Hybrid - Chapter 25

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:39 AM

Chapter 25

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The team was hailed a success with no casualties, having successfully solved the problem between the academy and Belmoral

They were actually the 4th team that attempted the mission and the only one that returned alive

They reported that it was the seven black draked that were the problem and the mission was successfully accomplished by Roselyn, Saisama, Mercules, Dino, Grendal and Aslan! No mention of the red ancient dragon was reported as was Aslan's request to the team. Because of that, the cores of the seven drakes were shared equally by all of them


Aslan stood in the dark realm with Mya in his arms. He examined the 2 skeletons and the one skull

As far as he knew, one of the skeletons was of Gloria the former Saintess and the skull was that of Balthazar! But who was the other skeleton of?

He removed her from the coffin and removed the two silver stakes from her skeleton, one that broke her ribs and was shoved into where her heart was, and one shoved into her pelvis into where her vagina was

He did a quick mental review of the notes he got from Balthazar's place, re-enacting in his head how he revived Mya, before deciding that he was confident enough to make it a success

He moved the skeleton using its shadow and stood it up in front of him. Then, casting the spell like before, he chanted and cast the revival spell on the skeleton

Like with Mya, this spell took alot of mana out of him! Unlike the innate magics, the fire from his father's side and the shadows from his mother's side, this resurrection spell used mana, like the usage of his favorite illusions together with the other elements that he used to "reality warp". But this spell used even more mana than that, and it would take him a day to recover his mana after using this spell

The skeleton glowed red in color before changes started happening to the skeleton. It's broken ribs started healing as organs, muscles and sinew started growing in and around her skeleton! The muscles and fat inside her breasts started forming and her uterus could be seen as the muscles in her vagina formed, Intestines and her bowels started forming and the muscles within her arms and legs regenerated

Her eyes regrew in her body and parts of her brain and spinal cord could be seen. Then skin started covering her body, covering her eyes as she grew lips and a nose and ears. Then her hair started growing

Aslan noted that she was very beautiful, with jet black hair like Mya, and she was complete within minutes as Aslan held her up by her shadow. She stood at 5 foot 10, just around Mya's height and from the back would look identical to Mya if not for the hair length

The experience of reviving her was certainly different from Mya. It was more intense due to the fact that she had to regrow everything, while Mya had her whole body preserved and was revived and her body parts rejuvenated

Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking with those lovely long eyelashes

"I... I'm alive again!" she said in a lovely voice

"Do you remember who you are?" Aslan asked

She nodded her head

"Who are you?" Aslan asked

"My... name is... Maya" she said as she accessed her memories

"Maya? And Mya?" Aslan thought to himself, comparing names

"You're a vampire?" Aslan asked again

She nodded. Aslan knew that she was probably like Mya, she had her original memories, but they were like that of someone else, and not her current identity

It seemed that she lived even before the time of the 1000 year war, way before man was using the current calendar system, as the year she gave him made no sense. She was, in her previous life, the Vampire Queen, equivalent of the current Demon King that threatened the world

She was injured against the Hero of that Era, Galtara, and was ambushed when the other companions of the hero ambushed her and captured her in her coffin recovering from her wounds. She was bound my magic and they tortured her with a silver stake shoved up her pussy

Then, in full public, a silver stake was pierced through her heart, killing her

She was surprised when Aslan told her that she didn't crumble to dust, and that she was found in an ancient dragon lair as part of it's hoard

"Mephokanezen!" she recognized the red dragon when Aslan commented on it

"Who is that?" Aslan asked

"That dragon was the mutual enemy of my forces as well as the humans in my time. He must have taken my body when he raided the humans" she said

Aslan grew disinterested with the rest of her story as it was in the past and was of no relevance to current day anyway

He held her naked body in his arms, and as she had a new rejuvenated body, he brought her to "break her in"


Aslan took another mission, a solo mission this time at the mercenary guild. All missions counted to his Academy score, so he would likely have to take many missions regardless

This time, he got a mission to exterminate a goblin cave. As his first solo mission, he didn't want to take anything too risky. Besides, this mission, his intent was to test Mya and Maya's capabilities

Aslan stood at the entrance of the cave and used his sling to kill both goblins guarding the cave. Both Maya and Mya were summoned and they were nude

This would surely bring the goblins to a frenzy. Goblins were not very powerful creatures. They were half the height of humans and nearly as strong. But they had numbers that would overwhelm a human village, and they would kill the men and rape the women. Yes, they were very horny creatures and delighted in raping human women, impregnating them and breeding more goblins from human wombs!

