Published at 29th of August 2023 07:53:25 AM

Chapter 48

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Could Knight-xiansheng have been confused by the evil dragon? I’m already completely enamored.

Gesius felt that the softest part of his heart had been scratched, it itched and it tingled. He spoke again, his voice carrying emotions he didn’t know he had before:

“Okay, I agree to everything you said.”

Hearing this Bai Zhi suddenly smiled, flipped himself over on Gesius’s palm, yawned, and said with a few notes of sleepiness: “You don’t need to worry, I will get better after I sleep. Gesius, remember what you said.”

Gesius en’d very heavily in reply, and lifted his hand to block the sunlight for him. Bai Zhi relaxed and closed his eyes to rest.

It was almost dusk, and the sunlight still pierced the eyes somewhat. Gesius walked alone to a small town, bought a large and wide robe, and covered up the evil dragon in his palm.

He walked carefully on the market street, bought a type of meat that was said to be a favorite of evil dragons in the legends, then he entered an inn and put the Bai Zhi who was still sleeping soundly onto the velvet pillow.

The lights had not been lit in the room, and with the window open, only the faint sunlight could be used as a light source. Gesius lightly sat down on the bed and calmly gazed at the evil dragon who was dreaming.

To be honest he was also very tired, every cell in his body was screaming for him to rest, but Gesius didn’t want to leave.

Ever since he was young, Gesius had lived in a training camp. From as far back as he could remember, his only company had been day after day of bitter training. His childhood consisted of blood and sweat, and he had never met the people close to him.

Before he became the First Knight, no one really noticed him. Often after Gesius finished training, he would see his colleagues put down their weapons cheerfully and laugh on their way back with relatives and friends that had waited for them, but Gesius could not.

There was no one waiting for him.

The Gesius of that time hadn’t thought much of it, and if occasionally he had felt bad inside, that had been all there was to it. Life was the same as always, and each day passed the way it did before.

But now that way of thinking had been shattered.

An evil dragon had broken into his own world.

At this point in his thoughts, Gesius became slightly downcast, and his breathing began to soften.

This evil dragon, the first time he met him he foolishly got lost, the second he met him he got exposed in two seconds, the third time he got himself grievously injured for the enemy, he really was stupid to the point of outrageousness.

Gesius sighed gently, and reached out to pat the small wings of the enormous dragon: “Idiot, you don’t have the intimidating power of a dragon at all.”

Bai Zhi remained in his own deep sleep.

The sky gradually became dark, the hustle and bustle within the inn lessened. Gesius had spent a huge amount of energy finding Bai Zhi before, and after finding him he had pushed himself to run all the way down the mountain for the unconscious evil dragon. His energy was exhausted, and as he sat there gazing at Bai Zhi for a period of time, he couldn’t keep it up anymore, and without knowing it he leaned against the bedpost and fell asleep.

A night of good sleep.

The little demon who had been repaired for a whole night by the system was full of energy. He opened his two large eyes, and before the sky had even brightened he had woken up.

“Uncle! Where is this?”

The system’s voice carried a few notes of exhaustion and he impatiently kicked Bai Zhi: “A hostel, I’m going to sleep, don’t disturb me.”

“Oh oh.” Bai Zhi hurriedly responded: “You sleep you sleep, thank you uncle for saving me, I promise I won’t shout for you.”

The system’s voice came only after a little while: “Just doing what should be done.”

Bai Zhi knew in his heart that this time he had indeed tired out his uncle, he was so grateful that he didn’t dare to respond. He quietly got up from his pillow, and slid down it slowly to the bed below.

The avalanche from before had damaged him too much. To better save him, the system had forcefully activated the juvenile state the evil dragon originally had.

Bai Zhi originally didn’t feel any different, but now that he was wide awake, he realized what was special about this state.

The steamed bun that originally wasn’t even as big as his palm had now become the same size as him. Bai Zhi stumbled as he walked on the bed, taking care not to let the wrinkles in the quilt trip him.

“So annoying.” Unhappy, he simply plopped back down on the bed, his brows tightly wrinkled by his frown:

“After uncle has finished resting I must ask how to change back, this state, how can it let me sleep with Gesius ah?”

Not even a little while after Bai Zhi’s fragmented complaints, a certain person whose name was mentioned opened his eyes.

Gesius’s sleepiness was dispersed the moment he opened his eyes. He glanced at the weather out of habit, and then turned his gaze towards the pillow on the bed.

The pure white of the velvet pillow was empty just like the sky, devoid of any marks.

Gesius panicked and instantly stood up: “Bai Zhi!”

“I’m here.” The little evil dragon waved his claws and greeted the knight that was at a loss from panicking: “Gesi–”

But before he could finish a single word, he was directly smacked by a pile of blankets. The panicking knight was overturning the blankets and pillows, looking for that little black dragon in all directions, and his voice was filled with anxiety: “Idiot dragon, Bai Zhi, where are you?”

Bai Zhi the evil dragon who was called as such was rolled over several times in bed, and it was only with great difficulty that he avoided the fate of being crushed by the blankets. When he heard the assailant’s panicked questions, he tried his best to raise his claw and virtually yelled:

“If you keep hitting, I’ll leave!”

Gesius’s movements immediately stopped.

The inside of the room sunk into a strange silence for a while before a certain knight slowly spoke, a few notes of caution hidden in his voice:

“Dont, don’t leave?”

