Published at 16th of May 2024 05:41:28 AM

Chapter 30: My Hero (6)

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Chapter 30: My Hero (6)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 4-5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Under excessive stress, Song Soo-yeon always only had one choice.

To kill her emotions.

Despite reconciling with Jung-gyeom, the unease never stopped; it even intensified.

It was like that every time Jung-gyeom looked at Solace, no, Min-Bom.

Solace had already changed into cute casual clothes and was sitting in the store.

"Do you like spicy food?"

Jung-gyeom's voice echoed from the kitchen.

"Yes! I like it!"

Min-Bom responded energetically.

She seemed excited about the upcoming drinking session.

Song Soo-yeon wasn't.

If Min-Bom hadn't been there, perhaps she might have enjoyed herself.

But Min-Bom's presence made her feel as though her and Jung-gyeom's space was being invaded.

It was uncomfortable.

Song Soo-yeon waited quietly before asking.

"....Mister, aren't you going to ask me?"

"Huh? Ask what."

"....Whether I like spicy food or not."

"You like it, dont you."


Song Soo-yeon had nothing to say.

She didn't even understand why she was acting so childishly.

Soon, Jung-gyeom brought out the last side dish.

Stir-fried beef brisket with bean sprouts, fried chicken, and finally, a spicy seafood noodle soup was placed on the table.


Min-Bom reacted with admiration.

Her expression genuinely reflected her feelings.

"You didn't have to go to all this trouble... Thank you."

Jung-gyeom, seeing this, gave a bashful smile.

"It makes me happy to see you react like that."

Watching Jung-gyeom's happiness, Song Soo-yeon's heart sank even further.

No matter how much she tried to kill her emotions, the pain didnt subside.

Unfounded irritation towards Min-Bom also arose.

....Is she flirting with mister?

....Even feelings she had never thought she'd have towards another woman began to surface.

"Its Song Soo-yeon's graduation, so I thought Id put in some effort."

And then, Jung-gyeom's words lightly lifted Song Soo-yeon's sunken mood.

As Song Soo-yeon blinked and looked at Jung-gyeom, he was smiling brightly at her.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

".....Im glad we reconciled. It wouldn't have been nice to fight on graduation day."


Song Soo-yeon swallowed her smile.

And then she whispered quietly.

".....Thank you."


Jung-gyeom congratulated her once more.

Song Soo-yeon took a deep breath in and out, refreshing her mind.

"So, Hero. What are we drinking-"

"-It's Min-Bom."

Min-Bom playfully corrected Jung-gyeom.

A smile lingered on her lips from the scene she had just witnessed between Jung-gyeom and Song Soo-yeon.


"Please call me Min-Bom. I'm not Solace right now, right? Im just a civilian."

"Ahaha.. Is that so? Alright then, Min-Bom, where's the alcohol?"

Min-Bom got up from her seat.

Song Soo-yeon quietly watched her.

Min-Bom walked to the refrigerator that was in the kitchen, pulled out a black bag, and found soju inside.

"Cheers! Here's the soju!"

"......Red cap...?"

Jung-gyeom tilted his head, muttering to himself.

Song Soo-yeon and Min-Bom were equally puzzled.

"....What's 'red cap'?"

Min-Bom asked.

Jung-gyeom pointed to the soju bottle she was holding.

"...That soju. The red cap."


Min-Bom still didn't seem to understand what Jung-gyeom was saying.

The same went for Song Soo-yeon.

It was exactly the kind her mother used to drink.

".....That one has a slightly higher alcohol content. It's your first time, are you sure youll be okay?"

"Ah..! Is that so...?"

Min-Bom looked like she had made a mistake.

Her eyes wandered between the soju and Jung-gyeom.

" this not okay? I...I've never drunk alcohol before..."

"It's fine, but... you might want to be a bit careful."


Song Soo-yeon's eyes quietly shifted to Jung-gyeom.

"....You too, Song Soo-yeon."

And with that, things went back to normal.

"Um... well, thanks for letting me know. Shall we have a drink before the food gets cold...?"

Min-Bom cautiously suggested.

There was still a hint of innocence in her demeanor.

She seemed excited about trying alcohol for the first time.

Jung-gyeom smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Here, give it to me."

Jung-gyeom took the soju bottle from Min-Bom's hand.

"I actually dont know much about drinking etiquette either."

Min-Bom sat down, and Jung-gyeom unscrewed the cap.

"....I grew up alone. Nobody was there to teach me."


Instead, she grew more troubled watching Jung-gyeom and Min-Bom getting closer.

