Published at 16th of May 2024 05:42:06 AM

Chapter 14: Fall Incident (4)

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Chapter 14: Fall Incident (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Here

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-Screech... Screech...

Her shoes dragged across the floor.

Normally, she would avoid this to prevent her worn shoes from tearing further, but now, she didn't care.

Song Soo-yeon shuffled along, letting her feet lead her.

Her mind was blank, unable to think of a destination, yet her legs seemed to have their own direction.

She had no more strength to resist anything.

...It was just too hard now.

She was exhausted.

Pain and suffering were no longer felt.

She was numb to everything.

She realized only one thing.

Her cursed world hadn't changed, and it wouldn't.

Her life had ended years ago, and she had been foolish to realize it too late.

How could one revive a dead life?

It was impossible.

God had cursed her.

While some find God through miracles, Song Soo-yeon's belief came from despair.

It was evident that God persistently followed and tormented her.

Thinking of her life as a curse brought everything into sharper focus.

Her parents' behavior, her inability to socialize due to her appearance, the bullying, the harassment, and even the reason why the hero abandoned her.

No matter how hard she tried, she always returned to this cursed reality.

Song Soo-yeon continued to follow her legs lead, as if retracing a familiar path.

Not that it was important.

In fact, she knew that becoming an adult wouldn't change anything.

Leaving school and home wouldn't suddenly brighten the world.

People wouldn't treat her differently.

Other women would still be jealous and torment her, men would harbor filthy thoughts, some might even act on them.

Adulthood might even intensify her problems as the shield of being a minor would disappear.

Knowing all this, Song Soo-yeon pretended not to know.

Thinking about it was too painful.

The thought of a future without answers made it seem unbearable to go on.

She couldn't escape anymore.

Dark thoughts overwhelmed her, now powerless to resist.

It wasn't about losing money.

The core issue was that struggling changed nothing.

If only she had destructive powers...

...Then she could have shown her hatred for this world.

That was, indeed, regrettable.

Her legs had unknowingly brought her to the stairs of a building.


Even her shoes tore and came off, quickly ruined after just a few seconds of careless use.

Song Soo-yeon gripped the railing, steadying herself from nearly falling over.

Then, she gazed at her bare left foot, exposed and vulnerable.

...It was no longer surprising.

She simply accepted it.

Her shoes were just like her.

Like a marathon runner collapsing at the finish line, everything crumbles at a certain point.

There's no getting up to run again.

She left her shoes behind and continued up the stairs.

It didn't take long to reach the rooftop of the five-story building.

She turned the doorknob.

-Click, click, bang!

The locked doorknob broke after a few turns.

The door creaked open, and the bright rooftop greeted her, along with the chilly night air.

Yes, look at this.

There is a God, and He wants her dead.

Everything fits perfectly, even the rooftop door opening so easily.

...Of course, it was an old building.

Reaching the rooftop, she realized where she was.

It was the building where her home was located.

Given her parents' incompetence, it was no surprise they could only afford such a rundown place.

Not that it mattered.

She slowly approached the edge of the rooftop, one step at a time.

Very slowly.

With each step, her mind seemed to clear, as if coming back to life.

Her heart, numb until now, started to ache, and her legs began to tremble.

Yet, she didn't stop.

Even when her hand touched the cold railing, she didn't hesitate.

Discarding her remaining shoe, she climbed over the railing, one leg at a time.

She didn't dare look down.

Soon, she stood at the edge, holding onto the railing from behind.

It was cold.

The biting air kept tormenting her, an all-too-familiar chill that felt more excruciating today.

Just one step forward while letting go of the railing, and she could end the pain.

She could leave this detestable world.

"...Haa... Haa..."

She calmed her emotions, shutting out everything else.


It was a world with nothing good.

Not once had she been happy.

"...Haa... Hoo..."

Not once had she genuinely smiled.


Not once had she felt warmth...



...Song Soo-yeon simply closed her eyes.

She gradually loosened her grip.

And then...

"You'll regret it."

At that moment, a spine-chilling voice echoed behind her.


Startled by the voice, Song Soo-yeon gripped the railing tightly again.

Her legs gave way, her body swayed significantly.

Her head tilted forward, accidentally looking down.

A terrifying fear enveloped her, enough to make her head spin.

