Published at 29th of August 2023 07:54:33 AM

Chapter 24

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The room was immediately silent.

Wen Zhuzhi blinked. It wasn’t until much later that he reached up and rubbed his cheek: “You…”

“Don’t say anything about military regulations,” Bai Zhi said with an unrepentant face. “Whatever the military regulations say, I will kiss you anyway.” 

Wen Zhuzhi’s face flushed bright red. He immediately turned around and pointed a finger at Bai Zhi: “You – you – you-” 

“I won’t listen, I won’t listen!” Bai Zhi covered his ears, talking nonstop: “I won’t listen to any scolding today! I’m leaving my words here! And – and, we already kissed; if you don’t take responsibility, then I’ll kiss you again! I’ll anger you to death!” 

Wen Zhuzhi hadn’t caught his breath yet: “You still want to anger me?”

“Of course,” Bai Zhi sulked. 

“I’m really…” Wen Zhuzhi sighed and walked over to Bai Zhi, raising his voice a little: “Do I have to take responsibility for just a cheek kiss? This hasn’t been cleared up yet and you want to anger me?” 

Bai Zhi suddenly felt a little terrified seeing him walk over imposingly and sneakily took a few steps back when his shoulder was abruptly pressed down. Wen Zhuzhi leaned down, lifted Bai Zhi’s chin, and kissed him square on the lips. 

Bai Zhi’s eyes widened. 

A while later, Wen Zhuzhi slowly loosened his hand. His voice hid a laugh: “You still know how to breathe. Not bad.”

As Wen Zhuzhi’s breath tickled his face, Bai Zhi felt his cheeks grow hot. He hung his head, too embarrassed to speak. Wen Zhuzhi’s mood lifted seeing this, and he turned around to pour him a cup of water. As he lifted his feet, he discovered that he couldn’t take another step.

When he looked down to check, he burst out laughing. Bai Zhi, this fellow, despite hanging his head shyly, was tightly pulling on the corner of his clothes; even if he tried to shake him off, he couldn’t. 

Wen Zhuzhi rubbed him: “Let go.”


“I’m getting you some water.”

“I don’t want it.” Bai Zhi lifted his head, staring at Wen Zhuzhi: “The two of us have already kissed, so we’re a couple now.”

Wen Zhuzhi didn’t speak.

Bai Zhi’s heart sunk. He placed his arms on Wen Zhuzhi’s shoulders and pounced, biting his ear: “Anyway, I’ll handle the situation with my mother and father. You should just rest easy and prepare to become my wife.” 

Just as his voice fell and Bai Zhi planned to continue intimidating him, he was suddenly lifted into the air. Wen Zhuzhi, carrying the little demon, turned around and placed him back onto the bed. He reached out and tapped Bai Zhi on the nose.

“As you command, Your Highness.”

Bai Zhi blinked and wanted to hang onto him for a while, but Wen Zhuzhi just tucked him in: “I visited you earlier, and your injuries hadn’t healed yet,” he said softly. “Sleep. When you’re well-rested I’ll send you back home.” 

Bai Zhi truly wasn’t feeling very well. Earlier he’d been burdened by his worries and hadn’t thought about anything else. Now that his worries had been resolved, he felt weariness slowly take over. 

“Then when I wake up, will I be able to see you?”

“If you rest properly, I’ll accept your proposal.” 

Bai Zhi was relieved and burrowed into the blankets, closing his eyes.

Wen Zhuzhi sat by his bedside until Bai Zhi was fully asleep before standing up, his eyes gradually turning towards elsewhere.

The sunlight outside was perfectly bright, but Wen Zhuzhi’s mood wasn’t bright at all.

After returning from that abandoned planet, he had frequently been thinking about the little prince. He hadn’t yet figured out whether it was simply concern over his injuries when the emperor successfully redirected his attention.

A bestowed marriage. 

Wen Zhuzhi tightly clenched his fist. 

He didn’t want to have relations with the imperial family at all. He should find a way to break off this engagement, but…

Wen Zhuzhi turned his head to look back at the person fast asleep on the bed.

Maybe now, someone will help him out of his problems. 


When Bai Zhi woke up, it was already dusk. He laid there on the bed for a while before catching a whiff of a sweet and fragrant smell.

Wen Zhuzhi held a porcelain bowl, slowly walking towards the bedside and sitting down: “Sticky rice balls in glutinous rice wine. When you finish eating, I’ll send you home.” 

Bai Zhi sat up to take it, immediately smiling when he bit in: “You made it.”

“Mn? You can tell by the taste?”Wen Zhuzhi asked, somewhat surprised.

Bai Zhi ducked his head, smiling. He took a big bite and vaguely said: “If it’s tasty, you made it.” 