".....So that's how you got selected. I never thought you could become a hero at such a young age."

"You have enough talent to be one. That's impressive."

"Not really. Like I said, I think Jung-gyeom is more amazing. You seem much more like a hero than me."

Song Soo-yeon couldn't find an opening to join in their bright conversation.

Moreover, Jung-gyeom's attention was only on Min-Bom.

The longer the drinking session, the more Song Soo-yeon understood her feelings.

She realized why she was feeling so bad.

.....She disliked Min-Bom getting close to Jung-gyeom.

She couldnt understand why.

She just didn't like it and felt spiteful.

It was hard to hide her feelings, especially on a day when she needed to be extra careful.

Song Soo-yeon raised her glass.

It was already empty.


Before she could call Jung-gyeom to refill her glass, he gently grabbed her hand that was lifting the glass.

Song Soo-yeon felt sobered up instantly.

Her slightly dizzy head cleared in a moment.

".....Song Soo-yeon, are you okay?"


".....You've been silently drinking, and I'm worried. You know you get drunk faster if you drink without talking, right?"

".....Is that true?"

"...Hehe. You lose track of your pace."


Even amidst this, Song Soo-yeon wondered why she didn't dislike his touch.

Every physical contact she had experienced from men so far was repulsive, but why did this touch... make her heart flutter?

She wished he wouldn't let go of her.

As she entertained these thoughts, she chose silence, and Jung-gyeom, surprised, withdrew his hand.

"....Ah. Sorry. I guess I'm drunk too."

"....It's okay."

"...Are you going to drink more?"

".....If you pour for me."

"Control your drinking. Stop if you feel dizzy."

Song Soo-yeon felt her heart lift as she conversed with Jung-gyeom for the first time in a while.

Breathing became easier, her mind more alert, and her mood much improved.

"You two seem close."

Min-Bom commented from the side.

Interrupted by her, Song Soo-yeon felt a strange spite arise.

".....Of course we're close. Did you think we werent?"

Jung-gyeom chimed in too.

"What do you mean? It was Min-Bom who said that Song Soo-yeon doesn't hate me."

Min-Bom frantically waved her hands in defense.

"Ah, no... it's true... but still, after seeing you two fight today, and also...."


"I felt a sense of distance in the way you address each other, considering how long you've been together...."

Jung-gyeom and Song Soo-yeon exchanged glances.

".....That's true."

Jung-gyeom readily admitted, and

"......What's wrong with calling him Mister?"

Song Soo-yeon challenged.

Min-Bom raised her hands as if to show she meant no harm.

"No, it's fine! But... considering the age difference is only three years, isnt Mister a bit much?"


A sense of foreboding crept up on Song Soo-yeon.

She didn't like the direction the conversation was taking.

Jung-gyeom spoke up.

"Right? I even suggested changing it before, but Song Soo-yeon didn't like the idea. I can't force her."

"What did you want to be called?"

Min-Bom, suddenly interested, wore a playful smile.

Jung-gyeom rolled his eyes, recalling that moment.

"....Um....Mister Gyeom... I think?"

"What, so it was still Mister?"


Song Soo-yeon wanted to end this conversation.

Her heart was pounding increasingly.

Something unpleasant was approaching.

"....So what? It's none of your business, isnt it?"

"....Hmm.... I guess so."

Jung-gyeom joined in.

"Actually, the title Mister has become so established that it's impossible to change it now."


Song Soo-yeon's voice was laced with confusion.


".....Ah... that... never mind."

Song Soo-yeon felt a strange twist in her heart.

Unknowingly, she might have thought of the title as something temporary, to be changed one day.

Like Min-Bom, Song Soo-yeon might have been bothered by the distance implied by the title.

She was just beginning to realize these feelings within herself.

But the die was cast, and it seemed unlikely that the title would change.

This realization planted an uncomfortable dissatisfaction in her.

Jung-gyeom had warned her before.

Once a title takes hold, it's hard to change.

Somehow, those words echoed in Song Soo-yeon's ears.

".......I dont want to keep calling you Mr. Jung-gyeom."

At that moment, a shy voice came from Song Soo-yeon's left.

Song Soo-yeon turned her head.

Min-Bom was looking at Jung-gyeom.

"Is that so?"

"I just find the title Mr. still awkward. Maybe I'm not grown-up enough."

"So how would you like to call me?"

Min-Bom twirled her long hair around her finger, avoiding eye contact, and murmured.

"......Gyeom... oppa?"


raei: ahh honorifics/titles are my biggest weakness. Sorry if I missed anything.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!