But she didnt show it.

Somehow regaining her balance, Song Soo-yeon, dripping with cold sweat, looked towards the source of the sound.

A man was standing there, seamlessly blending into the darkness.

The very man she had briefly thought of.

Song Soo-yeon whispered.

He did not stop.

"This is foolish."


"It's just that your world has been confined to this place so far. Once you leave your family and school, youll see how vast the world really is."

"...I told you not to come..."

"Its just been bad luck until now."


"The pain will pass eventually. Believe me. Ive been through worse...or at least no less."

She was shuddering with sobs when suddenly something enveloped her.

He had quietly come behind her and wrapped his coat around her.

They stood facing each other across the railing.

The cold wind began to be blocked by the coat.

A warm feeling enveloped her.

"...People cant live alone."


"But looking at you, it seems like youre pushing everyone away because you're scared."


"Sure, some of the people who approached you were trash, right?"

Crying, Song Soo-yeon listened to him and nodded slightly.

She had always hoped someone would understand this.

As someone who occasionally heard people's inner thoughts, she was adept at discerning trash from treasure.

"Its been hard, hasnt it?"

She nodded again.

Tears kept flowing endlessly.

"...But there must have been good people too. Maybe you pushed them away as well...that might be why you can't see hope. Youll find someone to be your sunshine."

He reached over the railing and grasped Song Soo-yeon's shoulder.

She was startled not just by the warmth of the coat but by the warmth that flowed from his hand.

A good person.

Maybe the good person he was talking about had already been found.

His intentions had never once been malicious.

If only she could hear his thoughts now.

Just this once, to be certain.

To lean on him, just once if her powers could activate as she wished.

Song Soo-yeon, needing to grasp a lifeline, was filled with uncertainty.


But ultimately, she couldn't hear his inner thoughts.

Her ability didn't work on command.

Yet, Song Soo-yeon didn't think of giving up.

Gathering the last of her strength, she turned her head.

She looked into the face of the man holding her.

Hoping to glean something from his expression.


And she saw it.

Tears glistening in his eyes, contrasting his previously stoic demeanor.

How pitiful must she have looked to him?

How genuine must his feelings be to react this way?

"Let's find someone who can give you hope. Ill help you."

He said.

Her heart pounded heavily.

The warmth he provided seemed to spread throughout her body.

Tears flowed again.

This was the first time she had felt such emotions towards someone.

The first time someone had truly been on her side.

"Sob...! Sob...! Sob!"

She could no longer look at him directly.

She was struggling to breathe.

"Let's try one more time. You understand, right?"


"...You got that?"


She nodded faintly.

"Can you come down from the railing?"

Song Soo-yeon shook her head.

Her legs had already given out.

She had cried so much, she had no strength left.

"I'm going to put my hand under your arm, okay?"

Again, she nodded.

As soon as she gave permission, his hands slid under her armpits.

He lifted her gently, as if lifting a feather.

Then, he brought Song Soo-yeon over the railing and sat her down on the rooftop.

Collapsing to the ground, Song Soo-yeon sat down heavily.

In truth, she had been too scared.

She didn't want to die.

The vivid fear of death still haunted her.

Sitting there, still crying, her head was pulled into an embrace.

Her head buried in his chest.

Song Soo-yeon felt no repulsion to a mans touch for the first time.

...Instead, his warmth melted her.

Breath squeezed out of her chest.

She spoke from his embrace.

"I've been through so much... mister..."

Her voice lacked its previous sharpness.

It was like a weak child whimpering and tattling.

He patted her back.

His touch penetrated deeply into Song Soo-yeon's melted heart.

"...I tried so hard to live well, but everyone hurt me so much...sob..."

"...I see."

".......They called me a whore, hit me, took me lightly, took from me... No matter how hard I tried, no one acknowledged me..."

"I'll acknowledge you... Stop crying now. It's okay."

He said.

"...Lets go eat."

Tears burst forth again, even those she had been holding back.



'I've never met a true hero.'

He had said that about her once.

Song Soo-yeon, carried on his back, contemplated his words as she calmed her tears.

She now understood what he meant.

It's not about being saved from villains.

It's not about stopping bullying at school.


Her eyes took him in.

Then, she hugged him tighter.

........Song Soo-yeon had found her own hero.

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