“Then I’m truly honored,” Wen Zhuzhi teased before straightening his expression. “You’re not allowed to talk until you finish eating.”

Bai Zhi was originally going to keep praising him, but he could only obediently nod and quietly finish the rice balls.

Wen Zhuzhi wiped Bai Zhi’s mouth with a handkerchief: “Don’t tap the empty bowl!” 

The hand that Bai Zhi was happily tapping stopped: “…Oh.” 

After everything was settled, Bai Zhi sat in the prepared aircraft to return to the palace. As Wen Zhuzhi stood by the front door watching them drive away, Bai Zhi pressed himself against the glass trying to gesture something. Seeing this, Wen Zhuzhi suddenly had an ominous premonition. 

His premonition indeed proved true. 

On the morning of the second day, Wen Zhuzhi had just finished breakfast when he was shocked into place by the lead story on the interplanetary news.

Bai Zhi, dressed in full ceremonial attire, held a large microphone and resolutely vowed: “Everyone should disregard the rumor from before. Wen Zhuzhi and the Second Princess are not together.”He punctuated each word with a pause, expression solemn: “The person who wants to be with Wen Zhuzhi is me!” 

In a split second, the reporters became impassioned. Wen Zhuzhi shot up, staring astonishedly at the person on the screen.

Shao Luo cocked his head and said in a clear voice: “This matter has already been approved by His Majesty. Within the next few days, we will be engaged.”

When he finished speaking, he glanced once at everyone, turned off the microphone, and left. 

Wen Zhuzhi only closed out of the news when he could no longer see Bai Zhi on screen; his heart had long been thrown in disorder.

He didn’t think Shao Luo would have such drive, such courage, to openly declare his love to everyone. 

He originally hadn’t taken Shao Luo very seriously on the matter of being together. He’d thought the little prince was just mentioning it casually or declaring ownership after feeling that his things had been stolen, not that he was truly earnest. 

He was a prince, after all. 

But he went above and beyond Wen Zhuzhi’s expectations. 

Shao Luo wasn’t merely serious, he was frighteningly serious.

Wen Zhuzhi wasn’t sure how he felt, just that if Shao Luo sincerely liked someone, that person would surely feel very secure. 

After all, he was like this. Like this…

A series of phone calls interrupted Wen Zhuzhi’s train of thought. He snapped out of his daze and hurriedly picked up, immediately hearing a familiar voice: “Wen Zhuzhi, good morning!” 

Wen Zhuzhi paused for a moment before opening his mouth: “Yes, good morning.” 

Bai Zhi hurriedly asked, “Did you see the declaration I made?”

“I saw it.”

“Hahaha, then there must be a lot of people who saw it! I already told my father to change the marriage partner to someone else. Guess who he changed it to?”

Did this even need guessing? If it was changed to anyone else, you would have exploded long ago, Wen Zhuzhi thought silently. However, he still followed along with Bai Zhi and asked: “Who?” 


Bai Zhi happily drawled: “I told them that our feelings sprouted on that abandoned planet. It’s super reasonable!” 

“Mhm,” Wen Zhuzhi agreed, delayed. 

Bai Zhi held the communications device, earnestly saying: “You don’t have to worry. There won’t be anyone blocking us. Even if there are, I can make them disappear. You won’t hear any slanderous rumors, and it won’t disrupt your military work. You won’t have to worry about the future with me.”

Wen Zhuzhi was momentarily stunned in place, not expecting Shao Luo to consider so much.

It was like his heart was suddenly struck, numbly aching, leaving him unsure of what to do.

The communications device continued transmitting that person’s explanations. As Wen Zhuzhi listened and listened, he gradually became unable to speak.

If he’d previously felt sixty percent affection and forty percent schemes, with some exploitative ideas remaining, then now… Wen Zhuzhi slowly exhaled, his heart stinging.

He kind of wanted to be in a sincere relationship with Shao Luo, unrelated to benefits, unrelated to identity, just falling in love with him based on the heart. 

Just as this thought was born, it started growing madly like a weed until it completely took over his mind and body. 

Wen Zhuzhi couldn’t resist taking a deep breath: “Shao Luo.”


“Can I…” Wen Zhuzhi asked hoarsely. “Can I trust you?”

The other was silent for a moment before answering: “Yes, absolutely.”

Wen Zhuzhi couldn’t help laughing when he heard the voice transmitted through the device. “Okay.” 

Hearing his laughter, Bai Zhi’s clenched heart finally relaxed. Wen Zhuzhi spoke again soon after, his voice tinged with a rare bit of softness: “Last time I promised to watch the sunrise with you, but we were interrupted by the Zerg. Do you still remember that?” 

“I remember.”

