Hybrid - Chapter 22

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:42 AM

Chapter 22

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Aslan and Aria had a prejudice against the hotels in Evermore, after the first time Aria and her guards were captured her to be enslaved

In the second time, on their way back home, they instead went to a pub and got Aslan so drunk, he doesn't even remember what happened, only that he had spent alot of money at the auction. This was where he purchased Mya, who Aslan had already resurrected but still haven't told anyone about yet

They took a hotel room anyway, because they had new Elven guards. But they never intended to stay in the rooms, and planned to stay in the shadows like before

This time round, he wanted to attend the auction sober, and see what he could get on auction

The only thing Aslan bought for himself was a telepathic ring, much like the other girls Aria, Aimee and Anvi, so he could communicate back mentally when they communicated to him mentally

He found out that these rings were not that rare, but they were expensive! Aria's and Aimee's can work within the line of their sight, while Anvi's worked within a 500 meter radius. Aslan's new ring was exactly like Anvi's, which worked to a 500 meter radius. 

The last time here, he bought a telepathic ring for Anvi, an ironwood bowstaff for Aria, and while he didn't find anything for Aimee, he "accidentally" purchased a preserved Mya without her skin!

This time round though, he didn't find anything else worth of interest. Even Aria, Aimee and Anvi were not impressed with the items on auction this time around

They left the auction after it was over, and was about to leave when a mysterious person whispered from the curtains

"Psst! You were the buyer who bought the preserved body that the mage Balthazar created, right?"

Aslan stood still, while looking at the person behind the curtain. How did he know that? He thought that purchases and winning bids were private. Regardless, Aslan was curious enough to find out

"What do you want?" Aslan asked

"Follow me! There might be an item that you might be interested in. We also do direct private sales here, not only auction things" the person said

"Lead the way" Aslan said with his 3 girls behind him

They were led to a private room, and it seems 4 chairs had been prepared for them

Opposite the table was a woman dressed in a mask

"Welcome. I would like to show you something, to see if you are interested, since you bought Balthazar's corpse mannequin before!" the woman said

"Show me! I'm curious what you have that is so interesting" Aslan said

The woman smiled, her bottom half of the mask showing her smile

Then she placed a skull on the table!

"Who is this ? Why would this interest me?" Aslan said

"This is Balthazar! 10 million gold coins. No negotiation" the woman said

Aslan was shocked. He knew that Balthazar was beheaded. It was taught in the Academy. But is this really him?

"How do I know this is genuine? I don't want to be cheated by buying an overpriced skull of s random unknown person" Aslan said

"Sir! We are the most reputable auction in the land! We risk our reputation if we sell you fake items!" she said

Aslan thought about it. He certainly had more than enough gold. But this skull was 10 million gold pieces! Double that of the corpse of Mya!

Aria took his hand and nudged him, gesturing that he shouldn't waste his time

Suddenly, he remembered Balthazar's notes on necromancy. What if, he could extract the knowledge directly from the Balthazar himself. Would a resurrection on a skull alone work without the rest of the body? Would he be able to somehow extract knowledge from the skull without resurrecting him?

"I'll buy it" Aslan said to the visible shock of the three girls

He waved his hands and used his illusion magic to create a flash as the amount of 10 million gold coins appeared from the shadows

The masked woman looked visibly happy to see so much gold

"Thank you, sir" she said and she let him keep the skull

"I guess concludes out business?" Aslan said as he prepared to get up

"We... have another item. A whole skeleton this time" she said hesitantly

"Who is it this time?" Aria asked, visibly irritated that Aslan bought a skull for 10 million, against her advice

"How much is it?" Anvi asked, getting angry as well. Dwarves were known to be stingy with gold after all

"This skeleton, the whole set, costs 10 million gold as well!" the woman said

Anvi was just about to say something when an assistant walked in and placed a whole skeleton on the table

"This is the skeleton of the former Saintess, Gloria. She was a former companion of the Hero. And her.. uh... loss of powers caused the Hero Acturus to fail to bring down the Demon King. I'm sure you know the story" she said

