Published at 16th of May 2024 05:41:32 AM

Chapter 28: My Hero (4)

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Chapter 28: My Hero (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 4-5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Song Soo-yeon and Solace entered the restaurant.

Jung-gyeom was already seated.

A steaming cup of tea was prepared across from him.

Please, have a seat.

He smiled faintly, but it was clear, even without looking into his heart, that he was enveloped in complex thoughts.

Solace, with her characteristic bright demeanor, sat in the seat Jung-gyeom had pointed out to her.

Wow, is this yuja tea? Lucky, it's so cold outside.

Song Soo-yeon also sat down like Solace, but Jung-gyeom did not meet her gaze.

She knew it was because of the awkward atmosphere, but it still pained her.

Jung-gyeom talked with Solace, who was trying to lift the mood, joking around lightheartedly.

A hero feeling cold? I thought youd never get cold.

Jung-gyeom commented, glancing at the tightly fitted hero costume Solace was wearing.

Solace returned a playful look and laughed, making Jung-gyeom smile.

Ahaha, just kidding. Its because of your power, right? You wield a power like the sun.

Oh? Do you know about me?

.......Well...I know a bit.

Are you a fan of mine?

Jung-gyeom smiled again, somewhat wistfully, and murmured,

......Something like that, I guess.

Song Soo-yeon secretly grimaced.

This was something new to her.

The idea of Jung-gyeom showing interest in another woman, no, another person, irked her for some reason she couldnt understand.

However, Solace, pleasantly surprised, raised her voice.

Really? Then please call me Solace, not just hero!

Is that okay?

Yes! By the way, whats your name?

Im Jung-gyeom.

Song Soo-yeon quietly watched the two getting friendlier.

Where had Solace, who promised to reconcile her with Jung-gyeom, disappeared to?

She suppressed the rising anger within her.

As expected, heroes couldnt be trusted.

Finally, Song Soo-yeon discreetly pinched Solace's thigh under the table.

Solace, without looking at Song Soo-yeon, subtly moved her hand in response.

Gently tapping Song Soo-yeon's thigh, she signaled to wait a little longer.


Song Soo-yeon clenched her fists.

She felt incredibly anxious.

The image of Jung-gyeom turning away from her in disappointment kept replaying in her mind.

His hurt expression, the criticism and ridicule hurled at him, the dirtied flowers, and his trembling voice.

......His resignation to being hated.

It was like seeing a reflection of herself from a few months ago.

Jung-gyeom had saved her, yet she had only caused him pain.

The regret made her hands tremble.

Unaware of her feelings, Solace continued her conversation with Jung-gyeom.

By the way, the pamphlet outside... is it true?

What do you mean true?

That if you dont have money, you provide a meal for free...

Jung-gyeom scratched his head awkwardly.

Ah, yes. I am doing that, but... it's nothing remarkable. Not many people have come, so I havent been able to help much.

In that moment, Solaces earnest voice resonated.


The previous laughter was gone.

There seemed to be not a trace of falsehood in her words.

You really are amazing. As I said, youre more of a hero than a hero.

Jung-gyeom's eyes widened in surprise.

Song Soo-yeon anxiously watched his reaction.

He gradually reddened around the eyes and let out a powerless laugh.

Song Soo-yeon couldnt understand why he kept getting moved.

It was increasingly annoying to her.

She didnt like how Solace was effortlessly swaying his emotions.

Perhaps ashamed of himself, Jung-gyeom quickly adjusted his expression and waved his hands dismissively.

Ah... Im sorry. I didnt mean to show tears again

It's okay.

.......Actually, its the first time anyones said such things to me...

He smiled sheepishly.

And Song Soo-yeon couldn't help but be quietly shocked.

The first time.

He had said that.

Now that she thought about it, it was true.

She had thought hundreds of times that he was incredible, but she had never said it out loud.

She had only ever offered casual thanks like thanks or it was delicious.

Youre amazing.

Youre like a hero.

She had never said such things.

By not saying what she had always thought, she had let Solace move him to tears.

Song Soo-yeon felt a strange regret.

If she had said such things even once, he wouldnt have been moved to tears by Solace.

He would have shed them for her.

Complex thoughts scrambled her mind.

Why was she even thinking like this?

What did it matter to her who he cried in front of?

She just... just wanted to reconcile.

Eventually, Song Soo-yeon pinched Solaces thigh.

She felt the soft, robust texture of a healthy body through the hero costume.

Solace discreetly tapped Song Soo-yeons hand in response.

Song Soo-yeon bit her lower lip.