“Then…” Wen Zhuzhi paused. “I kind of want to watch the sunrise with you right now. Do you want to?”

“Of course I do!” Bai Zhi immediately answered.

Wen Zhuzhi’s voice instantly sounded: “Wait for me.”

He hung up and rushed out.

He rarely moved this quickly, and he’d never been this sincere before.

But now, he wanted to try it out.

If it’s Shao Luo, if it’s him, he can be rash for once, can’t he? 

Wen Zhuzhi had countless thoughts running through his head. Suddenly, he wanted nothing but to see Shao Luo. 

He wanted to rush to his side, wanted to hear his voice. His heart was pounding bathump, bathump, his body seemed to be in high-alert combat mode. 

He never knew that admitting you like someone, that having your feeling reciprocated, would feel this way.

The speed of a full-powered admiral was very quick, and in barely any time he reached the building where Bai Zhi made his public vow. The aircraft came to a stable stop overhead. Bai Zhi’s clothes rippled in the wind. Brimming with happiness, he moved towards Wen Zhuzhi, who reached out a hand.

The aircraft rapidly set off. Wen Zhuzhi held Bai Zhi’s hand, and they disembarked together when it came to a stop. 

This was a completely unfamiliar district. Bai Zhi’s eyes slowly widened.

The night sky was like a giant curtain, firmly enveloping the entire globe. The curtain was dotted with countless stars, starlight glittering.

“This is?”

“Hailun Star.” Wen Zhuzhi gazed into Bai Zhi’s eyes, earnestly saying: “Here, you can see this field of stars, the most beautiful patch of sky.”

Hearing this, Bai Zhi turned. The stars hung conspicuously above the eastern skies. He blinked up at them.

Wen Zhuzhi’s voice rang out from behind him: “Do you like it?”

Bai Zhi pondered before nodding: “Yes.”

Wen Zhuzhi smiled faintly, pulling the boy to find somewhere to sit: “Wait until dawn, then we’ll be able to see the sunrise. The sunrises and sunsets here are both pretty.”

The grass swayed in the wind, the rustling of leaves and branches repeatedly drifted past their ears. Bai Zhi inhaled deeply and turned his head to Wen Zhuzhi, who was already half-lying on the grass, arms cushioning his head, gaze distant. 

Bai Zhi saw his appearance and suddenly asked: “Do you often come here?”

Wen Zhuzhi answered after a brief silence: “No, just once in a while.”

Bai Zhi oohed, simply lying down next to him. The night wind was slightly cool, brushing by the two from time to time. 

Wen Zhuzhi’s voice suddenly rang: “Prince Shao Luo, do you want to hear a story?”

“What kind of story?”

“One that isn’t so easy to listen to.” Wen Zhuzhi sighed, abruptly asking: “Your Highness, have you ever been lonely?”

Bai Zhi stared blankly. 

“It’s not a good feeling. I hope Your Highness won’t experience it for the rest of your life.”

Wen Zhuzhi laughed, but Bai Zhi felt a sudden unease. He sat up, looking straight at Wen Zhuzhi: “You…?”

Wen Zhuzhi was silent. Bai Zhi wanted to speak but hesitated. He wanted to ask what the story was, what his hardships were, but seeing his exhausted look, he didn’t dare.

He suddenly had a weird feeling.

From Fang Jingmo, to Du Huai’an, to the current Wen Zhuzhi, it seemed that he had always overlooked something.

The transmigration mission was to become the villain’s little bro1 and to change his original bad ending. Bai Zhi was always working towards this goal, and their endings indeed changed after he came, but what about before he transmigrated?

None of the novels mentioned the villain’s life from before the storyline began, and Bai Zhi hadn’t thought of this aspect before. 

But at this moment, he was suddenly afraid. 

The sun had, without his notice, begun peeking out from the mountaintops. Wen Zhuzhi patted Bai Zhi to turn and look. The sun was unhurriedly rising from between two peaks, rays of light gradually spilling over the earth.

Breathtaking, in all its brilliance.

Just then, Wen Zhuzhi’s voice sounded, floating to Bai Zhi’s ears: “If you saw a child, born in a bitterly cold and remote land, hatefully abandoned by his clansmen and parents for his appearance, chased by the world because his race is reviled, and neither sides of the war tolerate him, Your Highness, would you save him?”

“…I don’t know.”

Bai Zhi pondered over it, slowly shaking his head. After a moment he stopped, turning to look at the reclining Wen Zhuzhi, expression absolutely solemn: “I don’t want to lie to you.”

“Truthfully, I don’t understand the human race. I don’t have feelings,” he said, one word at a time. “I’ll only save you.”

Wen Zhuzhi’s heart contracted, fingertips trembling uncontrollably.