Maya and Mya were bait, and they were the bringers of death today

Mya's pheromones drove the goblins mad as they rushed out in a frenzy. Both of them unsheathed their claws and started the massacre

Both Maya and Mya possessed superhuman strength and speed, and blood splattered everywhere. Aslan thought that it was good foresight not to clothed them as the clothes would have to be thrown away with all these goblin blood anyway

Both of them danced a different but equally beautiful dance, slaughtering the goblins with ease. Several hobgoblins joined the fight but the girls were ruthless, intentionally slicing off their limbs, even their hobgoblin penises before finally putting them out of their misery

He wondered if he could take either of them in a fight. Possibly not without his shadows and fire powers. Even so, at their speed which was even beyond Aria and Aimee, it would be a tough fight. 

He collected the small mana cores from the goblin's shattered heads to use as evidence of completion of this mission

Standing in the cave, Aslan summoned water to wash Mya and Maya off completely. It was strange, yet pleasant to watch them wash their bodies, especially Maya it had been millennia since she's bathed like this. They both finished and gave Aslan a kiss each before reentering the shadow realm

They were so powerful, yet completely obedient to him. He wondered how they were before they died. 


Aslan was waiting at the mercenary guild, which was joined in the Academy, when he pondered about resurrecting Mya and Maya

Was it really necromancy, or was it real resurrection like what the Saintess could do? It didn't seem like summoning or reanimating an undead!

"Aslan!" Aimee suddenly entered the mercenary guild hall and hugged him, kissing him on the lips

Many of the males in the hall were instantly jealous and even more so from her team who had all returned injured and tired

Aimee was also injured, but not enough to incapacitate her. Even part of her normal gauze dress was torn, nearly revealing her breasts!

"Aimee! What's going on?" Aslan asked, seeing her in distress

"We were on a mission to Astilan, one of the nearby cities, when we bumped into a few other groups doing missions there. Aria had a group there, and so did Roselyn! But suddenly came an announcement of a beast horde stampede! Some of the groups there, including Aria and Roselyn's group decided to stay and defend the city, but we volunteered to return and bring reinforcements!" Aimee said

Aslan looked around and two of Aimee's teammates were frantically informing the mercenary guild to make an announcement to all mercenaries there to rush and send reinforcements to Astilan

"We.. managed to break through one of the sides heading to the Academy, but one third of my members have perished!" Aimee said, nearly tearing up

"Ok, take some of my lifeforce to heal first" Aslan said, kissing her on the lips. She didn't hesitate and he could feel his lifeforce leaving her as she healed

Openly hugging and kissing like that, several of the mercenaries booed and hissed at them, as they were drafted to become reinforcements to Astilan

Aimee was visibly healing while she kissed Aslan and within a minute, she looked healed

They broke their kiss and Aslan looked at her

"Let's go" he said, worried about Aria and Roselyn

"Not going to wait for the rest of the mercenaries?" Aimee asked

"No need" he said as he nodded to the person behind the counter that he's going first

Aslan and Aimee ran on foot, moving faster than any horse could

Astilan was a good 5 days away by foot, and it wasn't long before they encountered and overtook creatures that were running on the way to Astilan, killing them casually with his shadows

"You can fly, no?" Aslan asked as flying would get them there faster

"But... my dress..." Aimee said

"I'll take your dress, just fly. I will follow you!" he said

She transformed into a hawk and dropped her dress as she ran. She never wore any underwear and Aslan grabbed her dress and stored it in the shadow realm as he took of after her, using his flying cloak

His flying cloak could hold two people, but carrying so much weight would slow him down to the level of their running. 

With him flying solo with his cloak, and Aimee as a hawk, they flew at their top speed, shortening the travel time to Astilan


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