Hybrid - Chapter 8

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:58 AM

Chapter 8

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By the time Aslan was 15, Aria was 205. They were still in the top class in their year, but Aslan remained low key and was placed 3rd in class. Aria was, of course, ranked first and was a prodigy, well loved and respected by all. They were openly friends and competitors by now, though they didn't look close publicly. They acted more like the official Elven princess and one of her half-elf subjects

He had now grown to 6 feet tall, the same height as Aria. Aslan was muscular, yet lean and quite good looking, whereas Aria looked gorgeous as usual as she never ages. But they were of similar height now and looked more compatible 

They still met in private, only Aslan had now shown her one of his shadow abilities, the ability to enter the shadows, and he regularly brings her into the shadow realm to make love

She never questioned his abilities as both of them learned many different types of magic in the Academy, and Aslan frequented the library often, learning all kinds of magic. This was a gift that he got from his mother, who was a infamous sorcerer. 

His close friend Anvi, was not very versatile and only ranked 12th in class. She was an expert in her lightning magic, and had learned some flame magic, but only with Aslan's help. And a little bit of water magic. She leaned these to help her craft better, but that was it. Aslan thought that she had the ability to learn more, but she wasn't interested

She was a genius inventor and craftsman, and even the elven craftsman in the city loved her. She freely used her fire magic to manipulate the furnace, and her water magic to quench her creations, but she still only used her lightning for battle. She would have ranked higher in class if only she bothered to learn other types of magic. So her exam results were limited


Today, they were going for the 3rd year school examination in the Dark Forest. This was one of the exams where it was a survival course, rigged with traps and beasts as they competed to get points and several check points along the way to the top of the mountain

After 3 years of simply learning magic in the Academy, this was the first test that allowed the students to use their powers openly, and in a realistic scenario

Although this was a test, the chances of serious injury or death was very real indeed and every student was given a "escape stone" where they would crush a stone that immediately teleports them to where the lecturers were

Since the opening ceremony, this was the second time the students have seen Professor Dumbledalf attending. Only perhaps Aria had seem him more times since her parents, King Aldair and Queen Luna had visited the Academy once a year ago. 

They had visited Aria, and checked up on all the Elven and Half-Elven kids studying there, including Aslan and all the other elves in different years. Queen Luna smiled at Aslan, noticing how tall and handsome he's grown

There were 400 kids participating. And the task was simple, hunt as many beasts and demonic creatures as they could within 3 days and collect their cores, which would be calculated for their score. They were not allowed to go past a certain fenced area of the forest. But that was it. The whistle was blown and all the kids started running into the forest while the many lecturers stayed by a large lakehouse by the lake, which was the starting and ending point


Aslan walked calmly through the forest, losing sight of everybody else

He wasn't in any hurry since it was a three day test, and the Dark Forest was known to have plenty of beasts and demonic creatures

Sounds of battle was taking place all around, and a sound of lightning crashing signified Anvi fighting nearby

A group of monkeylike creatures rushed out towards him with fangs bared, and Aslan shot fireballs at them burning them to ash and leaving their cores

"At least I don't have to dig them out of their skulls" he thought to himself

He bent over to pick two up and another few flew into his hand as he kept them in a pouch

"Fancy meeting you here" a beautiful voice sounded

"Aimee" Aslan said, knowing who she was without looking. She was the last person he wanted to meet

She was a beautiful blonde Vila, a magical nymph-like magical being and second in ranking, above him and just below Aria

He never really knew her as Aria always warns him in private about her, as she tries to flirt with him often. But she literally flirts with all the guys and was the crush of many guys, possibly as many as Aria

She was a beauty, wearing literal see through clothes all the time, although it somehow hid her private areas

She was magically very powerful, and her racial magics alone allowed her life transfer, animal communication, hypnotism, shapeshifting, storm manipulation, super strength, durability and speed. On top of that she was quite gifted in learning new magic too

"I've always liked you. Why do you keep ignoring me? Is it the princess?" Aimee asked as she approached him

