Hybrid - Chapter 6

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:54:01 AM

Chapter 6

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"That's strange" Aslan said after changing and cleaning up

He was so engrossed in his thoughts from reading Balhazar's notes that he rushed back without noticing something was amiss

Although he was already more relaxed around the elves, and was no longer wary of them, he has always been aware of them, no matter how quiet they were

This was a habit honed after many years, and today on the way back to the hotel, he didn't notice a single one of them. At least a few elves should have been on guard duty

And although he has only been with her a short while, he had been connected body and soul to Aria, and could swear that he was linked to her somehow, and would sense her absence. He somehow knew she wasn't here right now

If he was still being hostile to the elves, this would have been a good option to escape. But he now felt that he had been welcomed to the family, especially Aria's family

He phased into the shadows and appeared in the shadow of Aria's room. What's the worse that could happen? Laureal attacking him? At most, he could say that he was trying to sneak in for sex

But he could see immediately that both Aria and Laureal weren't there, and their absence wasn't willingly 

He immediately checked in the other rooms, in rooms of the other elves that he has been in a bath with Aria. Being naked and letting them watch you masturbate certainly made you familiar and close to them in a strange way

Confirming his suspicion, he immediately moved through the shadows to outside the hotel and try to see if there were any clues

The city was large, but if he could cover the distance to the Valley of Shadows in an hour, he could cover much of the city in the next few hours

Avoiding the private residences for now, he scouted the many public places such as the jails and dungeons, the warehouses in the city, the slums

It didn't take long for him to find them in the slave district after narrowing down the options of where they might be

Indeed this was Evermore, the trade city. They traded everything, even slaves, whether legally acquired or not.

From the shadows, he saw that the elves were stripped naked, chained with presumably magical chains. 

They were only now waking up, and looking confused, being surrounded by other slaves in cages of all races, including humans and beastfolk

Aria woke up and was shocked at she was, held in a different place as a slaver was eagerly fingering her pussy while using her mouth to suck his tiny dick

Aslan was only 12, but he could see that his dick was way larger than this man's, but he couldn't watch Aria suck another man!

Aria started resisting, but the man held her head with two hands, now that she was awake, and started fucking her face

Aslan suddenly appeared from the shadows and dealt a blow to the man's head from behind using his staff

He used so much force, the man's head smashed open like a watermelon and his brains flew all over the wall

"Are you alright?" Aslan whispered as Aria recovered from the shock of the man's head exploding

She showed that the chains were restraining her, while trying to get the taste of the man's smelly dick out of her mouth

Normally Aslan would have just used his shadow abilities to phase her out of the chains, but they were magical chains that negated magic

Besides, he also still didn't want to show his shadow abilities

Where magic failed, there was always brute force

"Hold out your hand" Aslan said as Aria held out her hand

Aslan certainly wouldn't have used his staff as a crowbar, but taking a few pebbles he saved in his pocket, he wound up his sling at the tip of his staff, and immediately shot the pebble accurately at Aria's cuffs

The impact was so great, like a bullet to a pair of handcuffs, Aslan shattered the chain connecting her hands

Another shot freed her from the chains on her legs and she was free

Aslan walked to the cages where the other elves were and destroyed the gates of the cage. One by one, he shattered their chains freeing them

The other slaves started making noise demanding to be freed as well, and the commotion brought the attention of the other slavers

"Shit" he shot multiple pebbles, breaking the other cages to create a diversion

But some of the slaves were in chains, and some wasn't. Those that wasn't were already free once the cage opened and the elves gathered and helped the other slaves escape

Aslan blasted a hole in the wall with a fireball to allow everyone to escape

"You stay with the others. I will handle this" Aslan said angrily and rushed up the stairs and set the whole place ablaze

Multiple slavers rushed at him, but he simply smiled and merged into the shadows

Using a move only his parents knew about, he controlled the shadows to move like blades and stabbed the shadows of the slavers

He didn't even have to stab them directly as stabbing their shadows was the same to him as stabbing them directly, and the result was the same, death. Except that they had no way of defending!

It was vicious and unstoppable, untraceable and beyond what his mother could do

He had been told not to use it unless in cases of emergency but he was so angry

He watched for a while from across the road as the whole slave market burned to the ground

He didn't even know if the elves freed all the slaves, but he assumed so as there were so many slaves fleeing


"Aslan!" Aria greeted him at the hotel after getting dressed. It was time to leave anyway and the whole city seemed to be in an uproar

Aslan was still in a daze after killing so many slavers and burning the slave house down

"We thank you. How were you able to not get kidnapped?" Laureal asked

Aslan snapped out of his daze and remembered not to tell anyone about going to visit Balthazar's tower and recovering his notes on necromancy

"I...detected something was amiss and observed from a distance before taking action" he said. Laureal gave him a disbelieving look but accepted his word anyway

Laureal was frustrated, as she suspected the hotel was in on their kidnapping somehow. But she was forced to pay anyway as she had no evidence. But she would file a report in Elfheim and recommend that the elves never use this hotel again

With that, the carriage took off and departed from Evermore

Aslan was hugging Aria who was still in shock of what happened, and Laureal was in no mood to stop them even if they started fucking. Fortunately for her, they didn't and only kissed and hugged


After the short break, they continued their journey, and passed through the border of Almera

After a quick check of the occupants of the carriage, they continued their journey

Hours later, late in the afternoon, they faced a cliff overlooking a large city

"Look! The Royal Academy of Magic!" Laureal said looking through the window

"That's the academy? It's nearly as large as Evermore, the city of trade!" Aslan said in astonishment

Aria hugged Aslan. It would soon come to a time where she had to pretend not to know him, and she wanted to imprint herself on him

The carriages arrived at a square and the passengers departed

There were older students at the academy helping sort the new intakes and guide them to their dorm rooms

Aria gave a salute to the elven troops who escorted them during the journey

"Good luck princess. I hope the academy is everything you hoped for" Laureal said and glanced at Aslan who was still hanging around

"Remember.... no fucking" she whispered to both of them as she got into the carriage and took off

Aria walked to Aslan, who was looking at a statue at the center of the square. It was a statue of Arterus, who was wounded and killed because they had lost their healer, Saintess Gloria. His death forced the companions to flee the final battle with the Demon King

Next to it was a statue of the Saintess Gloria, who lost all her holy powers when Balthazar raped her, forcing her to quit the companions. This led to the hero's death. Ultimately when she heard this, she committed suicide

"What are you thinking about?" Aria asked him as she stood next to him. She couldn't resist but entwine her pinky with his, trying her best not to touch him

"Looking at these statues, all my history lessons in school came to life" Aslan said

But in his thoughts, he remembered the large scar on his father Orcrage's chest that was caused by the Hero Acterus. It nearly killed him, and he managed to deal an injury to Arterus in return. He didn't know if this was the injury that ultimately killed him, but it surely weakened him for the Demon King to deal the final blow. And the reason Orcrage survived and Arterus died, was that Orcrage was healed by the demon army healers, while Arterus didn't have anyone who could heal him

"Good luck, Aria. See you in class" Aslan said

"Thank you. You too" Aria replied as both did their best not to look at each other

Then, taking their luggage, they departed with the senior student leading them to their residences 




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