Published at 16th of May 2024 05:40:45 AM

Chapter 45: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (7)

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Chapter 45: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (7)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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The stadium shook with a cheer louder than when a player scored a home run.

My ears become numb, unable to hear anything.

...No, it's just that what was before my eyes was unbelievable, making everything else blank.

Everything other than Jung-gyeom and Solace faded from her view.

Solace was still continuing her long peck on his cheek.

Song Soo-yeon just blinked silently.

But no matter how much she blinked, the reality in front of her did not change.

Why was another woman kissing his cheek?

.......I was going to nod my head.

I had no intention of refusing.

I was going to allow a kiss on the cheek.

I covered my face and hesitated.... but not because I disliked it, but because I was too excited.

The emotion called love, new to her, was so powerful that it was more than enough to freeze her.

It was just that she needed time to prepare her heart as it was her first time.

It wasn't that I disliked it.

To be honest, I was too happy just imagining it.

If I put aside how I would react or how my expression would change, it was a kiss I desperately wanted.

I was filled with an unbearable sense of anticipation, trembling nerves, and a happiness so intense that it felt like my head would explode just from the thought of it.

My life, which had seemed like a cesspool, had changed so dramatically that it was hard to believe.

It wasn't that I disliked it, not at all.

But now, that happiness was no longer mine.



'Insane, damn it!!'

Solace showed no signs of stopping.

And as she continued, the crowds cheers only grew louder.

Her arms tightened, pulling Jung-gyeom even closer to her.

Jung-gyeom's cheek flattened under that force, their two faces pressing tightly together.

Jung-gyeom, who had always maintained a kind smile even when his face appeared unexpectedly on the scoreboard, now floundered in confusion.

Song Soo-yeon wanted to scream for them to stop.

But her throat felt blocked, and no sound came out.

She couldnt even breathe.

No matter how much she struggled, the best she could do was barely move her mouth.

The cheerleader shouted.

Ah! Solace! How long will you go on? Are you trying to set a record!


Finally, Solace lifted her lips from Jung-gyeom's cheek.

Still seated on his thigh, Solace turned towards the camera, one arm still wrapped around Jung-gyeom's neck, smiling with her eyes, while her other hand waved high in the air as if asking for support.

The crowd's cheers continued at this.

Amidst the noise, Solace's shy laughter burst out.

She looked at Jung-gyeom tenderly.

In a situation where they're completely pressed against each other.

As if they were the only two in the world, Solace whispered in a very soft voice.

Song Soo-yeon could hear it.

Oppa, sorry for being so sudden."


Taken aback, Jung-gyeom couldn't even respond properly.

At this, Song Soo-yeon was infuriated.

Wasn't this the moment to be furious and outraged?

Was he really planning to let it go after being sexually harassed?The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

But Solace didn't even care look at Song Soo-yeon.

She didnt seem to care about how Song Soo-yeon felt.

But let's talk later. Remember not to act like you know me. It's for your sake, oppa.

Solace's long assault finally ended.

She crossed her arms, waiting for this awful baseball game to end.

Song Soo-yeon looked down at her hands.

....Still, having an awakened ability, it somewhat eased her frustration.



On the subway home, Song Soo-yeon couldn't respond to Jung-gyeom's words.

My throats sore from cheering. Soo-yeon, are you okay?


Seeing her silent, Jung-gyeom leaned in.

He carefully asked, looking at her face from the side.

Soo-yeon....? Are you tired?


Despite his efforts, Song Soo-yeon didnt open her mouth.

She felt like she would just get angry.

The kinder he was, the more it reminded her of what she had missed.

So even keeping her mouth shut took effort.

The emotions Jung-gyeom taught her were all intense and stimulating.

Knowing she still couldnt control these feelings, she chose silence to avoid making a mistake.

She didnt want to make any more mistakes.

She didnt want to be hated.

Even though she was angry, she had to hold back.


Jung-gyeom sighed.

At that sound, Song Soo-yeon looked at him coldly.

She loved him, but at this moment, a warm expression was impossible.

....Is it because of what happened earlier?


At his words, Song Soo-yeon finally spoke.

"....Sorry....I got carried away too."


She listened calmly to Jung-gyeom's words.

She didnt expect Jung-gyeom to apologize.

In truth, he hadnt done anything wrong.

It was all because of that trashy hero, no, Solace, that fox.


He hadn't done anything wrong, but somehow, she felt that if he apologized for not kissing her, she might feel better.

If he said he was swept up in the situation and couldnt push Solace away, her anger might subside.

Jung-gyeom said,

.....If I knew you, I wouldnt have asked if it was okay to kiss you on the cheek.


A dumbfounded sound escaped her lips.

She doubted her own ears.

But because of Bom, we were able to pass it smoothly. I didnt kiss... Could you overlook it just this once?

He didn't apologize for not pushing Solace away.

Instead, he defended her.


Song Soo-yeon couldnt respond again.

It wasnt that she was holding back her anger.

She genuinely couldnt find any words to say.

Jung-gyeom spoke in a low, serious voice.

....Im sorry. I guess Ive become too... comfortable. I wont make such a request again...

At those words, all her pent-up anger chilled and dissipated.


She didnt even have the energy to be angry anymore.

.....Instead, her lips began to tremble uncontrollably.

She bowed her head.

A hollow sadness enveloped her.

It just felt like tears would start flowing.

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