Published at 16th of May 2024 05:39:55 AM

Chapter 72: Doubt (5)

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Chapter 72: Doubt (5)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Luna arrived at the hideout first, sitting at the round table.

Tapping her legs, she waited for the villains who had yet to arrive.

Today, mixed emotions filled her at the thought of finally smashing Solace to pieces.

Worry and tension.

Excitement and slight fear.

And even guilt toward Jung-gyeom.

But above all, anticipation was foremost.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Her mind was sharper than ever before.

Even as they arrived one by one and greeted her, she did not let go of that tension.

She kept thinking about Solace, who had been openly hostile upon learning of her affection for Jung-gyeom.

As if Jung-gyeom was something she owned, that brazen attitude.

Luna was without a moment of peace.

Even a gentle dog bares its teeth when someone reaches for its bone.

She wasn't malicious, just desperate.

She wanted to get rid of Solace by any means necessary.

Finally, Stella appeared last.

Has everyone arrived?

Luna lifted her head, looking at Stella with a smile.

Liquid asked her.

So, today is the day we attack Solace?

Yes, for Luna.

Liquid nodded.

Then we must help.

Luna was gradually gaining recognition from the villains.

Especially Liquid, who had significantly lowered his guard towards her after the crackdown on drug organization members.

Tryno suddenly spoke up.

But is there a reason to gather like this? I could have smashed Solace myself.

All eyes turned to him. His confidence was at an all-time high recently.

He wasn't being outdone by Shake anymore and had developed the ability to confront him one-on-one, so it was natural.

The other villains, except Luna, agreed with his opinion, looking at Stella.


But Stella just smiled after a moment of silence.

Tryno. We shouldn't underestimate Solace.

It's not that I underestimated her, but-

No, Tryno.

Stella sharply interrupted him.

...We need to be more cautious of Solace. She will become a tremendous monster in the future. A monster even worse than Shake.

No one dared to speak lightly after Stella's assertion.

Only Tryno looked baffled.

Still, Stella continued.

If it wasn't for Luna's wish, we would have avoided confronting Solace. Until he appears.


Anyway, it means she's a dangerous hero. So, I hope none of you take this plan lightly.

Liquid also secretly shared his opinion.

...Hmm. I acknowledge she's growing fast, but still...if Tryno and I team up, we can take down Solace...

Stella nodded.

We might still be able to do that. Solace is still growing. 'Still,' and might be crushable. That's also why we're going through with this plan.

Tryno spoke, frowning all the while.

"...Stella, that sounds like you're underestimating me."

"So, prove me wrong. Let's step on Solace once and for all."


It was clear from the start that Stella had put a lot of preparation into this simple plan.

Luna liked that, but for some reason, every time Stella acknowledged Solace, it irked her.

She didn't want to believe that Solace was such a remarkable person.

She just didn't want to.



While preparing the restaurant in the morning, I waited for Solace.

She had said she would visit the restaurant today.

After school started, she always remained on standby at school, which was very close to our restaurant.


The door to the restaurant rang.

I poked my head out of the kitchen and warmly welcomed Solace as she entered.

"Are you here?"

Solace smiled as she pulled down her mask.

"Yes, oppa."

She looked around and asked.

"Soo-yeon isn't here today, right?"

"Yes, she's not here. She went to a photo shoot today. Isn't that great?"

Wiping my hands, I approached her.

Then I noticed something in her hands.

"Huh? What's that?"

Solace said with a big smile.

"...This is a lunchbox."

"Did you bring something to eat? Wait a minute, I haven't prepared anything yet... I'll make something quickly, so wait."



When Solace made a slightly disappointed face, I looked at her puzzled.

"...Aren't we going to eat together...?"

She asked.

Too late, I realized what she meant.

"...Did you bring one for me too?"

She nodded.

As someone who rarely received anything from anyone, I hadn't expected Solace to have packed a lunchbox for me.

"No...Bom, when did you find the've been so busy and struggling..."

A surge of deep emotion washed over me.

Placing a hand on my chest, I took a breath. The impact of this small gesture was unbelievable.

"Why are you so moved, oppa? You always make delicious food for me."

