can turn to Aslan and another of you girls. They must have fucked us each this many times" Aslan said

Aslan explained what he knew about Obloxes, which was the ooze creature they saw controlling a doppelganger each. They were monstrosities created by illithids for the sole purposed of absorbing memories of the victims. They could supposedly absorb up to 15 victims each and created doppelgangers that could change between each victim. 

Aimee remembered waking up during the rape by the doppelgangers. But maybe she didn't wake up every time, and probably missed several sessions. The other two girls definitely didn't wake up during the rape. Or at least not the times that she woke up. And that explains why Aslan was extra tired. He was fucked at least 6 times, but all 6 doppelgangers. 

"So you can do practically anything with them?" Aimee asked

"Nearly. I have yet to smoothly get the doppelgangers to produce magic. I can fake it with my own magic, even conjure flames. But the other females, I can't get them to do magic. I can get them to do physical stuff like fighting, but for the magic, I use my own illusions and magic" Aslan said

"So did you manage to test their durability?" Aimee asked

" the extent that I could without destroying it. They feel and weigh like the real us, but when you cut them, they don't bleed. And you can completely chop of a limb, but the parts reconnect again when you place them touching each other" Aslan said

Aimee looked impressed. She didn't know about Mya yet

"So how about you? Did you work on anything during the break?" Aslan asked

"Well, I developed by clairvoyance. It's still not perfect yet, but I can sense danger and even predict good fortune. And I can do this..." Aimee said and suddenly transformed herself into a wolf! The wolf crawled out of her gauze-like dress and crawled up to Aslan's lap and craved to be petted, and Aslan petted her head!

Suddenly she transformed into a snake and crawling into her dress and transforming back into human form 

"How many animals can you turn to?" Aslan asked

"I can turn into a falcon or swan, horse, wolf and snake. I can now also turn into astral form and grow wings to fly on my back" Aimee said

Those are the abilities of a Vila Aslan has heard about. Despite being a Vila, Aimee wasn't able to shapeshift or predict the future before. So only now was she fully manifesting these abilities

"Aslan... do you know, that since you've seen my naked body, you now have to marry me?" Aimee suddenly said

Aslan forgot about that. He has heard such a rumor about the Vile. But the problem is that he was also betrothed to Princess Aria!

He never intended to see Aimee's body naked, but she was badly injured in the mid-year examination fighting the manticore, he has since been fucking her regularly without thinking of the consequence!

She leaned over and they kissed when they started noticing that the carriage was slowing down

"Oh... we've reached Smithe" Aimee said predicting the future

As the carriage stopped, the door suddenly opened and Anvi came smiling in

"Hi guys! I missed you so much! Here.. these are for you" she handed a duffel bag over to Aslan as they kissed

Aslan was surprised at how light the bag was, considering that it looked heavy with several long items inside

He looked inside and it was her hammer, and three other items

"This.. this is for me?" Aslan asked, seeing a replica of Cursed in the bag

"Yeah I made it out of the pure mithril, remember? I made a sword for Aimee too!" she said as Aslan took out a sword

"Who is the other one for?" Aimee asked wielding the sword around

"I made it for Aria! I didn't want her to be left out. Even if she's currently using her bow/staff weapon from the auction, this is pure mithril, you know? Even the elves won't get such purity" Anvi said with a smile

"So what have you been up to during the break?" Aslan asked

"I still had plenty of mithril so I made these" she said as she showed a bracelet on her left wrist, which fanned out and became a shield!

Then she lifted her right hand, which was artificial up to her elbow, which shot out a claw from her forearm. She could already change her hand to several weapons, but now with a mithril claw and shield

"And check this out" she said as she looked out the window, Suddenly a laser beam shot out of her eye, cutting down a tree they passed

"What do you think?" Anvi smiled

"Great!" Aimee gave her a hug and the trio discussed on what they did over the break

A while later, they stopped at a familiar river with a pool of water

"I think this place is a trap. I've encountered nothing but bad news here" Aslan said, guarded

"Even fucking and getting to marry the princess?" Anvi asked mischievously

"Er.. You remember at that time, it wasn't a pleasant experience. They nearly chopped by dick off!" Aslan said

Just then, the Elven contingent arrived

"Not taking a bath here?" Aria joked as she saw them

They hugged and she kissed Aslan

He found it awkward that the Elves were seeing them kiss this openly

Since nothing of note happened, they entered the carriage and headed for their next stop for the night, Evermore

This time, the Elven guard was a whole battalion, making sure nothing untoward happens to them

Aria demonstrated what she was doing during the break. She had mastered silent casting with gestures for water and nature magics as well as her air mastery of magic. Thus all three of her special racial magics, she was now capable of silent casting

Anvi presented Aria with her pure mithril sword, then Aimee and Aslan shared what they were improving on during their break

Aslan's improvement brought the most excitement, of course, especially his newfound abilities with the doppelgangers. 

Going through the Valley of Shadows, Aslan was well prepared, using the shadows themselves to crush anything that moved in the shadows, they easily crossed the valley. Literally thousands of screams filled the valley and the giant spiders, scorpions and centipedes were all crushed by the shadows, squishing their insect bodies into mush

An hour later, they arrived at Evermore, the city of trade!



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