Published at 16th of May 2024 05:41:21 AM

Chapter 34: My Hero (10)

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Chapter 34: My Hero (10)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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I laid Song Soo-yeon on the bed.

She seemed too exhausted to take a shower and sleep.

Her hangover was gradually getting worse.

Her pronunciation had improved, but she complained of a headache and her retching intensified.

"Do you want to throw up before sleeping?"

I asked her, but she shook her head without a word, then stared at me for a long time.


"...No, it's nothing."

"You should throw up before sleeping, right? It'll be a disaster if you do it while sleeping."

"...I don't want to."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Do whatever you want."

Then I turned around.

Before leaving the room, I gave her a few more instructions.

"Lie on your side. Don't sleep in the cold. If you feel like throwing up, just do it. Try to drink lots of water in between. It will help with the hangover."

"Where are you going?"

Song Soo-yeon's words stopped me as I was leaving.

I just turned my head to look back at her.

"I need to go to the restaurant. I have things to tidy up."

"You're going to sleep there?"This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Song Soo-yeon's expression crumpled as she lay on the bed, supporting her upper body on her elbows.

Her lips moved a couple of times before she spoke.

"Stay here and sleep."


"We... agreed to do that, didn't we?"

"We didn't agree on that yet..."

As I showed signs of leaving despite her words, Song Soo-yeon struggled to get up from the bed.

"If you don't like it, I'll go to the restaurant and sleep there."

"Ah, okay, okay. Lie down."

Her words were sincere.

I could feel her earnestness, even amidst her struggle with intoxication.

I didn't want to invalidate the effort it took to bring her here.

I thought I should lay her down and then think about it.

Once she falls asleep, I can decide whether to return to the restaurant or not.

...Well, it didn't really matter to me.

I had no intentions of doing anything.

Song Soo-yeon, still carrying many wounds, hadn't changed.

I had no intention of touching her, let alone hurting her.

The problem was her psychology.

Even though she was asking me to sleep together, she might be struggling inside.

She might be trying to keep me in this room, only because she didn't want to leave the restaurant.

This thought made me uncomfortable.

If I set out to do a good deed but end up causing the other person to worry, it would just be self-satisfaction.

Song Soo-yeon, watching me take off my coat, flopped back onto the bed weakly.

I dragged a chair from the room, placed it beside the bed, and sat down.

"Are you going to sleep there?"

Song Soo-yeon asked.

"No. I haven't decided to sleep yet. It's still early evening. You sleep first."


Her eyes filled with doubt.

I reached out my palm and gently stroked her eyes closed.

Her eyes closed.

"Go to sleep. I'm also watching to make sure you don't throw up."

"....I'm really going to die, mister.."

She spoke with her eyes still closed.

"It's a joke, go to sleep."

I gradually suppressed my smile to help her relax.

And as is often the case when drunk, Song Soo-yeon quickly fell into a deep sleep, her soft breathing beginning to sound.

I sat in the room, now bathed in the light of the setting sun, reflecting on the events of the day.

I remembered the moment Song Soo-yeon apologized and spoke her heart to me.

I also remembered when Solace asked to be by my side.

It was a day where I felt others' affection and respect towards me, feelings I hadn't experienced before the regression.

All of these thoughts brought a smile to my lips.

Gradually, I felt more at ease.

The accumulated fatigue seemed to fly away all at once.

Having drunk and enjoyed myself after a long time, my stress also dissipated.

It was a good day.

A happy one.

As my body relaxed, the effects of the alcohol began to rise.

As much as she didn't want to believe it, this was the truth.

He didn't love her.

All the things he had done for her until now were... just as he said in the beginning, for his own satisfaction.

He hadn't lied.

She wasn't special to him.

.....And she could never be.


All this time, thinking he loved her, she had built too many walls.

The distance between Song Soo-yeon and Jung-gyeom was greater than she had anticipated.

She thought they were close and kept pushing him away, but he had already moved to a distance she couldn't reach.

It was in this gap that Min-Bom had landed.

There was no wall between Min-Bom and Jung-gyeom.

Instead, there seemed to be some kind of attraction at work.

The walls Song Soo-yeon couldn't cross, the ones she had built herself, Min-Bom easily floated over and approached Jung-gyeom.

Song Soo-yeon had no right to stop it.

She could only watch as the two grew closer.

As good as they were, they were bound to get closer.

And as they did...

Song Soo-yeon's mind unwillingly conjured up a scenario she didn't want to think about.

They would become closer and eventually become a couple.

Even closer than what she had seen today, they would be together.

Affectionately and dearly.

The future that Song Soo-yeon had pushed away with her own hands would be seized by Min-Bom.

It wasn't hard for her to imagine how well Jung-gyeom would treat his girlfriend.

Even to her, whom he didn't love, he was this kind.

Wouldn't he be even better to a lover?

Jung-gyeom, who laughed and was happy over little things, would deeply love Min-Bom, who appreciated everything.

'And his affection for me will diminish.'


Suddenly, Song Soo-yeon felt a surge of nausea.

She quickly got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom.

There, she vomited various things that were inside her.

Even in this state, her body took care to ensure that Jung-gyeom wouldnt hear these unpleasant sounds.


Was it because of the vomiting?

Tears started to flow.

After flushing the water and rinsing her mouth, she came out of the bathroom.

Jung-gyeom was still sound asleep.

Song Soo-yeon's heart began to painfully throb.

.....She felt like she now understood.

She had never learned it, so it took too long for her to realize... but now it seemed she understood.

Why her heart felt so heavy.

Why it was so hard to breathe.

Why she got angry over trivial things about Jung-gyeom, and also felt happy.

Why she didn't want to show him her embarrassing side.

Why she couldnt stand Min-Bom so much.

Why his touch wasn't repulsive.

Why her heart was racing.

Why she felt such regret.


Song Soo-yeon quietly knelt beside Jung-gyeom.

She slowly reached out her hand.

Her trembling hand gradually neared him.

And then, her hand overlapped with his.

.......There was no disgust, only a feeling of tenderness.

And that fact, painfully tormented her.

Unwanted memories from the past returned.

The words she had spoken to him came back.

Dont get any weird ideas. You understand, right?

Damn it, just confess. Seriously.

I can see through your act. Its disgusting, so stop.

I hate men. Ill never fall in love.

Each word pierced her heart.

She was at a point of no return, and only now had she realized her feelings.

Song Soo-yeon pulled his hand towards her.

Her body automatically brought his hand to her cheek.

Breathing shakily, she looked up at the sleeping Jung-gyeom.

Her expression involuntarily distorted.

She was so immature.

In fact, she still couldnt believe it.

But the circumstances made it clear.

.....Do I love you, mister...?

Jung-gyeom was deep in sleep.

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