Published at 16th of May 2024 05:40:04 AM

Chapter 63: Sweet Reward (1)

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Chapter 63: Sweet Reward (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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The next day, Song Soo-yeon sat absentmindedly at her studio apartment's table, sipping tea.nove(l)bi(n.)com

She had not visited Jung-gyeom that morning for several reasons.

One reason was her upset feelings towards Jung-gyeom.

Although she knew it was his right, the image of him holding Min-bom's hand lingered in her mind.

Logically, she understood, but emotionally, it was a different story.

She couldn't fathom why she was acting so childishly.

There had been times when she sulked like a child and regretted it just as often.

Perhaps the only difference now was that she concealed these feelings better.

The second reason was guilt.

She harbored an aversion to the word 'villain,' solely because Jung-gyeom despised villains.

Yet, apart from that, Song Soo-yeon only saw benefits in this path.

All she needed to do was overcome a bit of fear.

It was a way to alleviate many concerns at once - money, Min-bom, Jung-gyeom.

Given her abilities, the chance of getting caught was minimal.

How could she be caught if she manipulated things from behind the scenes?

If used well, she might even escape the notice of heroes.

So, Jung-gyeom wouldnt find out.

He didnt even know she had abilities.

In conclusion, she just needed to avoid being caught by a hero.

Taking a deep breath, Song Soo-yeon felt confident she could do it.

She continued to calmly gather her thoughts.




The restaurant door opened, and Song Soo-yeon walked in.

It was just past noon.

Seeing her, I felt a mix of relief and happiness.

I had been concerned when she hurried back to her studio apartment, claiming she had a rough day and needed rest.

But I respected her space.

...Can't you just comfort me without asking?

I remembered her request from the first day not to pry.

She will talk when she's ready.

She must have worries she couldn't talk about, so she kept silent.

...Are you here?

I asked casually.


She responded just as casually.



Song Soo-yeon struggled to focus on her meal, idly picking at her food.

She seemed lost in thought.


At my call, she blinked back to reality.


...You might end up eating with your nose.

She snorted at my comment, but her usual liveliness was absent.

Even for someone typically reserved, today she seemed unusually listless.

It was clear her worries were affecting her.

As I ate, pondering over what troubled her, she suddenly turned to me with a question.

...Uh, mister. What happened yesterday?


...You were holding hands with noona.


I was taken aback by her unexpected question.

However, Song Soo-yeon's tone was casual, different from before.

"...So, have you decided to date?"

Trying to match her tone, I responded lightly.

"....Ah, dating? No, that's not it."

Without responding, Song Soo-yeon stepped into the room.

The dim lighting, provided by a single, faint bulb, was a relief to her.

She preferred not to have her face recognized by others.

Concealing not just her appearance but her identity as a villain was paramount.

She adjusted her mask and hat firmly, then addressed Stella.

"...You mentioned introducing me to the alliance's villains."

Stella chuckled lightly.

"...Soo-yeon, they're not just villains now, they're colleagues."

"...Anyway. Why am I here alone?"

She surveyed the dark, dingy room, doubting its suitability for meeting anyone.

The room was cluttered and damp, filled with broken items.

Stella explained.

"Given your current appearance, it's understandable you'd feel uneasy meeting them."


Stella retrieved a bag from a corner.

"I've prepared a costume for you. Wear it for now. You can customize it later. This one's designed to conceal your face."

Song Soo-yeon examined the costume pulled from the bag.

It was a full-body suit in black and purple, complete with a face mask.

She hesitated momentarily before accepting it from Stella.

Reading her hesitation, Stella added,

"You don't have to remove your current clothes. Just wear this over them for today."


After a brief pause, Song Soo-yeon began to don the costume, removing only her coat.

Concealing her identity was her top priority.

She fumbled a bit, but with Stella's assistance, she managed to wear it and observed her reflection.

The suit was surprisingly warm and comfortable.

Stella commented nonchalantly.

"Comfortable, isn't it? It's equipped with several special features."

"...You said it was just for covering my face."

"Nevertheless, it's better to be comfortable, right? We must take good care of a promising newcomer like Soo-yeon."

"...A promising newcomer?"

Stella's eyes sparkled briefly as she smiled and nodded slowly.

"...You might not realize it yet."

Then, shifting the mood, Stella continued,

"Now, Soo-yeon. Through that door, you'll meet your colleagues. They're all waiting."

She gestured towards a door concealed in the room's dark corner.

"Before you go in, there are a couple of rules you need to know. First, strive to help each other achieve your dreams."


Song Soo-yeon remained silent.

Despite her past desire to shatter the world, fear wasn't foreign to her.

The nature of the villains she was about to meet could change everything.

Stella went on.

"Second, avoid getting too close to one another. Our goal is to support each other's dreams, not to form personal bonds."

Song Soo-yeon nodded in agreement.

This suited her just fine.




Stella smiled.

"...Actually, that's all. But you need a villain name. You can't go in there as Song Soo-yeon, right?"

Song Soo-yeon nodded again.

That made sense.

"Have you thought of any villain names?"


"Do you want me to choose for you?"


She hadn't considered it before, and this was her first time thinking about it.

However, a name suddenly came to mind, feeling uniquely fitting.

She wanted a name that would constantly remind her of her purpose.

A name to symbolize her resolve to confront Solace.


She finally spoke.

"...I'll go by Luna."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!