Published at 16th of May 2024 05:42:09 AM

Chapter 13: Fall Incident (3)

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Chapter 13: Fall Incident (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Here

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Song Soo-yeon now visited his restaurant even on weekends.

While enjoying a Saturday lunch there, she asked,

"Mister, do you have a lot of money?"

The man was watching the news.

"Huh? Why do you ask all of a sudden?"

He answered without taking his eyes off the TV.

Song Soo-yeon felt comfortable seeing him like this.

Unlike other men who stared at her whenever they got the chance, he seemed to prioritize his work first.

With a relaxed tone, Song Soo-yeon replied,

"No... I just wondered since you keep giving away free food."

"You're worried about that after coming here for free weekend lunches?"

"Does it burden you?"


The man glanced at Song Soo-yeon, appearing surprised.

Although she pretended otherwise, she was quite perceptive.

"Where did the person who used to scold me harshly go, and now there's an angel worrying about my finances?"

"Ah, Mister..."

"Hehe, just kidding. Don't worry, it's not a burden."

"So, you are wealthy?"

"No, I'm not exactly rich."

Song Soo-yeon, who had vaguely assumed he was wealthy, was surprised by his answer.

"Then why do you do this?"


"Why do you give away meals for free?"

"Well... it's for my own satisfaction."

He answered nonchalantly and returned his attention to the TV.

Hearing his answer, Song Soo-yeon was suddenly struck by a sense of unease.


When she couldn't continue eating, burdened by her concerns, the man turned from the TV and asked,

"What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

Seeing him care for her again, she felt a warm sensation, though she wouldn't admit it.


She cautiously started,

"What happens to the restaurant if you run out of money?"

Song Soo-yeon realized she had become more attached to this place than she had expected.

The thought of losing this comfortable space made her heart race.

But her anxiety was dispelled by his reassuring smile.

"Don't worry. I still have some savings left. I saved a lot when setting up the restaurant... and there are fewer customers than expected."


"And I can always make money elsewhere."

"Earn money? Just to keep this place running?"



Song Soo-yeon couldn't understand his mindset, but she didn't object.

She too wished for the place to remain.

She refrained from asking why he was doing such a seemingly foolish thing, lest she persuade him otherwise.

Song Soo-yeon rose from her seat.

It was time to go and make some money.

"....I had a great meal, Mister."

Now, she had started to convey her gratitude too.

She said bravely.

She couldn't let him have it.

It was the money she had tirelessly saved for years.

With no other part-time job options, she worked for far less than minimum wage.

She endured beatings from bullies without letting them take it.

She had saved it by starving or eating cheap food.

It was unthinkable to hand it over.


A tense standoff of gazes began.

It had been years since she stopped thinking of him as her father, but for some reason, she still felt intimidated by him.

Truthfully, she rarely won against anyone.

She lost to bullies and even to her parents.

The only one she had managed to outdo was... perhaps mister who she had just recently met.

He had a sort of pushover air about him.

Involuntarily, Song Soo-yeon thought of mister.

She also remembered how that seemingly naive man had found courage for her sake.

Biting her lip, she glared even harder.

If he could do it, so could she.

After a long standoff, Song Soo-yeon emerged victorious.

Her father snorted and threw the bankbook and card at her.

"....You have the same damn look as your mother."

Feeling a rush of relief, Song Soo-yeon grabbed her belongings and ran out of the house.



"Haah...! Haah....!"

She was still running, unable to calm her pounding heart.

As if running could help her escape the situation.

She needed to find a new place to hide her bankbook and card.

Until now, there had been no other place but her home, but now she had a new option.

The restaurant.

Perhaps she could ask mister for help.

She moved towards where the restaurant was visible.


But the lights of the restaurant were already out.

It seemed to be past operating hours.

As she stood lost in thought, various worries caught up with her.


A sudden feeling of anxiety.

Her hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

The fear was so overwhelming, she could hardly gather any strength.

She forced her trembling legs to move.

After a few minutes, she arrived at an ATM.

Ignoring the machine's greeting, she shoved her bankbook into it.

Her fingers rapidly pressed the 'Account Management' button.

The machine whirred on, almost endlessly.

This money was not just any money.

It was her hope for escaping this hellish place.

She had endured all the pain until now, just waiting for this money to reach the amount of 5 million won.

It was a symbol.


After being notified that the action was complete, she retrieved her bankbook.


Her legs lost strength, and Song Soo-yeon found herself collapsing on the spot.

Balance: 0 won.

She had momentarily forgotten, but her world had always been this way.

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