Aria knew this skeleton was fake. After all, when the Saintess' suicide caused the whole party of the companion to collapse and was forced to flee, causing the loss of the battle to the Demon King, her brother attended her funeral himself

She was interred into the tombs of the royal family of Almera, because the current King Galdrick had a crush on her and wanted to be buried with her when he passes

"This is enough! Unless you're admitting to being a grave robber, this is a farce!" Aria shouted at her

"I'll buy it!" Aslan said producing the gold from nowhere again to the shock of the girls and kept the skeleton right in front of everybody

"Aslan!" Aria said angrily using her telepathic ring, knowing not to use his real name there

"I know what I'm doing, Aria" he replied mentally

"What? What are you doing?" Aria asked again mentally

"I have so much gold from the Dragon hoard, this is nothing to me" Aslan replied mentally

Aria harrumphed and sulked 

"Anything else?" he asked the woman

"Maybe the skeleton of the Demon King?" Aria asked sarcastically, knowing he didn't die and was still currently ruling the Demon Realm

"No. This concludes our business tonight. Perhaps when you next come again" the woman said

She led them out of the room, back into the exit corridor of the auction house

"You are a worse purchaser sober, than when you were drunk! What were you thinking?" Anvi asked

"Just trust me girls" Aslan said to the still angry Aria and Anvi. Aimee didn't care and was simply there to shop

Aslan led them into a alley way in a nicer part of the city and disappeared into the shadow realm

He fucked them extra hard that night, especially Aria and Anvi who were both still sulking

This was the first time they had sex since they reunited, and this was the first night of their journey to the Academy as there were no incidents along the way

Aslan was unsure to fuck them openly with each other, but as the last time they all had sex together, it was openly and by the oblexes and their doppelgangers

To make it easier to accept, he fucked them with the 6 doppelgangers, all transformed into identical copies of himself. The three girls definitely did not object to being fucked by seven identical Aslans (including his real self), and Aslan demonstrated his fine control of all the doppelgangers having sex simultaneously!

Both Aria and Anvi forgot about their objections with Aslan that night


The next morning, they boarded their carriage, and they were joined by the new elven guards, who never knew that they never stayed at the hotel, and who had no difficulties unlike the first time

No longer headed by Laureal, this time the Royal Elven Guard was headed by an elf named Fern

He seemed that he didn't like Aslan, probably because Aria was betrothed to him. But he never showed any disrespect, only sly spiteful glances

They departed Evermore in the morning, and despite a minor attempt by bandits to rob them, which was handled by the elven guard, they arrived in the Academy safely

Compared to their previous trips to and from the Academy, the trip was completely uneventful and even boring for the Elven Guard

In the carriage however, in the shadow realm, the four passengers had a continuous orgy for the whole trip back from Evermore. Using his undistinguishable dopplegangers, Aslan prevented jealousy among the three girls as every one of them got the sole attention of at least two Aslans each!

They didn't even notice that there was a fourth female, Mya fucking one of the Aslans, as they were too busy having orgasm after orgasm without paying attention to anything else!

And so the carriage arrived in the Academy, and when the Elves opened the door of the carriage, the four passengers Aslan, Aria, Aimee and Anvi looked prim and proper, bored after a long ride from their hometowns. The half-dwarf Anvi was even yawning

The carriage driver took out their luggage, and a pair of elves helped carry them to Princess Aria's room, while Aslan, Aimee and Anvi carried their own luggage to their rooms

The guard Fern wondered what the commotion about Aslan was all about. He certainly looked boring, and didn't help at all during the bandit attempted raid. Why did King Aldair, Queen Luna, Prince Lucinder and even the Mage Merlinder talk about him with such high regard?

Even his senior Laureal had mentioned that if there was any real trouble that the Elven Guard could not handle, leave it to him!

But it looked like the passengers even slept through the last leg of the journey!

The elves finished their guard duty and headed home, as the four students prepared for the next semester


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