Hybrid - Chapter 9

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:53:58 AM

Chapter 9

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Aslan explored the forest, close to the fence separating the Dark Forest where the students were allowed to go, and to deeper into the forest

There was a battle going on and he went to investigate

"Is she crazy? There is a reason why we're not allowed past the area" Aslan thought as he saw Aimee fighting a manticore!

Nearby, he saw that the fence had been cut, and he instantly knew what she did

 "Foolish girl" he thought. He wasn't going to help her as she had brought this on herself by cutting the fence of the forbidden area. "Let her activate her escape stone" he thought.

He watched her battle on, getting injured but showing impressive courage and ability. But a manticore was too much for a teenage Vila, no matter how powerful she was, and even adults would require a capable team to defeat it.

He watched as she got more and  more injured her dress was ripped open, exposing her breasts and leaving her exposed

It was clear that she would be defeated, and that she won't give up even if she die. Aslan had enough and appeared from her own shadow, grabbing her, just as it was about to give her a fatal sting. They reappeared from the shadow of the trees nearby. 

Aslan ripped off her dress, revealing that she was completely nude underneath and covered her with his Academy cloak as her dress didn't cover her any more. He was surprised that she wasn't even wearing any underwear!

The manticore roared angrily at losing his prey and eyed Aslan and Aimee, who was a few feet away

Aslan looked at it and instantly it couldn't move, restrained by its own shadow. Aslan could control all shadows and if the shadow doesn't move, the physical cannot move too!

The shadow suddenly got pulled apart and the manticore roared in pain as it's head tore itself off! The head ripped itself apart as the shadow did, and the mana stone flew to him and levitated before him. It was large, and glowed purple as it's shadow sliced itself in two. Two neat halves dropped into his hand

"There, half for you, half for me" Aslan smiled

"About time. I was wondering if you would keep watching from the shadows, or help me" she said weakly

" Can't you heal yourself" Aslan asked, knowing that healing was within her capabilities. Her body was bleeding everywhere and she looked sickly and pale

" I need... lifeforce" she said weakly

Aslan sighed. If she quits now, she might fail the exams

"Ok. Take some of mine to heal your wounds" he decided

She grabbed on to his arm and started absorbing his lifeforce, but her eyes opened after tasting his lifeforce and she pulled him to her, kissing him on the lips!

She had never tasted such rich lifeforce, a mixture of his lifeforce and Aria's, which was supposedly having an eternal lifeforce!

Aslan felt himself losing all his strength and consciousness as Aimee sucked more lifeforce than he imagined

As his consciousness started leaving him, he felt her removing his pants and groping his penis, pumping it desperately. Once it was hard enough, she sat on him!

In another part of the forest, Aria felt something in her, as if she was weakened somehow. "Aslan!" she said with a frown, but was unable to figure out what was happening. Perhaps he was in danger?

Aimee fucked Aslan to her heart's content, never having experienced such a cock before. It wasn't as if she was experienced, as she was a virgin too, but being a Vila, it was her nature to flirt and steal other beings lifeforces

Aslan tried to stop her, but all he could do was grab her breast and squeeze them weakly

"It's ok. You can cum in me" she said

The moment she said that, Aslan ejaculated in her with everything he had and she climaxed as well. She collapsed on him and kissed him passionately as he fell unconscious


Aslan awoke several hours later in a cave, blocked by some bushes

"You're awake! You've been out for half a day. Thank you for saving me" Aimee said but Aslan was too weak to talk. She had completely recovered from her wounds

"I hope you don't hate me for this" she said sitting up as she straightened Aslan's cloak

Aslan didn't reply, but he didn't indicate that he hated her

"I.. won't tell anyone about this. I hope you don't tell the Princess too. I will return your lifeforce soon" she promised

"I hope.. we remain friends, and I hope... you can rescue me again sometime.... I better take my leave before I use you against your will again" she said and got up and left

Aslan was confused, but saw his exposed dick. She had been sucking on it. He also saw his blood stained underwear. And it wasn't his blood!

He sat up and saw his staff, Cursed, nearby and the half the manticore mana stone next to it

Fortunately nobody knew about his shadow dimensional pocket. Though, Aimee must have seen his shadow abilities. Aria certainly already knows about it. He got up and kept the mana stone in the bag and stored it in his shadow

While Aimee was absorbing his lifeforce, he actually lost consciousness. But now, he realized that he didn't lose very much of it, and didn't feel week at all

What she absorbed was at most 5 years of his life. That was like 0.0005% each of Aslan and Aria's shared lifespans, if you estimate a high elf limit is 10,000 years and a half-elf was 1,000 years. But high elves have never lived to the limit, all dying of war or sickness. Some speculate that they could perhaps live forever. And Aslan wasn't technically a half-elf. He was partially a High Orc which should live for 5,000 years, and part Dark Elf, who could live probably as long as a high elf, as he knew Astra came from some sort of royal blood of the dark elves

He got out of the cave. It was still in the afternoon, but he felt that he was behind in points. So he merged into the shadows and started hunting


Aslan found the conditions in the jungle today very strange. There were dead bodies of creatures everywhere, and he was sure his fellow students weren't that bloodthirsty, nor capable of such carnage. Furthermore, for most of these dead creatures, their mana cores were still intact! 