He felt his will literally weakening as she got close to him, rubbing her body on his arm

"She is a a high elven princess, you know. You stand no chance with her. But with me..." she said as she suddenly inserted her hand into his pants and felt his growing snake

"Oh! How exciting" she said as she felt his enormous cock

She drew out her hand, covered in his pre-cum, and licked it

She suddenly frowned

"You... you've already done it with her? How can that be?" Aimee suddenly said and looked sad

"Please Aimee.." Aslan said softly

"I... I understand. I'm too late. You're linked with her already" she said and looked him deep in his eyes, his face inches from hers

Suddenly, she kissed him

"I wanted you. But it's not meant to be" she sighed and started walking off

"Wait.. Aimee" Aslan called out

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Tell Aria that she's a lucky girl" Aimee said and disappeared into the forest

Just then, Aslan snapped out of it. Was he hypnotized? Or was there a natural charm on her, making her attract all men?


He walked around for another 2 hours, killing several minor creatures, but nothing worth boasting about yet. The other students were far in front of him and possibly had already hunted far more prized creatures

He walked and discovered one of his classmates, Tom, hiding behind a tree. He looked and all around several other classmates were hiding as well

"What is going on?" Aslan asked

Tom placed his finger to his lips and pointed ahead. Beyond the trees there was a large orc village the gate guarded by two orc guards and two orcs guarded a watchtower just behind the gate. The students seemed to have teamed up to attack the orcs and was waiting for a signal

Suddenly, Aria flew into the air and shot two wind blades, killing the two orcs on the tower, and before the guards at the gate could react, the students all started attacking!

One of the guards managed to blow his horn before being killed by his classmate Bolton, the paladin in training, who then killed the other guard

"Damn it, Bolton. You were too slow" Aria scolded as she landed next to him

"I'm sorry Aria. He was faster than I anticipated" Bolton said as Anvi rushed past them and smashed her hammer to the ground, creating an earthquake. 

The other students rushed in and started fighting with the orcs, who were already alerted

Orcs were killed and several students were injured. Some were healed by Bolton, while the more serious injured were teleported back to the lakehouse

Suddenly a large orc shaman exited the chieftain's house and started firing rapidfire fireballs at the students

Aslan's eyebrow raised. Was this like his father, commanding the high orcs?

Aria, Anvi and several of the students who could control fire started deflecting the fireballs, but they were struggling as the fireballs hit and exploded with such high impact. The tide turned to favor the orcs as the students were forced back

"This won't do. Lets see how good this guy is" Aslan thought

The next barrage of fireballs suddenly floated in the air and gathered together as one large fireball

The student's got scared and started fleeing

But surprisingly the orc shaman was startled too

Aslan walked out of the forest holding his mithril staff Cursed

"Aslan!" Anvi called happily. Aria turned and look, and was relieved

Aslan pointed at the orc chieftain and the fireball suddenly crashed into him, causing to scream as the fire consumed him

The battle tide turned yet again as the students turned and faced the orcs again, who had been demoralized

As he walked past, he pressed a button on Cursed, and a blade shot out as he used it to chop two orc's head off

He stopped right next to the Princess and smiled

"I hope you agree, this one is mine, correct?" Aslan said as he opened his hand and the orc shaman and the other two orc's mana cores floated into his hand

"Yes. Er.. thank you" Aria said. She couldn't act familiar to him, but she wished she could "reward" him right now


The group sat around a campfire after the battle

Aria was surrounded by a large group of students, both guys who were interested, and girls who admired her

She couldn't spent time with Aslan, who sat next to Anvi, who was his best friend. 

"Going already? There's strength in numbers. You should spend the night in the camp" Anvi said

"The best hunting will be at night, Anvi. I don't want to miss out" Aslan smiled

He gave her a fistbump and gave Aria a wave before he left the camp

Aria looked at him and gave him a sad smile. She wasn't going to be able to spend time with him anyway

She will "make it up" to him when they returned to the Academy anyway, now that he has shown her his shadow hiding ability


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