Bai Zhi rested his head on Wen Zhuzhi’s chest, earnestly saying: “Wen Zhuzhi, I’ll be with you forever. This promise I’ll always keep.” 

The response was Wen Zhuzhi covering Bai Zhi’s hand with his own. 

The corners of Bai Zhi’s lips quirked up faintly as he buried himself deeper in his lover’s embrace. 


When the two returned, it was already noon. Under Wen Zhuzhi’s supervision, Bai Zhi drank a bottle of nutrient supplements with a bitter face. Only when the system gave him a big spirit fruit was a certain crybaby demon coaxed. 

Bai Zhi, cupping the fruit in his hands, reluctantly and broken-heartedly parted with Wen Zhuzhi. Not long after, he was found by the emperor and dragged home.

“You aren’t even wedded, yet you ran off with him,” the emperor sighed, looking at his disappointing son.

“Wen Zhuzhi and your matter has to be pushed back, since he’ll be going to the battlefield soon.”

“What?” Bai Zhi almost dropped his fruit. “He’s going to the battlefield?”

“He didn’t tell you?” The emperor was a little flabbergasted. 

“No,” Bai Zhi was anxious. “The battlefield? Tell me clearly?”

“The empire has been developing for many years. There’ll always be mindless mosquitoes wanting to take a bite,” the emperor’s tone became cold. “The peace treaty has long been just nominal. We will formally war with the Zerg race.” 

“The Zerg race…” Bai Zhi thought of the dangerous situation from before. He stopped nibbling on the spirit fruit, immediately saying: “I’ll go, too.”

“You may not go.”

“Why?” Bai Zhi was unconvinced: “I’m a soldier, too.”

“You’re a soldier, but you’re my son first!” The emperor raised his voice: “The battlefield is dangerous – I won’t ever let you be in a situation where you’ll need the restoration pod again!” 

Bai Zhi clenched his fist, remaining silent for a long time.

The emperor gave him a once-over and reiterated that he was not allowed to set foot on the battlefield before furiously leaving.

The system only then dared to come out and speak: “Aiya, consider parental love for a bit.”

Bai Zhi hung his head, voice small: “I know, but…”

“But what?”

“I’m not Shao Luo, I’m Bai Zhi.”

The system sensed his mood: “You?”

“Determine Wen Zhuzhi’s location. When he leaves, I’ll slip away.”

“Then what about this side? You don’t care anymore?”

Bai Zhi shook his head: “I’ve said it before. I’ll only save him.”

The system was silent, then suddenly laughed: “Demons really aren’t like people. That’s fine, it prevents other minor problems.” 

Bai Zhi’s complexion remained unchanged, not saying a word.

The system showed his body and pinched him: “Never mind, never mind, nephew. Uncle will definitely help you out. Don’t be upset.” 

“Mn, mn,” Bai Zhi nodded. “Uncle, you’re so nice.”

“Of course – I’m the most useful system.”

When conflict officially erupted, the emperor couldn’t find Bai Zhi even after searching the entire imperial palace. The system shamefully sent a goodbye letter using Bai Zhi’s identity to comfort the enraged emperor before stuffing the demon in and flying straight to the frontlines. 

Unfortunately, the network connection was poor, and by the time the emperor received the message, the war had already raged on for months.

Bai Zhi controlled a cannon, destroying the last enemy airship in one go. 

It was an overwhelming victory.

He happily hugged the system and turned several circles. Just when he was thinking about the celebration after their return, the door to the control room suddenly opened.

A youth clad in military uniform walked in, dipping his head to salute Bai Zhi: “Your Highness, this is the nutrient fluid sent by the admiral.”

Bai Zhi was embarrassed having just been seen spinning in circles, waving his hand bluntly: “You can go.”

The youth didn’t leave: “Your Highness, the admiral said in his orders that he wouldn’t be at ease unless I watched you drink the whole thing.”

“Ah—” Bai Zhi sighed gloomily before walking over and chugging it: “I drank it all, so you can go now.”

“…Yes.” The youth looked up to glance at him before slowly walking away. Bai Zhi stuck out his tongue, turning around to tidy up the control board before finding Wen Zhuzhi, when he suddenly heard a strange sound from behind him. He reacted extremely quickly; the blade of a knife flashed and struck where Bai Zhi had just stood. 

The young soldier’s face was hazy as he collected the knife, pulling out a gun and cocking it at Bai Zhi.

“Who are you?” Bai Zhi looked at him, inwardly biting his lip. 

The youth didn’t answer, nimbly pulling the trigger.

In an instant, the military-grade glass shattered all over the room. Bai Zhi panted roughly, dodging the other’s assault. 

The young soldier’s face carried some astonishment as if he hadn’t expected Bai Zhi to be able to block that attack. “You aren’t human?”

