Hybrid - Chapter 3

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:54:03 AM

Chapter 3

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The carriage stopped in a small town, build right into the mountainside

It was a town full of dwarfs called Smithe, according to the driver of the carriage

When they arrived at the church there, a small group was hugging and saying goodbyes to a girl. She must be the student joining him to the Academy

"Hi" a chirpy girl said as she opened the door. She was 4 foot 7 inches tall, taller than the other dwarves, but shorter than Aslan himself, who was already 5 foot 5 at 12 years old

"Er.. hi!" Aslan said as he looked at the girl

She was short, but didn't have dwarf proportions. She didn't have a beard, like Aslan expected somehow, and she had pointed ears, making her look like a half-elf, like him

But she carried a strange looking weapon, 6 feet tall and having a hammer head on one end and a sharpened axehead on the other side of the same head

"I'm Anvil, or as my mother calls me Anvi!" she smiled a cute smile that matched her cute dress as she suddenly banged the end of the hammer on the ground, causing electricity to light up from the hammer head

"Er... I'm Aslan" he said in reply

"I've never met an elf before, as I know the elves and dwarves don't get along. But I hope we do" Anvi said

"No... I'm.. my family are outcasts from the elves. We don't get along too" Aslan smiled

"Then...lets be friends!" Anvi said

"Sure!" Aslan replied, surprised at how friendly she was. He's heard that dwarves were grumpy and gruff, but she's the complete opposite

As they chatted about their lives and the towns they were from, Azlan discovered that Anvi was a battle mage, who loves designing new weapons, even though she has electricity based magic. 

Azlan showed her his strange weapon, one that he's honed over the many years

It was a staff, whose head was attached to a flexible rubber-like string that changes it to a slingshot, and the bottom of the staff could detach, showing a blade in inside

Anvi was intrigued and asked why he wanted to enter the Magic Academy instead

"Cos I'm a fire mage!" Aslan laughed and a glowing fire ball appeared on the top of his staff!

"Great! At the next break, lets have a spar!" Anvi said as her eyes lit up


Anvi chased Aslan around with her warhammer, or was it a glaive of some kind, but she couldn't reach him as she created holes everywhere with her weapon

Aslan danced around gracefully in the air, avoiding everything easily, making Anvi feel silly

She huffed and puffed as she has been swinging her large weapon for over 20 minutes unsuccessfully

"No fair. Fight me" Anvi yelled

Aslan suddenly stopped and caught her hammer in midair

Anvi was shocked. He was as strong, no stronger than she was, catching her heavy hammer in mid-swing

"No.. let go. Doesn't your hand hurt?" Anvi said in a quieter voice, seeing lightning crackle around Azlan's hand

"I'm a fire mage, remember? Lightning is a little trickier as it strikes, but it doesn't burn me" he smiled

"Oh! I never even got to see how you fight" she complained

"What is there to it?" Aslan said as he picked up a pebble, put it in his weapon, and with one swing, he shot the pebble right through a tree, penetrating it and getting embedded in the tree behind it

"I meant your magic!" Anvi complained

"My magic? Why? It's very basic" Aslan said as a fire globe appeared on his staff and he fired it at the same tree, burning it up

With a wave, he put the fire out, saving the rest of the forest from catching fire

They sat next to each other and rested and took a drink by the river

"How long more are we waiting here?" Aslan asked

"The carriage driver says we are waiting for someone. They will meet us here as we have not been invited into Elfheim" Anvi said

"Elfheim? You mean the home of the elves? Is it near here?" Aslan asked

"No, I don't know, but I figure, how can the land of the Elves be near Smithe, a town of the dwarves? They were willing to come her so that no one will know the direction of their home. Even the elf candidates have a special gathering place, outside so that the priests do not know their home" Anvi said

"Well, I'm going to go wash up" Azlan said

"You shouldn't. Sweat is the smell of effort! Besides, I will wash up once we reach civilization, not here in the woods, in the open" Anvi said as she walked to the carriage

