Published at 16th of May 2024 05:40:27 AM

Chapter 49: Go away, you're a nuisance (4)

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Chapter 49: Go away, you're a nuisance (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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"How can I help you with that?"

I expressed my confusion at her difficult request.

The request needed to be more specific.

Even if she asked me to help her overcome her hatred of men, I didnt know how.

Song Soo-yeon, who I sometimes forget is my first friend, isn't someone I'm familiar with.

I expressed my confusion at her difficult request.

Song Soo-yeon, is my first friend. Something I forget.

I'm not familiar with people.

I know nothing about this.


Song Soo-yeon hesitated for a long time afterward.

She seemed unusually cautious about bringing up the topic.

Perhaps, like me, she was also ignorant about it.

I proposed an idea instead of waiting for her to speak.

"Wouldn't it be better to seek professional help?"

However, Song Soo-yeon was firmly against it.

"I don't want that. I think I need your help, Mister."

"Soo-yeon, I really want to help, but I'm not sure if I can do it well."

"If you... if you just do what I ask... I think it'll be okay."

Her words eased some of my concern.

It seemed she had thought of something.

"Like what?"

I asked, wanting to hear her plan.

Doing as she asked wouldnt be difficult.

For her sake, for mine, and even for Solace's.

It's right to help her heal her wounds, no matter how.

As she said, hating men like this isnt going to help.

Song Soo-yeon stuttered in fits and starts.

"...I need to become more... accustomed to men."

"I'm listening."

"...So, like having more conversations like we are now..."

"That's easy."

"And then... um..."

She said casually, yet shyly, as if it was nothing significant.

"...please have physical contact with me."

"...Physical contact?"

I repeated her words shortly, and Song Soo-yeon jolted.

But I had to ask again.

I doubted whether I had heard her correctly.

Of all the possible methods, I never expected such a bold one.

It was hard to believe these words came from her.

I couldn't tell if it was something said impulsively or after careful thought.

A brief silence ensued.

She glanced at me, then looked away, repeatedly.

Anyone could see she was nervous.

"...Physical contact?"

I asked again, seeking confirmation.

Then, as if she couldnt bear the moment any longer, she raised her voice a bit more assertively.

"Dont think-"

"-No, I'm not thinking anything weird. I just wanted to confirm what I heard."

Before she could finish, I interrupted.

She turned her head sharply and replied coldly.


"Yes! I will remember that well!"

Solace nodded with a pleasant smile to the senior hero 'Mega Wind'.

"Don't get too cocky just because you've surpassed in the hero rankings."

Mega Wind's advice came after he was pushed to the 29th rank by Solace.

Walking through the Hero Association, Solace was caught by him and had to listen to his nagging, disguised as advice.

However, Solace responded to him without showing any discomfort, nodding and smiling until the end.

Her reactions were as if she was truly grateful.

Eventually, even Mega Wind ran out of things to say.

He felt his inherent limitations.

There are indeed people born to be heroes.

For Solace, being a hero was her calling, and it was unlikely anyone could surpass her.

Just two years into her debut, she had already entered the top 20 ranks.

The world even buzzed with talk that she might surpass Shake, a renowned hero.

Mega Wind too, honestly, saw that potential in her.

Maybe he was venting his frustration on a hero who would be remembered in history.

He felt momentarily insignificant.

Expressing anger to her only made his heart more burdened.

"...Alright, go ahead."

He finally ended the conversation.

Solace bowed her head in respect until Mega Wind walked away.

After waiting for him to leave, Solace moved on.


Greeting senior heroes, staff, and juniors alike, Solace headed to her personal office.

Wherever she passed, people's faces lit up with smiles.

She had to bow more than twenty times before reaching her office.

Arriving at her personal office, she looked at the door.

A large sign with a cute character of Solace warned, 'Do not enter!'

Solace paused to look at the sign, then twisted the doorknob to enter.


Even as she opened her door, someone called out to her, waving.

Without tiring, Solace nodded in response.


"You were awesome saving that child last time!"

"...Thank you!"

She thanked them with a smile and entered her room.


Solace closed the door.


And just like that, her smile disappeared as if it was a lie.

Solace reached out her hand.


In a short moment, she activated her power, emitting electromagnetic waves from her hand.

It was a precaution against any electronic devices that might have been secretly installed inside.

After completing the security check, she listlessly pulled off her mask.

Not a trace of her usual smile could be found on her lips.

Solace ran her fingers through her hair and slowly walked around the room.

She lay down on the sofa in her office.

She closed her eyes tightly.

The warm persona of Solace was nowhere to be seen.

After a few minutes of deep breathing, Solace pulled out her phone.

There was a message.

It was from Jung-gyeom.

'Bom, there are some strange people wandering around my restaurant. They dont seem like villains, more like your fans or paparazzi. It's probably best if you dont come by the restaurant for a while.'

She silently looked at the message, then closed her eyes again and tossed the phone onto the sofa next to her.


And then, for an even longer time, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

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