“You’re the one who isn’t human!” Bai Zhi was so angry his voice raised several degrees: “Fighting is fighting; what are you cursing me out for!” 

The soldier: “….”

“Nephew, I think he meant your strength was unlike humankind’s,” the system uttered.

Hearing this Bai Zhi blinked: “Ah? You’re complimenting me? Then, sorry.”

The soldier: “….”

“Nephew, I think now is not the time to be discussing this. You just guessed right, this guy is a Zerg.”

“How does a Zerg have a human appearance?” Bai Zhi was perturbed. 

The system wondered: “…Evolution?”

Bai Zhi: “Why didn’t you say it was magic?”

System: “Isn’t that too ridiculous-fucknephewlookout!” 

The youth suddenly initiated another attack, shooting several rounds in succession at Bai Zhi’s vicinity. The entire warship’s reinforced glass shattered, sounding the ear-splitting alarm. Bai Zhi could already hear the hurried footsteps of the other soldiers, but the Zerg seemed to not care about it at all, continuing to fire at Bai Zhi without any change in complexion. 


Bai Zhi simultaneously dodged with all his might and tried to guess the Zerg’s goal. As the continuous gunshots finally came to an end, Bai Zhi looked for an opportunity to counterattack. The other didn’t evade at all, standing firmly in place. 

Bang ——- !!

Flames erupted in a flash, sending the smiling Wen Zhuzhi, who was drinking water while cleaning his things up, into a momentary daze.

He turned his head to see the entire ship explode, flames soaring just outside the transparent glass.

His cup shattered on the floor with a crash.

“Admiral! We found Zerg traces in numerous warships, we -”

“Evacuate all troops.”

The reporting soldier was cut off. Wen Zhuzhi raised his hand, fingertips trembling faintly: “All of you, leave.”

“Then what about you?”

“…Saving people.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Wen Zhuzhi cut through the soldiers’ cry of alarm, leaping down and disappearing into the starry skies. 

Navigating through the stars alone wasn’t a romantic matter. Wen Zhuzhi traveled along a route in a miniature airship, but before he could reach Bai Zhi’s burning ship, he was targeted by a missile and fell directly into the fire.

He shakily crawled out of the ship cabin amidst the burning flames’ incessant crackling, shattered glass scattered everywhere. Wen Zhuzhi searched wildly through the black smoke of the raging inferno, every so often coming across soldiers’ bodies burnt beyond recognition. 

That explosion seemed to have taken everything in the ship, leaving only deathly stillness behind. 

The rims of Wen Zhuzhi’s eyes reddened as he staggered along, flipping through every nook and cranny, but the person he was looking for was nowhere to be found. He seemed so stricken with terror that his voice started to shake: “Shao Luo…” 

“Where are you? I’m here to save you…”

“Shao Luo, Shao Luo, can you hear me?”

Wen Zhuzhi’s shouts drifted through the ship, his voice becoming more and more hoarse, eventually becoming so rough it was hard to hear, but he seemed to be completely unaware. He continued to scramble through the warship, numbly calling out over and over again.

“Shao Luo! Shao Luo!”

Wen Zhuzhi’s voice had already completely changed, having inhaled too much smoke. 

But even so, he never heard any sort of response.

Only the sounds of equipment collapsing, of the engulfing flames. 

Wen Zhuzhi continued searching in vain when something abruptly struck his shoulder. He stumbled and discovered that the ship was on the verge of collapse, soon to crumble entirely.

And yet, he still hadn’t found that person.

He still hadn’t found that person, the person who had said he would accompany him for a lifetime. 

That person, who he was to marry as soon as he returned. 

Wen Zhuzhi’s heart suddenly began to ache. He tottered a few steps, hoarsely calling into the empty air: “Shao Luo…? Can you come out?”

“I won’t revolt, so let’s go home…”

Wen Zhuzhi’s words echoed through the air when he suddenly heard a response. 

“Wen Zhuzhi.”

A voice abruptly rang though the ship. Wen Zhuzhi stared blankly, then quickly turned around.

Bai Zhi was standing behind him, his face black with smoke, clothes torn; only his eyes remained brightly alert.

“Wen Zhuzhi, don’t worry! I’m fine!” he said softly, showing a faint smile. “Don’t be afraid, we’ll go home and get married!”

Wen Zhuzhi’s eyes watered. He inhaled deeply before suddenly rushing towards Bai Zhi, holding him tightly and rasping: “Shao Luo, Shao Luo.”

“I’m here, I’m here,” Bai Zhi patted his back, voice soft. “Let’s go.”