Azlan looked around and decided to have a bath in a secluded place, where he spotted earlier when he scouted around, which was his habit


Aslan sat by himself, naked in a pool just under a waterfall. It was relaxing and enjoyable and he enjoyed the cool water washing away all his dirt and grime from the exercise

He wondered how much longer the elves would take, and whether they would have to camp overnight

Suddenly he heard giggling female voices and they were approaching closer

He wanted to call out, to tell them that someone was already here, but instead he sunk his head into the water, trying to hide

From underwater, he saw several elven girls stripping, and realized he was immediately hard, looking at their lithe, naked bodies!

He held his breath and decided to try and swim away, lest he be discovered

"Princesses privilege!" a pretty silver haired elf suddenly yelled as she cannonballed into the pool

Aslan closed his eyes as she landed right on him!

She was balled up to jump into the pool, and thus the lowest part of her body was her pussy as she had tucked her legs and arms in

She impaled herself on Aslan's erect cock, which was not as long as his father's 12 inches, but was still a sizeable 8 inches long!

As she landed on him, Aslan reacted and sat up, revealing himself as the elf sat on his lap, with him deep inside her!

The elves reacted and even while naked, reached for their weapons and drew them onto Aslan, who was unarmed and naked

"Who goes there? How dare you touch skin with Princess Aria?" the head guard yelled

She was muscular, with scars on her body and was wearing an eyepatch over her left eye

Princess Aria was stunned, unable to move as she looked at Aslan in fear

It was not so much the fact that he was looking at her naked, but what she was feeling inside her

She squeezed her pussy and Aslan suddenly released some warm liquid inside her, and her face became even more shocked

"Come princess. We got him!" the one eyed guard called

Princess Aria suddenly moved, creating turbulence in the water, hiding the face that she had been fucked

She secretly used magic to wash her private parts from the blood from her pussy, while the other elves pointed their swords and bows at Aslan

"Wait! I am a student of the Magic Academy" Aslan said with his hands in the air, but the elves all looked at him coldly as if not believing him

Just then, a hydra crashed through, shocking everyone. Anvi was battling it with her warhammer, as lightning splashed everywhere

Deciding it was the best time to get out of the way, Aslan used his Dark Elf abilities to merge into the shadows and disappeared

But the elves were already busy fighting the hydra, joining Anvi in battle.

Princess Aria sprung into action, controlling both air and water, as was her power, slicing the hydra with windblades and water whips, cutting off a few heads

"It's no use! It can regenerate more heads!" Anvi said, surprised at seeing so many naked elves

True enough, it regenerated a few more heads and shot poison from their mouths

Princess Aria avoided the poison, but she was hit by one of it's heads.

Aria crashed into the water and was cornered as the hydra surrounded her with it's many heads

Suddenly, several pebbles shot through all 12 heads simultaneously causing the heads to explode on impact

Aslan suddenly appeared after blasting off the Hydra's heads with his slingshot and a fireball glowed on its end

It fired off several fireballs as each head suddenly caught fire preventing any of the heads from regenerating

The headless hydra trashed about, swinging it's many necks everywhere 

Aslan landed right on front of Aria, protectively blocking her from the dying hydra

But Aria was still laying low in the water, Aslan's cock mere inches from her face!

She looked at it closely in astonishment, amazed that this thing was inside her

"Holy shit! Is that real Aslan?" Anvi said as she saw Aslan's cock

The elves surrounded him with their bows and swords as Aslan surrendered.

"Hey! What's going on? He rescued us, didn't he?" Anvi asked 

"Get out of there, princess. The hydra is poisoning the water. You too.. pervert" the one eyed captain of the guard commanded, ignoring Anvi

The princess got out of the water as the other elves immediately dressed her, even while they remained naked

Aslan got out of the water, naked and the elves kept him under armed guard as he surrendered his weapon


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