Saying this, he stretched out his hand, followed Bai Zhi’s voice from just now, and scooped him up. His other arm went towards the table, and he lifted it to light the oil lamp. Only then did the inside of the room have some lighting.

Gesius sat on a stool, and using the lamplight, he put both his hands under Bai Zhi’s armpits, lifted him up, and inspected this baby dragon carefully: “Just now did you get hurt by the hitting?”

“…No.” Gesius’s eyes were too serious, Bai Zhi was somewhat embarrassed: “Put me down.”

“Not putting you down.” Gesius laughed, and his eyes sparkled with some brightness: “Can you still beat me?”

Bai Zhi’s eyes instantly widened: “Rascal.”

“I am a rascal.” After saying this, as if to confirm this sentence, Gesius immediately moved his fingertips lightly and rubbed Bai Zhi’s stomach:

“So chubby…are you hungry?”

“That’s muscle.” Bai Zhi wasn’t done yet: “Not hungry.”

“The muscle of your family is soft?” Gesius was teased to the point of laughter: “I bought some cooked meat for you, you–”

“I can’t eat it.” Bai Zhi shook his head: “But if you made it with your own hands, then I might consider tasting it.”

“Then I will make it for you.”

Gesius’s reply came almost immediately. Bai Zhi blinked, and he couldn’t help coughing a few times:

“Could Knight-xiansheng have been confused by the evil dragon?”

”I’m already completely enamored.”

Gesius smiled slightly as he said this, word for word.


Bai Zhi hid inside Gesius’s black robe and watched his knight use his medal to borrow temporary access to the kitchen, watched his knight use his precious sword to chop firewood, watched his knight mutter about the scarcity of seasonings.

“Not like the knight of the royal family at all.” Bai Zhi stretched his claw out and pulled on the Gesius who was busy to the point of flying.

But Gesius only smiled slightly. 

One plate of fragrant shredded meat was served to the table. Bai Zhi took a bite with a complicated mood, lifted his head, and looked towards a certain person who was cooking on the side. He said with a few notes of vexation:



“I don’t want you to feel wronged because of me.” Bai Zhi put down his chopsticks. His voice was muffled.

Gesius stopped his movements, and after a moment said: “I haven’t ah.”

“You have.” Bai Zhi pointed at the food in front of him, then pointed at the medal and precious sword that had already been stained with dust: “You are the knight of the royal family, you shouldn’t dirty your knight’s medal, just for an evil dragon.”

It was only a long time after Bai Zhi’s words fell that Gesius responded.

He sighed, slowly straightened his back, reached out, and used his handkerchief to wipe clean the oil stains at the corners of Bai Zhi’s lips:

“I don’t feel wronged at all. On the contrary, I’m very happy.”

Gesius spoke slowly, and the seriousness of his tone was hard to ignore: “Becoming a knight of the royal family, that was something I was unable to choose. It was a fate I have carried since birth.”

“If I could choose, idiot dragon.” Gesius’s voice became soft:

“I would choose to be your knight.”

Gesius’s voice was gentle and serious. After Bai Zhi finished listening, he blinked his eyes dazedly.

Why couldn’t he be in a human form now?

With those kinds of words, he would be able to kiss his own knight.

Gesius seemed to have sensed Bai Zhi’s thoughts, and he slowly stretched out his hand:


Bai Zhi seemed to have been bewitched, he readily jumped onto his palm. Gesius’s large hand caressed Bai Zhi’s back, and he narrowed his eyes in comfort.

“When you recover your human form, can I kiss you, evil dragon-xiansheng?” Gesius softened his voice and asked gently.

“You, you can.” Bai Zhi couldn’t wait to be with this person every day, but he was still a little perturbed: “Why did you suddenly say you want to kiss me? Do you already like the evil dragon?”

“That is my primary reason.” Gesius replied.

“You have other reasons?”

“Of course.” Gesius stood up and spoke gently: “This evil dragon, there is something that I am required to tell you.”

“In our school of knights, a life saved should be repaid with life.”

The system who had been coming and going: “Bah.”

Bai Zhi, for whom the atmosphere had been ruined: “…”

“What’s wrong?” Gesius didn’t know yet that his own lie had been exposed, and was still trying to figure out how to bring the evil dragon in front of his eyes back home.

“Nephew, I told you, that ‘life repayment’ or whatever is all a lie, the original text didn’t mention it at all.” The system smacked its lips and ate sunflower seeds: “Could your target’s IQ have been infected with yours, in the past he didn’t seem to be this dumb?”

“He’s not dumb at all!” The protective dragon’s first reaction was to retort: “‘Life repayment’ that kind of rule, it sounds very reliable just hearing it!”

The system dropped its sunflower seeds all over the floor: “…”

“Everything he said must be the truth.” Bai Zhi shook his claws with firm belief: “I will agree with him!”

Not knowing how to complain at this point, the system: “…Forget it, you being taken by that person is also pretty good.”

The mentally handicapped Bai Zhi ignored the system’s burning words of truth, he hugged Gesius’s thumb:

“Then it’s settled! You are my person now!”

“A true gentleman’s word is his bond.”

“Once I recover you still need to kiss me!”

“May I be struck by lightning if my oath is ever broken.”

Bai Zhi happily rubbed around on his hand. Given an inch, he wanted a mile, and he brought up another request: “You must kiss me three times every day; morning, noon, and night, once each time.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!