All around them were the heavy thuds of falling objects. Wen Zhuzhi snapped out of his daze, knitting his brow and contemplating for a few seconds before quickly pulling Bai Zhi into a dash, his voice gradually restoring its calmness: “The emergency rescue pods shouldn’t have burnt yet. We’ll escape from there.”

Bai Zhi followed obediently, palms sweaty.

The earlier situation was extremely dangerous. If the system hadn’t saved him in time during the explosion, perhaps even his skeleton wouldn’t remain.

It was the first time since Bai Zhi began transmigrating that he was in danger. He sucked in a deep breath. 

If Shao Luo’s body really had died, Bai Zhi could simply move onto the next world and start again, but Wen Zhuzhi – Wen Zhuzhi was not the same.

When the explosion sounded, the system’s protective cover had slightly cracked. As Bai Zhi watched the entire warship around him fall into ruin, a question emerged in his mind.

If I died here, would Wen Zhuzhi still be able to change his fate? Would he still suffer the tragic end written in the original novel?

Dread bubbled up inside him, and he struggled to escape the ship. Surrounded by flames, he ran and ran until he suddenly heard a familiar shout.

It was Wen Zhuzhi!

His footsteps paused, and that familiar silhouette appeared before his eyes.

He came.

With flames and rubble all around, Wen Zhuzhi led Bai Zhi to the emergency pods by memory. Suddenly, they heard a strange noise.

A bit baffled, Bai Zhi turned his head. Just then, he heard the system alarm blare through his head: “Class B Warning! The warship will experience a second explosion! Safety procedure commencing in five seconds! Five, four -”

A deafening explosion cut the system’s alarm off. Bai Zhi was abruptly pulled into an embrace; his eyes widened as a pair of ice-cold hands covered his ears. 

Wen Zhuzhi.

Bai Zhi couldn’t make a sound.

The explosion’s shockwave completely destroyed the warship. Bai Zhi felt like he was endlessly falling. His ears buzzed, everything sounding vague and indistinct.

When they landed on the ground, the system released the protective cover, and Bai Zhi felt the rough gravel. The hands that had cocooned him immediately released, and as Bai Zhi looked up, the scene he saw sent him into a daze.

Wen Zhuzhi’s entire body was covered in blood, his clothes nearly dyed red. A pair of wings extended from his back, firmly protecting Bai Zhi, who was still in his embrace.

His eyes didn’t ripple, simply calmly looking at Bai Zhi. Only his voice hid traces of pleading: “…Don’t fear me. I’m begging you.”

Bai Zhi stared at him blankly, tears dripping without any warning. 

“Wen Zhuzhi, Wen Zhuzhi,” his voice cracked, carrying a sob. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

Wen Zhuzhi’s previously deathly still eyes suddenly lit up. 

His voice was a bit unbelieving: “…You?”

Bai Zhi was crying so hard he couldn’t hold himself together, his whole body shaking: “You’re bleeding, you’re bleeding so much…Wen Zhuzhi….”

“I’m okay,” Wen Zhuzhi immediately reassured. He hugged Bai Zhi tightly, his own voice quivering: “I’m okay, I’m okay.”

Bai Zhi was wracked with sobs, gasping for air. Just when he wanted to return the hug, a shriek cut through the air from in front of him.

Bai Zhi abruptly looked up to see around ten uniform-clad soldiers fearfully pointing at Wen Zhuzhi, screaming: “Alien2! He’s an Alien!” 

Bai Zhi’s heart clenched.

“Your Highness…” The foremost soldier in the group pulled out his gun, anxiously saying: “He’s an Alien, please distance yourself from him.” 

As soon as his words fell, Bai Zhi stood up, pulling a knife and stepping forward to stand in front of Wen Zhuzhi, his stance completely protective: “What is the meaning of this?”

“Your Highness! Can you not see it clearly? Wen Zhuzhi is not an imperial citizen!” the young soldier became frustrated.

“How come?” Bai Zhi questioned. “Has he hurt anyone?”

“The explosion from just now – if he hadn’t been there, I would have died. Can’t you see that!” 

“Your Highness, don’t let your emotions affect your judgement,” the youth said calmly. “Zerg and Aliens have always been our mortal enemies. Aliens are more low-profile and sly than Zerg. How can Your Highness be sure that he doesn’t have other conspiracies?”

“Conspiracies? Do you have any evidence?” 

“Those not of our kind will eventually betray us,” the soldier continued to say. “Beheading the empire’s enemies is the responsibility of every imperial soldier.”

Bai Zhi laughed, his expression turning cold. One word at a time, he sneered: “Beheading? He is my partner. You can give it a try.” 

The atmosphere immediately burned up. Wen Zhuzhi looked at the protective Bai Zhi standing before him, ready to resist until the end. He couldn’t resist laughing soundlessly.

He no longer had the strength to even stand, let alone wield a knife.