Sh*t... I dont want to leave... Im just annoyed because you keep telling me to go....!

Jung-gyeom and Song Soo-yeon returned to the argument they had already had yesterday.

Jung-gyeoms expression twisted.

......But the situation at the restaurant is not good right now. I cant afford to take care of you anymore.

.....Didnt I say I dont need money?

...Then how and when are you planning to gather the deposit?

Song Soo-yeon swallowed hard.

She cautiously proposed the solution she had thought about hundreds of times the day before.

.....Lets live together.



Solace was equally surprised at her side.

However, Song Soo-yeon didn't care.

I trust you. I know you wont do anything to me like other men. Just for a while... let's live together.


Its not like Im saying lets live together forever. Just until the situation gets better.... I just... dont want to leave right now

Jung-gyeom didnt respond for a moment, looking stunned.

Song Soo-yeon couldnt read his thoughts as her ability wasn't activated.

She couldnt tell if he was considering it or simply fed up with her.

But Song Soo-yeon didnt stop.

.....If you dislike it, Ill just stay at the restaurant.

Jung-gyeom, hearing her words, shifted his gaze.

He asked,

......Why... would you go to such lengths?

....Why did you go to such lengths for me?


.........I havent repaid even a bit of your kindness.

She murmured, recalling Jung-gyeoms pure intentions.

Clinging to this one justification, however clumsy it might have been, gave Song Soo-yeon a sanctuary of sorts.

.....Right. So let me repay you. Ill leave after Ive repaid you. Ill leave then.

In truth, Song Soo-yeon had already incurred a debt of gratitude she could never repay in a lifetime, ever since the day she was about to jump off the rooftop.

It was her way of saying she wanted to stay by his side for the rest of her life.

Solace interjected again.

"...It's human nature to want to repay kindness."

Jung-gyeoms eyes snapped open.

He had been reacting dramatically to Solaces words.

Song Soo-yeon began to feel annoyed by this fact.

No matter how much Solace was helping, it bothered her to see Jung-gyeom react like that.

Have you ever felt the desire to repay a favor, Jung-gyeom?

At that question, Jung-gyeoms eyes fixed on Solace.

For an uncomfortably long time.

In that silence, Song Soo-yeons heart pricked painfully.

She couldnt understand why it was so irritating to see him looking at someone other than herself.

Maybe she disliked the misunderstanding or delusion Solace might have.

Jung-gyeom was already in love with her, so wouldnt it be pitiful if she was mistaken?

.....A favor... yes, I think... I understand what you mean now.

Jung-gyeom murmured.

Song Soo-yeon opened her mouth again, trying to recapture his attention.

....So, mister... let me stay by your side. Let's go back to how we were before.


Cooking delicious food... exchanging greetings... maybe even going out occasionally."

Imagining going out seemed to amuse Jung-gyeom, who chuckled.

Song Soo-yeon felt her spirits lifting as the atmosphere began to relax.

....You're a loner like me, mister. So... let's stay together. I'll try to get angry less from now on...

Song Soo-yeon glanced at Solace, thinking it might be better to clarify an important fact before she got the wrong idea.*t.... just... keep liking me like before."


"...Ah, this is so embarrassing..."

Song Soo-yeon whispered shyly.

Jung-gyeom laughed.

.....I didnt tell you to look for another job because I disliked you, Soo-yeon.

Solace reacted as well.


She covered her mouth in surprise, alternating her gaze between Jung-gyeom and Song Soo-yeon.

Exactly the response Song Soo-yeon had hoped for.

Are you two... in that kind of relationship?


Jung-gyeom raised a metaphorical question mark.

Solace asked more specifically.

Were you... lovers? Is that why Jung-gyeom is helping Soo-yeon so much?

They werent lovers.

But there was one-sided love being received.

Wanting to reveal this fact, Song Soo-yeon felt an itch to speak up.

She didnt want Solace to get too cocky just for catching a bit of Jung-gyeoms attention.

....What are you talking about? Were not in a romantic relationship.

Jung-gyeoms expression hardened.

Song Soo-yeon wondered if there was a need for him to be so serious.

But... the nuance of Soo-yeons words just now...


.......Like being loved... that sort of...

Solaces voice trailed off, sounding cautious.

Song Soo-yeon enjoyed her reaction.

She secretly smiled.

Jung-gyeom then said,

......Why do you keep saying that? Why would I love Soo-yeon. I like her as a person, but its definitely not love.

Song Soo-yeons expression hardened at his following words.

Her sinking heart was an added bonus.


Though she couldnt hear his inner thoughts, his expression spoke truer than ever before.

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