He wandered around some more, without collecting any mana cores, curious what was happening. It surely didn't reel like part of the exam anymore

Aslan started discovering dead bodies of the students, savagely killed like they were cattle! He was just about to examine of the bodies, when he sensed someone approaching, and he faded into the shadows again

"Another one here!" one of the examiners yelled as he checked on the dead body that Aslan was just only about to examine

"The examiners are here too? Something serious must have happened" he thought from within the shadows

Professor Dumbledalf suddenly appeared using teleportation and examined the student

"Damn!" he cursed before standing up and looking around. Suddenly he faced Aslan! He looked at the shadow Aslan was in and started reaching out to the shadow. But all he felt was the tree the shadow was on

Meanwhile, Aslan had already appeared in another shadow on the other side of the area

Dumbledalf turned and looked directly at him angrily again, and instantly teleporting, he stood next to the current shadow Aslan was in

Aslan instantly transported himself to yet another shadow, this time the big shadow area covering the whole area of trees. It was the Dark Forest after all

Before Dumbledalf could teleport again, suddenly a huge creature came smashing through and smashed the original examiner who was there. His body was slashed in two before he could even react

"Desmond!" Dumbledalf yelled, but it was too late

The creature was green and covered in scales, taller than a man, and as muscular as an orc. It had horns on the ridges of his face and on it's elbows and knees. It carried a shield and large blade of some sort

"A saurus!" Dumbledalf said in amazement

"Dumbledalf!" Another examiner arrived and fired a bolt of energy at the creature

The creature didn't even block and let the bolt land on it's body, shrugging it off as if it was nothing

"It's immune to magic!" Dumbledalf yelled

The creature moved so fast, the new instructor had no option but to create a energy shield with her magic as the creature slashed down on her

"Margara!" Dumbledalf yelled as he cast a spell, creating a shield over Margella's shield

But both shields instantly shattered. But surprisingly, the Saurus suddenly stopped in it's movement, it's blade inches away from Margara's head

"I guess my shadow's aren't considered magic!" Aslan thought to himself

Suddenly, Anvi appeared from behind and smashed the Saurus' spine with her axe-hammer weapon. Lightning penetrated it's body and internally, it's spine was already shattered. But as Aslan was immobilizing its body, it could only cough blood

Anvil then collapsed. She was covered in blood and had lost an eye. The fingers of her right had had its bones showing!

"Anvi!" Margara yelled and both she and Dumbledalf rushed to her aid, but Aslan suddenly appeared from somewhere and reached her first!

"Aslan? Where..." Margara asked but Aslan ignored her as Anvi struggled to tell him something

"They got her. They... took Aria!" she said before passing out

"Do you have an escape stone? We need to get her to the Lakehouse fast" Margara said

Aslan took out his and passed it to her. She put it in Anvi's other hand and crushed it. She was instantly teleported to safety

"Now, try to run to safety as fast as you can. We will create a distraction for you" Margara said

"Go!" Dumbledalf suddenly said

"I know you and Aria are fated. King Aldair told me about it and that you are... capable. I was only supposed to prevent you both from fucking at the Academy. But if you can rescue Princess Aria. Please do so. They are immune to our magic. But not yours somehow!" Aslan heard Dumbledalf's voice in his head!

Aslan nodded his head and suddenly disappeared

"Did he..?" Margara asked

"Yes. This boy is more mysterious than meets the eye" Dumbledalf said

Aslan passed through the shadows, following the many Sauruses that had now appeared everywhere and were killing examiners and students that were still there

Aslan revealed his blade from one end of Cursed, chopped off all the shadows of the heads of the Sauruses. Suddenly, all their heads fell off their bodies without any means of defending!

He was in a rush, and it was easier and faster to chop off the shadows of the sauruses' heads, than to  individually control their shadows and detach their heads. He was not fussy how his power works, whichever was faster

He followed the trail of the sauruses to the fence, and found that they had destroyed the fence in several places, intruding into the examination site at will

It looked like an invasion as hundreds of sauruses had come fully armed with their weapons. They were all immune to magic, and their weapons were unstoppable by magic too! This would have marked the end of the Academy of Magic

But within a minute, nobody knew what had happened, only that the creatures all had their heads cut off

He continued killing and following the direction of the source of where the sauruses came from

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