Published at 16th of May 2024 05:42:02 AM

Chapter 16: Emotional Baby Steps (2)

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Chapter 16: Emotional Baby Steps (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Here

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Song Soo-yeon was aware of it herself.

She knew that though she had grown physically, her social skills were lacking.

Not just in social skills, but in many other aspects, she was still at the beginner's stage.

There was so much she didn't know.

Things that an average person would naturally learn, she had not properly been taught.

For example... friendship.

When he said, 'We're just friends,' Song Soo-yeon didn't quite understand it.

Of course, she knew the word.

But she didn't understand the emotions shared between friends, how they acted for each other, and where the line was drawn between a friend and a stranger.

So, when he said that they were just friends, she was still confused.

After finishing their conversation and as he was about to leave, Song Soo-yeon ultimately stopped him.

"....But what do you mean by we're just friends?"

She asked honestly.

It seemed important to clarify what he meant now.

Though such a question was embarrassing, now was not the time for that.

It had to be done.

It was like the tense and anxious moment of making her first contract in life.

She became meticulous, fearing deception in any unverified details.

Hearing her question, he sat back down.

"....It means to maintain things just as they are now."

"....Just as they are now...?"

"Ah, not exactly like this... um..."

He seemed to struggle, rubbing his chin as if in thought.

Song Soo-yeon waited patiently.

"We'll probably become closer than now, but there should be a certain line we don't cross... The basic feeling remains the same as now."


She still couldn't understand.

....And she didn't want to probe further.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

He had said he also lacked friends.

Looking at his face, she felt he was as clueless as she was.

She didn't want to pressure someone like that.

And, to be honest... she liked the sound of 'becoming closer.'

She too wanted to get closer to him.

But in addition, there was the clause of not doing anything the other disliked.

Truthfully, she was somewhat afraid.

He liked her.

That's why he had done everything for her until now.

It was the same for Song Soo-yeon.

She hadn't liked anyone more than him yet.

Because apart from him, she had never formed a bond with anyone else.

Such positive feelings were a first for her.

The affection he offered on the rooftop, at the edge of her life, still warmed her heart.

So, she greatly appreciated it and had grown to like him more, but even she couldn't gauge the depth of these feelings.

As there was no one to compare with.

Not knowing the depth of her affection meant she also couldn't predict how she might change.

Another reason she liked him was that he never gave her the creepy looks or physical contacts that made her uncomfortable.

If he tries the same thing as other men in the future, how would she feel?

...Would she feel disgusted, like she did with other men?

Song Soo-yeon didn't want to feel such revulsion towards him.

She didn't want to let him go.

Though it was faint, she was sure she felt that way.

If this feeling meant they could become closer without any discomfort, there was nothing better for her.

She couldn't express it in words, but this was her true feeling.

Eventually, she nodded her head.

Song Soo-yeon followed Jung-gyeom to his house.

Though she trusted him, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

The more she trusted him, the more devastating it would be if it turned out to be a betrayal.

Of course, his foolish-looking face was reassuring. He didn't seem like he would pounce on her.

Despite this, she hesitated without realizing, prompting Jung-gyeom to speak with a troubled tone.

"......If you're uncomfortable, you can go back home. I wont stop you.


The thought jolted Song Soo-yeon's mind.

She didn't want to return to the worst path now that another option had emerged.

"It's not like that."

Song Soo-yeon gathered her courage and closely followed behind him.

Soon they arrived at a shabby building.

It looked to be about four stories high, much like Song Soo-yeon's house.

Jung-gyeom confidently headed to the second floor and opened a door.


He entered the room, turning on the light, and the one-room apartment brightened.


Song Soo-yeon had still secretly hoped he was wealthy.

She couldn't understand why someone would spend so much money for others.

She never realized trusting people could be this difficult.

Only after seeing his home did she believe he wasn't that wealthy.

It seemed he lived quite minimally, excluding just the essentials.