"But still..."

"Don't be like that...! Let's sit and eat, okay?"

But Song Soo-yeon was about their age.

She hadn't yet fully grasped the distinction of being a minor.

Because she owed them, unknowingly?

Definitely not.

...Or, out of guilt towards Jung-gyeom?

...Not that she wasn't guilty, but she had already committed numerous crimes.


Soon, Song Soo-yeon realized the reason.

It would be the first time using her powers on ordinary citizens.

She had been so focused on destroying Solace that she forgot that fact.

Until now, she had only used her powers on gangsters or other villains.

Staying under the radar, her name hadn't even made it onto the villain rankings.

If things go according to plan, she wouldn't get caught, but it would still be a monumental moment.

When she used her powers on criminals, there was some guilt to mitigate.

But now it's different.

Now, she was truly becoming a villain.


In that moment of reflection, Tryno sent the signal.

He created a massive explosion on the sports field, causing a loud noise.

Students and teachers start screaming in panic.

No one ran out of the classrooms, but it was clear chaos was beginning.

It was time to use her powers.

But for some reason, she hesitated again.

It was like the last bit of humanity she didn't know she still had.


Why does Jung-gyeom's face keep coming to mind?

Why does his kindness and warmth resurface?

Knowing that Solace is taking all of that away, why can't she use her powers?

Then, someone running towards her suddenly fell to the ground at the sight of her villain outfit.


Luna recognized him.

He was the PE teacher.

The one who always harbored vile sexual harassment intentions inside.


Suddenly, seeing him made everything easier. The hesitation disappeared instantly.

"It's been a while."

Luna muttered in a voice the PE teacher couldn't hear.

Simultaneously, her hands and eyes began to glow purple.

"Create chaos."

She commanded everyone.



Solace told me to stay away, but I couldn't possibly do that.

I quickly entered an apartment that had a view of the school's sports field.

The sound that shook the ground did not subside even as I ran up the stairs.

It was clear that an intense battle was underway.

Finally reaching the long corridor of the apartment, I looked out the window.

There was Solace, standing against Tryno and Liquid.


And Stingshot, who was sniping at her from the school rooftop.

".....These bastards....!"

Seeing them, a sudden rage exploded within me.

Like fire catching oil, my emotions flared up fiercely and quickly.


But I restrained myself, testing my patience to its limits, just watching the scene unfold.

My fists were trembling as I clenched them tightly.

I couldn't use my powers.

The promise I made next to Solace as I was dying wasn't something light.

-Bang!! Bang!!!

Tryno's fists had already torn through Solace's sleeve.

If she had been a regular person, her body might have exploded too, but Solace was holding her ground.

Solace, who had made me a lunchbox, stood against the villains without backing down.

She was exactly as I had always admired.

Her physical strength might have been less than I remembered, but her spirit and determination were the same.

Eventually, I bowed my head and looked away.

I needed time to calm my heart.

I had to believe.

Just believe.

Solace wouldn't fall to them.

Frowning and gritting my teeth, I lifted my head again to look at the sports field.

I took in each villain standing on the now-destroyed sports field.




I looked around.

There was talk of a teleporter... Riem.

Though I couldn't see her.

She'd probably show up the moment they tried to escape.

"...Tryno, Liquid, Stingshot..."

I repeated their names. I couldn't do anything right now, but I vowed never to forget them.


At that moment, the school's windows shattered all at once, and numerous chairs were thrown out of the school.


Like me, Solace's attention was momentarily captured by the scene.

Soon after, several students started flowing out of the school building's main entrance, fighting among themselves.

"What's happening...?"

I forgot to watch Solace's battle and stared blankly at the scene.

Two students became four, and four became eight.

Soon, the area around the sports field was in chaos with students fighting each other.

Instead of hiding or evacuating from the battle between villains and heroes, it was as if they themselves had become heroes and villains, fighting among themselves.


I felt a sense of dj vu.

Similarly, my heart sank.

In situations where inexplicable events unfold at the site of a battle between villains and heroes, there's always one villain behind it all.


It was a shocking scene, enough to make me forget the anger I was feeling.

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