Hybrid - Chapter 30

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:34 AM

Chapter 30

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"What the hell? There's so many of them!" Dossinger yelled as he dodged behind a rock as a rock flew past his head

The group was downhill, bombarded with rocks as the enemies ran down charging at them. Not only was there giants attacking them, but the weather seemed to have gotten worse too!

The enemy consisted of a group of over 3o giant humanoids, from trolls to ogres, cyclopses to ettin, and a myriad of many giant types, all geared for battle! And the wind was howling as the rain started beating down on everyone!

The heights of the humanoids ranged from 9 feet tall (trolls) to over 20 feet tall and it seems like they were under orders from someone

Asterion and Titan ran into battle, clashing with a troll and an ogre each, the smallest of which were at least a meter taller than them!

'Uurgh!" Titan grunted as he pitted his strength against the ogre facing him, and the ogre was actually overpowering him! Instead, he shifted his weight and threw the ogre with a perfectly executed hip throw, slamming it into the ground. He then jumped on the ogre and started pounding it's skull to the ground

He quickly ducked as a cyclops threw a rock, missing him and rolling downhill. The cyclops immediately got an arrow piercing it's only eye, courtesy of Dossinger. Suddenly, the Cyclops who was already screaming, screamed even louder when Thundar slashed it's crotch, his flaming sword destroying everything between its legs

Asterion smashed his axe against the troll's club several times and he smashed the club away, before bringing his axe down on the troll, cleaving it's head in two

Two stone giant that were facing Aslan suddenly froze, before screaming in pain as their own shadows held them in place, then shadow spikes entered from the bottom of their feet, up their legs, entering their bodies, drilling their way up their throat and out their mouths

From those watching, it just looked like the giants froze, then started bleeding from their torso orifices before they opened their mouths and blood shot out from their mouths, and they collapsed, dead!

The rest didn't know, but Aslan was finding more and more unexpected and interesting ways to kill with his powers

Galtar the Golden Knight deflected a rock with his ayra infused lance and pierced a hole through an ettin

Alicia sliced a troll in half with a mighty leap, slicing it in half, from the head to it's groin

Bolo sliced the necks of an ettin, both heads flying through the air before it's body fell to the ground

But there were still over 20 giant humanoids charging at them

Titan took on another cyclops and picked it up with a single leg takedown. But the cyclops smashed Titan's back with a double handed axe chop 

"Titan!" Asterion yelled as he rushed into help, but another two rock giants blocked him, and started engaging him instead

Bolo rushed in to help, when suddenly a bolt of lightning hit him while he had his scimitars in the air, burning him badly

"Bolo!" Alicia screamed as she tried to assist, but another troll blocked her and engaged her

"What was going on? They seem to be more organized now" Aslan thought silently

Another lightning bolt crashed to the ground at Thundar as he was fighting an ogre, but he managed to deflect the lightning with his flaming sword! But the ogre took advantage and batted him away, breaking bones as he was smashed into the trees

The earlier cyclops smashed Titan on the ground and he wasn't moving

Galtar used his golden lance to piece through one of the rock giants that was ganging up on Asterion, as Asterion sliced through the club of the other with his axe, slicing both club and giant at the same time!

Just then, another lightning bolt flashed and Asterion barely managed to block it with his axe head, and he was blown backwards into the trees

Several more bolts crashed down and Alicia managed to block one using her aura infused sword, while Dorringer jumped and summersaulted, avoiding two more that were aimed at him

"Found you!" Aslan said to himself as he located a large 24 foot cloud giant at the top of the hill, surrounded by dark clouds controlling the weather

Running up hill, he hid within the shadows, slicing off the head of the cyclops that was standing over the prone Titan, but running towards the cloud giant

Cloud giants are supposed to be the most intelligent types of giants, using mostly magic, and were the strategists and leaders of the giants, considering themselves as royalty among giants. They were arrogant enough to challenge dragons! They controlled the weather and had other types of magic and were the most threat to them currently

He fired several continuous fireballs at the cloud giant, but the cloud giant deflected it with a wind tornado that absorbed the fireball, becoming a flame tornado surround it to protect itself

It yelled at Aslan something in their giant language and eyed Aslan furiously as lightning flashed at Aslan several times as he disappeared and reappeared from different shadows

"Ah! I shall feed them, as I have only till now used them for sex, but haven't fed them" Aslan thought

Suddenly, from the shadows within the dark clouds, Maya appeared and flew at the cloud giant, eagerly jumping on the giant and feeding on his neck! The giant screamed and tried to get Maya off, but Maya was able to ignore it's blows as she fed

Suddenly, Mya appeared from below and ripped into it's leather pants, grabbing it's gigantic cock and absorbed it's lifeforce, touching it's cock! Mya could easily absorb it's lifeforce by touching it with her hands, but the fastest way was touching it's cock, and even fucking it as the lifeforce was more delicious from sexual activity. As it is, Mya was hugging it's gigantic now erect cock that was much larger than her whole body!

The giant desperately attacked Maya and Mya with it's giant arms, but they both ignored it and continued absorbing it's blood and lifeforce, making it fall to it's knees

Maya and Mya hadn't fed since they were resurrected and their bodies felt invigorated and grew more powerful as they eagerly feasted 

The cloud giant visibly shriveled, as Maya impossibly drained the whole giant's body full of blood, and Mya suddenly ripped off it's cock and started eating it's flesh from it's groin!

The fire tornado dissipated and the storm around the whole area started disappearing as Aslan started slicing off the necks one by one of the entire force of giant humanoids

Alicia and the rest ran to help their injured allies as Aslan massacred the remaining giants and two beautiful females helped him by brutally ripping of head and mangling them. The ogres, trolls and other humanoids were gross gigantic beings dressed in loincloths, and they didn't interest Mya, unlike the cloud giant, who was dressed in leather armor and large jewelry, and thus she didn't have any intention of sexually absorbing their lifeforces

By now, Alicia had gathered her injured teammates, and those badly injured were Bolo and Titan, while Asterion had lost his axe and the others were fine, if not exhausted

"Who are they?" Alicia asked as Aslan grouped together with them and she saw Mya and Maya, dressed in a glossy black/greenish tight leather clothes. In fact, Mya wore a top that looked like she was naked, as her clothes had breasts and nipples on them!

"These.. are my summons. My evil summons" he said as they both smiled and gave a slight bow

Alicia could sense that they were very powerful, the way they overpowered even the giants. Aslan probably had his own reasons for not using them so easily, so she didn't ask

"Let me help. This is my good summons" Aslan suddenly said and a glowing figure suddenly appeared from the darkness. She was dressed in a gauze dress, and her naked body could be seen through the dress, yet her naked parts couldn't be clearly seen!

Her presence caused both Maya and Mya to squint as she walked by to heal Bolo, Titan and the rest

Alicia and her team were human and were probably not born yet, but if any of the older generation were here, especially companions of the hero, they would recognize her. 

She was Gloria, the resurrected Saintess!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!