Living so simply himself, yet helping others.

Just seeing his room gave her a glimpse into his life philosophy, and Song Soo-yeon's guard lowered a notch, recognizing once more that he was a good person.

Come in.



They exchanged puzzled looks.

After a moment of staring, Jung-gyeom finally asked.

"....Do you have anything else to say?"


"Then I should go."

"...Go where?"

Another strange silence fell.

As time passed, a look of surprise settled on Jung-gyeom's face.

"What, you thought we were going to sleep together?"


Song Soo-yeon yelled in shock.

It wasn't that she wanted to sleep with him; she was just flustered by the thought of him leaving the house empty.

Where in the world is there a landlord who vacates their own house for you?

And it's not just for a day or two.

Song Soo-yeon, having already envisioned a future living with him, couldn't help but be surprised by this twist.

"No, not that, but where will you sleep..."

"I'll sleep at the restaurant. You said men scare you, didnt you? You wont be able to sleep if I'm here.

"....So... you're leaving the house for me..?"

In my experience, it's better to sleep with a peaceful mind than a comfortable body. I won't be able to sleep thinking you might go back to your house.


Song Soo-yeon couldn't hold back the words starting to form in her heart.

Why was he going to such lengths for her?

How was she supposed to repay all this?

Why was he so warm-hearted?

Never having received anyone's kindness before, she was overwhelmed by receiving so much all at once.

Despite being only three years older, why did he seem so much more mature?

It was somewhat infuriating.

Why didn't he take care of himself?

Shouldn't he look after himself too?

Again, she didn't want him to see how she felt.

She resorted to a familiar tactic.

".....Mister, you're really... too much of a pushover..."

It was all she knew how to say.

".......Trying to do something good, and still called a pushover."

"....Giving everything away to strangers, if that's not a pushover, what is it...?"

He seemed to ponder for a moment, then smiled and said.

"We agreed to be friends. Why did you call yourself a stranger?"


Song Soo-yeon found herself speechless again.

She couldn't bring herself to say anything nasty in response.

Jung-gyeom, as if he had said all he needed to, waved his hand lightly in farewell and, without any hesitation, reached for the door handle.

"Sleep well."

He said.

Song Soo-yeon tried to respond, but her throat tightened, and she couldn't utter a word.

Meanwhile, he closed the door and left.

Song Soo-yeon remained seated, unable to move for a long time.



After showering, Song Soo-yeon sat on the bed.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt such peace.

Even when she tried to find something to worry about, nothing came to mind.

She had escaped her parents.

Those two addicts wouldn't be able to find her now.

They didn't even know which school she attended, and she was almost graduating anyway.

The bullying at school had stopped too.

Thanks to the mister boldly confronting 'Shake' and shouting, a hero had been dispatched to the school.

And now, she could earn money.

This too was possible because of the mister's consideration.

And even this warm home.

It had been barely a month since she met the mister.

All her worries had been resolved, all thanks to his help.

-Drip... Drip...

She realized she was shedding tears without even knowing it.

Even though she wasn't overwhelmed with emotion, the tears that started flowing just wouldn't stop.

It still felt unreal that all her pain and suffering had disappeared so easily.

One thing was certain: when she closed her eyes and focused, she could feel a huge warmth in her heart.

.........She wasn't lonely anymore.

She had learned the warmth of people.

In this damned world, she found hope, her own hero.

She felt at ease.

It was unbelievably blissful.

All strength drained from her body.

Song Soo-yeon naturally lay down on the bed.


The familiar scent rose from the blanket.

It was the scent of the mister she had smelled when she was carried on his back.

With no one watching, Song Soo-yeon slowly wrapped herself in the blanket.

The more she did, the more it felt like he was right beside her, filling her heart.

What was the name of this emotion?

Newly stepping into the world of various emotions, she didn't know.

......It didn't matter.

After all, they had promised to stay the same, unchanging.

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