Hybrid - Chapter 24

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:40 AM

Chapter 24

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They camped in the forest for the first night. The ride was supposed to be a three day journey to Belmoral and since they didn't know who they would be fighting or what they would be facing, it wasn't as if they were in a rush

They may miss the enemy if they rode too fast. So they took a fast, yet comfortable pace, so that if there was an enemy, they wouldn't miss them

"So you are a fire mage, huh? But your body looks well trained" Saisama said while they sat around a fire

"I do know my way around a weapon. We can spar if you want" Aslan smiled

The group wasn't that bad, Aslan thought. They were friendly enough , only they were overly protective over the object of their desire, Roselyn

She was their undefeatable princess, who refused to ate anyone unless they could defeat her. None of them could, and no one else in the Warrior Academy could defeat her either. But she said that Aslan was the Magic Academy champion! This means that he has defeated her? 

So all of them wanted to spar Aslan, But he was a mage. If they weren't careful, he would burn them into a crisp!

"No magic! I want to test my warrior skills too" Aslan said as he prepared to face Saisama

Roselyn wasn't around, so they we willing to challenge him to a dual. She had decided to take a bath after a hard day's ride and all the guys were keeping check on each other so that nobody peeked at her

Saisama attacked and Aslan blocked with Cursed. It was the new Cursed, made from pure mithril that Anvi had just given him

Saisama's blow was mighty, and Aslan estimated that he was as strong as Anvi, but that was no issue for him. He had sparred with his father when he was home, and his father was another level of strength

Spinning his weapon, using the force of Saisama's blow, he used the momentum to strike a the back of Saisama's knee forcing him to kneel as he ended up with the weapon to his neck!

"I yield!" Saisama was forced to give up

"I'll go next!" Mercules the weapons master stepped up

He drew his two swords and started the dual with Aslan parrying blows from Mercules' swords

In mid-air, Mercules dropped one of his swords and instantly produced a dagger and stabbed at Aslan

Aslan was no stranger to tricky melee weapon wielders, and had faced Prince Lucinder of the elves who was a hell of a lot faster that Mercules. He knocked both of the weapons out of Mercules' hands and used Curse to trip him. Mercules kicked out to land on his feet again, but Aslan's weapon was against his neck!

"I give" Mercules said

"My turn" Dino got up and brandished his metal club

Aslan has faced barbarians before and even his own father had pretended to be a barbarian. Dino was strong, for a human. But like before, he was only as strong as Anvi. In fact, Aria and Aimee were stronger and Aslan disarmed him handily

"Seems I'm our last hope" Grendal got up with his huge sword and shield

But Grendal was too slow for Aslan, who easily passed his shield and aimed Cursed at his neck, like the others

Just then, Roselyn appeared, drying her hair and wearing only a towel

"What's going on here?" she asked, seeing Aslan with his Cursed against Grendal's neck

"Nothing. We were just sparring to see if he's as good as you say" Saisama said

"Yeah! Why don't you have a go with him?" Mercules asked

"I would love to have a go with him. But after defeating me over and over, I never got a shot. Rumors are that Aimee already has her hooks on him" Roselyn smiled

Aslan smiled but didn't reply. He had to say, Roselyn looked gorgeous in only a towel!

"Who... who's Aimee?" Dino asked


The road left the forest and was going through a vast area of rolling grassland

The group rode fast, sensing something was amiss and was not happy to be out in the open without cover

Aslan ran in the midst of the horses, when a shadow covered over them and suddenly enlarged 

"Duck!" Aslan yelled. Mercules managed to jump off as his horse was picked off the ground in an instant and was flown away

"Did you see that? That's a drake!" Dino yelled as he extended his hand to pick up Mercules, who had lost his horse

Suddenly, several other shadows appeared and dived bombed them

Grandel managed to block with his heavy shield, but he and his horse were pushed to the ground by another drake

Roselyn stood on her horse, and when the shadow nearest to her pounced, he did a back flip and landed on the drake's claws as she started battling it

Aslan stopped and started firing fireballs at another 3 drakes, hitting all three who screamed but continued divebombing at him

The drakes were injured by the flames, but divebombed nevertheless at him and opened their mouths to eat him

Aslan looked at the drakes and fired fireballs into their mouths, and their heads suddenly exploded as their bodies crashed to the ground, stopping several feet from him

He looked up and saw Roselyn desperately fighting a drake, but her sword simply didn't cut deep enough

Controlling the drake's own shadow, it's shadow shot deep into it's mouth as it tried to bite Roselyn, and the shadow plunged all the way through it's body, shooting out from it's ass

Roselyn was shocked but realized she and the drake were falling to the ground, and it would land on top of her and crush her

Suddenly, a hand pulled her by her mithril bikini into his arms, as Aslan levitated in the sky

Her bikini top fell off as she hid in his arms as he slowly landed to the ground

"So this is how to get you interested. You like them, no? My twins?" Roselyn smiled while covering her breasts. She took the bikini from Aslan's hand and asked him to help her tie it behind her back

Aslan looked around and saw Dino and Mercules and Saisama facing a drake together, while another drake was pushing forwards and trying to eat Grendal and his horse, but Grendal was trying his best to push back. Dino was fighting with his left arm his right arm hung loosely down his side

Aslan used Cursed like a bow, creating a bowstring made from flames and fired a flame arrow piercing the drake's eye. It's skull exploded as it entered it's skull, saving Dino. 