The incoming soldiers would continue to increase, and his identity could no longer be concealed. 

But Wen Zhuzhi didn’t have any regrets. 

He thought of his birthplace, a bitterly frigid region, unable to see any sunlight, with screaming winds all year round. 

Because he resembled humankind at birth, he was abandoned and nearly didn’t survive. 

Later, he wandered from place to place, hiding from Zerg feeding, hiding from Aliens hunting him down, and even more so hiding from mankind.

He grew more and more to resemble a human. Eventually, he was even able to retract his wings at will.

Wen Zhuzhi learned how to survive. 

He forged an identity and entered the military academy through his own efforts, piecing his current position together step by step. He helped mankind massacre other races, and he saw mankind being swallowed up by said races.

He witnessed numerous executions of Aliens, of mankind coldly opening fire, sparing not even children and the elderly.

Living in this world, Wen Zhuzhi didn’t dare to ever open his heart. This was a truly torturous feeling, eventually producing a bold idea.

He wanted influence; he wanted to live honorably.

Thinking of this, Wen Zhuzhi’s laughing gradually became audible.

Bai Zhi turned back his head a bit worriedly: “What happened?”

“I’m happy.”

Wen Zhuzhi gazed at him, slowly saying, “Shao Luo, thank you.”

Bai Zhi was puzzled: “Me?”

“Mn,” Wen Zhuzhi nodded. “Shao Luo, don’t fight with them.”

“Hand me over.”

Wen Zhuzhi’s face carried a faint smile as he slowly spoke.

He wasn’t sad at all, because the person he wanted to find has already been found.

Someone who doesn’t care about his identity, who doesn’t care about his appearance, a person who sincerely acknowledges him, a person whose bottom line is him, a person who loves him.

“…You’re dreaming.”

Bai Zhi didn’t reply for quite some time. He sniffled, saying one word at a time: “I clearly said before – I’m going to live on with you.”

“Happily – live on with you.”

Bai Zhi turned around, his fist clenching tighter and tighter: “Believe me, I’ll keep my word.”

After he spoke, he lunged at the youth from earlier. Their violent clash was an alarming sight – the surrounding soldiers rushed forward, and the entire scene became utter chaos. 

Wen Zhuzhi immediately tensed and struggled to stand. Suddenly, a blade was held against his neck.

“Shao Luo, you’d better stop!”

After the emperor’s imposing voice boomed, the mess of people instantly ceased. When Bai Zhi looked back, his pupils immediately shrunk. 

Wen Zhuzhi had been seized by several black-clothed people, his eyes shut, breath raspy and stuttered. 

“Wen Zhuzhi!”

Bai Zhi ran as fast as he could, staggeringly rushing to his side. 

“If you take one more step, he’ll die this instant.”

Bai Zhi’s steps paused when he heard the voice, standing blankly in place before changing directions, staring at the commanding emperor.

“But he saved me – he saved me…”

The emperor was silent.

Bai Zhi stumbled forward a few steps, unable to hold back his tears: “If he hadn’t saved me, he wouldn’t have been exposed…”

“This doesn’t involve you,” the emperor finally said. “Be good. Go back and rest.”

“If I listen, will he survive?” Bai Zhi inquired expectantly. 

An answer came after what seemed like ages: “You’re in too deep.”

The light in Bai Zhi’s eyes extinguished. He hadn’t stumbled far before he felt a prick; his vision went dark as he toppled forward.


“Nephew, nephew,” the system’s shouts echoed, becoming more and more distinct. Bai Zhi’s eyes shot open. “Shoot! Nephew, you’re finally awake!”

As Bai Zhi’s head became more clear, he looked all around: “Uncle, where’s Wen Zhuzhi?”

“He’s been locked up, but don’t worry. This time I transferred Recovery Mode over to him without needing you to tell me,” the system said. “I was even considerate enough to completely heal only his internal organs. This way, even if he was tortured, nothing would seem off.” 

“I’m going to save him.”

“But you’ve been locked up, too,” the system uttered. “It’s pretty secure.”

“I can actually bring you out,” the system continued. “It’s just, you won’t be able to explain how you escaped.” 

“I’m not going to explain,” Bai Zhi insisted. “I’m going to save him.”

“Okay, okay, okay, it’s alright,” the system waved his hand, revealing his body and opening the hatch to his stomach. “Get in.”

Bai Zhi slipped off the bed, climbing into the system’s tummy. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared. 

The system, carrying Bai Zhi, hid his body and sneaked through walls. After a bumpy ride, they finally arrived at their destination. The two found the generator and cut the power supply with a ‘pop’. As the guards panicked, the system blew out a long breath: “Awesome.”

“What’s awesome?”

