Published at 18th of September 2023 08:05:11 AM

Chapter 66

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As soon as those words fell, Luo Xunyu felt that it was off. Sure enough, the eyes of a certain little demon who finally had his wish granted filled with happiness. He yanked his arm, saying:

“You agree?” He said slowly: “You’re willing to go back with me?”

An irritable mood rose from within Luo Xunyu. He impatiently pulled open his sleeves, backed away slightly, and his tone changed: “Why are you like this? Because you like me? What do you understand about ‘liking’?”

“I understand.” Bai Zhi instantly replied: “If I didn’t understand, then why would I come to this part of the ocean, why would I remind you of danger again and again, if I didn’t understand, then why would I, just now–from the deck just now, why would I jump down?”

“Enough!” Luo Xunyu roared: “This is just what you think you understand, do you understand me? Understand what kind of person I am?”

“Only you think I don’t understand!” Bai Zhi felt extremely wronged. He clearly liked him with sincere intentions and transmigrated through so many worlds for him. Luo Xunyu was qualified to say these words to someone else, but how could he say it to him. He took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to cry, slowly lifted his head, and after glancing at Luo Xunyu several times, surged forward, and bit his lips with an aowu [1]. Finally, he said with a furious determination:

“If you don’t come back with me, you’ll definitely regret it.”

Luo Xunyu who had frozen in surprise from Bai Zhi’s sudden attack: “You, you…”

“What about me!” Bai Zhi held his head up: “Luo Xunyu, I don’t believe you can’t see I don’t have any malicious intentions towards you.”

“The mermaid species is most perceptive of human sentiments. Wasn’t this why you chose not to kill me the first time we met, even tolerating my existence the entire time, up until today?”

Luo Xunyu, who had been prodded at the crux of the matter, had a somewhat ugly expression. He was momentarily silent, and then laughed mockingly: “Your understanding of mermaids is pretty detailed. Then, little scientist, according to your studies, a mermaid not killing you is equivalent to them loving you?”

“You still haven’t.” Bai Zhi looked at his eyes, and said seriously: “You are only interested in me, but you will end up liking me.”


Bai Zhi raised Luo Xunyu’s left hand: “I’m only saying this to let you know I haven’t lied to you. This part of the ocean is far more dangerous than you think. Even if you are king of the ocean, there’s no way you could foresee the unbelievable things greedy people would do for money.”

“I know you don’t believe in humans, but right now, I am not standing on the humans’ side. Even if my identity is that of a human, I want to protect the person I love.”

“Dear Luo Xunyu-xiansheng, are you willing to come with me?”

The ocean breeze rose, and broken slivers of moonlight shone on the sea. The slight breeze picked up strands of the mermaid’s hair. He pondered for a long while with closed eyes, then suddenly hugged the little demon on the reef. His voice was low and sultry:

“At your wish, my little lover.”

Translated by moss ||

Qu Lianqiang felt that he must not have woken up yet.

All he did was sleep a bit earlier yesterday because he had a headache. How did he wake up this morning to see his highly respected teacher sweetly holding hands with a white-haired blue-eyed stranger?

Alright, time for him to go back to sleep. Qu Lianqiang accepted this reality generated by his half-awake state, rubbed his eyes, and walked back.

“Are you trying to fail the test?”

Translated by moss ||

[1] 嗷呜一‌口 – Chinese equivalent of “nom”

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