He sliced at the other drake's shadow and the drake attacking Grendal suddenly had it's head fall off!

"What.. how did you do that?" Grendal asked, shocked at how easy it was for Aslan

Aslan made several movements, and the mana cores of all seven drakes flew out and into his hand!

They looked at him in surprise and envy

"Don't worry. These are shared by all of us!" Aslan said

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed in the plains. They couldn't see where the sound came from, but it must be a large creature, able to create such a roar over such a distance

The ground started shaking as in the nearby distance, the hills started moving

"That...that's not the hills.." Grendal said in fear

"D..dragon!" Saisama yelled in fear as an enormous red colored dragon suddenly got up. It was so large, everyone thought that it was one of the distant mountains, it distorted their comprehension of distance and size. It was probably the size of a small town bearing down on them

Aslan took action immediately, flying into the air to directly confront it

"Aslan!" Roselyn yelled, but he had already disappeared into the distance shooting fireballs at the dragon and distracting it to fly away from the group

Roselyn went to check on the rest and Dino was already drinking a healing potion, while the rest were recovering from their experience of fighting so many drakes

"Just.... who is that guy?" Saisama asked

"Now you understand what I meant about him" Roselyn said with a gentle smile


Before the dragon could cast his fear spell on Aslan, he flew at it so fast, it only had time to breathe it's flame breath at Aslan

Having experienced a phoenix fire, Aslan wasn't sure if he could take the attack and avoided it as the flames barely missed him

But Aslan had already cast his black frame into it's mouth, and as the dragon's flames stopped, it suddenly found it's mouth covered with mysterious black flame, all the way down it's tongue!

The dragon tried to scream but the flames only spread down his throat as the dragon felt it's insides burn it's organs from he inside

Trying to put out the flames, the dragon started fleeing as Aslan chased after it

It dove into the nearby mountains, revealing a large cave. It must have been a particularly ancient dragon to have gotten so big!

Aslan hid in the shadows and entered the cave, finding that it was the dragon's hoard! And for an ancient dragon, the dragon hoard was large indeed!

"Another one!" Aslan smiled to himself as he saw the dragon writing in pain, looking like a rabid dog scrape out poison from it's mouth. It tried eating gold to put out the flames, but the gold only turned molten as it slid down it's throat to no avail

But it was useless as the black fire ate the dragon up from the insides and the dragon moaned as it eventually collapsed and died!

Aslan smiled and started disassembling the dragon body. Previously, the first time he fought a dragon, he destroyed the black dragon, so he got nothing except the mana core. Then the second time with the bone dragon, he got the mana core and the dragon bones, then the third time when he faced the bonestealer dragon, he kept the core, and managed to keep most of the dragon, but destroyed the illithid head. This time, it was the largest dragon yet. He managed to salvage the whole thing, including saving the dragon blood!

He controlled the shadows to keep the dragon hoard as well, and this time, it was larger than the black dragon hoard! This ancient dragon must have lived a very long time and gathered an enormous hoard! He looked at all the artifacts and weapons, and like the ones in the black dragon hoard, he should get them evaluated and either sell them, use them or give them to someone else!

Suddenly, he saw a strange coffin buried under the large amounts of gold. What is a coffin doing here?

He walked over and used his shadows to open it! It was a skeleton, only there was a silver stake driven into the person's heart, and a silver stake driven into the skeleton's pelvis. He assumed this was a female the way it was driven into her pussy, otherwise it would have really been painful if it was driven into a male. And the fangs were revealed in the skull! Is this a vampire? If it were, shouldn't have she been turned to dust already? How is the skeleton still here?

Thinking nothing of it, he simply kept the coffin with the rest of the hoard in the shadow realm. Looking around, there was nothing more in the dark cave. Even the enormous dragon was kept already. 


"Aslan!" Roselyn called seeing Aslan fly and land at their campsite

The other teammates gathered around him as well, wondering what had happened when he chased after the gigantic dragon

"Did you.. did you kill it?" Dino asked

Aslan smiled and nodded

They were all in awe of him, and didn't doubt that he was capable of doing so



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