“Cutting other machines’ power,” the system replied.

Bai Zhi: “….” 

“Alright, alright. Nephew, you take the map and find Wen Zhuzhi. I’ll stay here for a bit.”

Bai Zhi looked over at him: “You aren’t coming with me?”

“I don’t wanna eat dog food3,” the system humphed. “Besides, I still have things to take care of. Look.”

Bai Zhi obediently looked over to see a few soldiers hurry into the room, carrying a toolbox to fix the cut circuit.

Bai Zhi and the system stood aside for a long while, waiting until they’d almost repaired it before reaching out and cutting it with a ‘pop’ once more. 

The repair-soldiers: “…What was that?” 

So they started over again; the soldier’s self-confidence eventually collapsed completely: “Wu wu wu I want to resign – I can’t do this type of work…”

He talked while cleaning up the tools before running off in tears.

The system shrugged: “See, I told you I had things to take care of.”

Bai Zhi: …I think destroying a repairman’s self-esteem is a bit immoral.

“Machines don’t have morals,” the system argued righteously. “Come on, let’s go find Wen Zhuzhi!”

The two nonhumans swaggered off, relying on their advantage of invisibility to run amok. From time to time the system even pocketed some snacks along the way.

Bai Zhi: “…Uncle, don’t embarrass yourself anymore – we’ve arrived.”

“You actually said I was embarrassing myself! You thankless wretch!” the system flew into a rage. 

Bai Zhi shook his head, walking past the system directly taking the keys from the two guards and nimbly knocking them out. He showed himself and opened the cell door. 

Wen Zhuzhi looked straight up into Bai Zhi’s eyes, his own widening immediately.

“Why have you come?”

“To save you.” Bai Zhi supported the bruised Wen Zhuzhi and pointed at the system, who was making himself small, standing nearby: “This is an emergency rescue pod I stole from the palace. It can leap through space and time, and we’re using it to escape now.” 

Wen Zhuzhi thought there was something fishy: “How can there be such an ugly emergency pod?”

System: …Heheh. You haven’t seen me with a knife. 

Bai Zhi: “…Don’t worry about it. The most important thing is leaving this place first.” 

Wen Zhuzhi staggered away: “No.”


“I can’t hurt you,” Wen Zhuzhi paused. “The empire doesn’t welcome me; I have nowhere else to go. Shao Luo, you should go.”

“I won’t,” Bai Zhi retorted. “I won’t let you stay behind alone.”

“Wen Zhuzhi, you already agreed to marry me. I’ve already looked at wedding rings; you can’t back out on your promise!”

Wen Zhuzhi furrowed his brow: “You…”

“What about me!” Bai Zhi was so upset he stomped his feet: “I came to this world for you. If you leave, I’ll leave with you.”


“It’s just a trivial matter,” Bai Zhi breathed. “Isn’t it just elopement? Anyone can do that.” 


Translated by shakytofu. Edited by Oceana.

tofu notes: guys… i feel like im having an allergic reaction to this chapter: it’s just shy of 10k chinese characters and is 6k english words; for reference ch23 was just over 3k chinese characters and was 1800 english words long… help me………. _(:°з」∠)_ FORTUNATELY, there are only a handful more chapters that are longer than the usual – an 8k and a couple 4k, 5k ones. if anyone is interested in repaying me, please give me a neck massage… (ps. oceana wants a back massage)

we have another person on the chapter docs now: starri, our emotional support animal

OH YEAH something i want to briefly mention: sometimes instead of translating literally, i’ll write something that sounds better in english (but still aligns with the original meaning!) for the sake of beauty!!! but i wont stray from the story. if it really gets too strange, i’ll just make a translator’s note lol. also i hope u guys dont mind the abundance of commas

i also added the comment section… i didnt know i had to enable it last chapter… n i made the t/n hyperlinks bigger so it’s more convenient to click

edit: hi im a clwn and anchored the t/ns wrnong… emm.. but its fixed now… sorry LOL im literally so dum


1.“小弟” – Lit. “little brother.” In this case, it’s not blood/legally related and is instead a superior-subordinate situation but less formal. To give an example, it’s like school life novels with the school bully and their cronies, the school bully being their “head” and the cronies generally following the head’s intentions. Sorry, “bro” might be kind of unpleasant to see while reading a romance novel LOL but it fits the context best hhhh

2.“异形” – I went with “Alien” as the name of the race because the last translator did, and I couldn’t think of a better name since it literally just means “alien.” It’s a bit strange because Zerg are also aliens, but whatever.

3.“狗粮” – Lit. “dog food,” slang meaning “PDA” (I’m sure most of you are familiar with this). The reason I left it as is is because usually there’s wordplay that follows that doesn’t make sense otherwise.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!