Published at 16th of May 2024 05:39:31 AM

Chapter 78: Birthday Date (1)

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Chapter 78: Birthday Date (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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I acted to give off a bright energy.

Song Soo-yeon realized my intentions as well, and that prickly kid laughed along with me.

"Mister, let's go there too."

"Shall we?"

But deep down, I felt a precariousness.

Our relationship was built on a house made of paper.

It felt like my long-standing resolution was crumbling as well.

Originally, I didn't care whether Song Soo-yeon became a villain or not.

It was my decision not to become a villain, not others'.

I had no intention of forcefully preaching the enlightenment I received through Solace to others.

As such, my intention to help Song Soo-yeon wasn't for her sake.

It was for Solace's sake.

Thinking that it would be a lot of help to her if neither she nor I engaged in villainous activities...

It was okay if it worked out, and no big deal if it didn't.

It was an action that began with that level of resolution.

So, even when Song Soo-yeon spat harsh words at me, I endured it.

Not just because it was a good deed, but also because I had the heart to endure for Solace.

Despite her resolution to never love me, I was not swayed and acted for her sake.

...But then, something unexpected happened.

Towards Song Soo-yeon, who had done nothing for me... I began to feel affection.

Was it because of loneliness?

Or was it a natural reaction that occurred over time?

Eventually, acting for Song Soo-yeon's sake wasn't for Solace anymore.

I just wanted her to be happy.

The closer we got, the more I felt pained by the misfortune that befell her.

No matter how much she called me a pushover, loser, idiot, moron, it wasn't enough for me to push her away.

It felt like a wounded puppy barking because it was afraid of people.

And the moment I realized that, it was hard for me to control my heart.

No matter how much she misbehaved, it only made her seem more pitiful.

At some point, her happiness became more important than my own.

So, when I was alone, I would eat just anything... but for her, I made sure to prepare something delicious.

It wasn't hard to give up my house or add to her allowance.

I tried to clear away the misfortune that had settled on her.

As I sincerely did so, Song Soo-yeon began to change as well.

I felt that she relied on and trusted me.

The moment I physically felt our hearts connecting.

My affection for her had already grown too big.

Song Soo-yeon was too precious to me.

Thus, my personal desires also blossomed.

I sincerely began to hope that she would not become a villain.

I hoped she wouldn't live a life of loneliness like I did.

I hoped she wouldn't walk a path filled with regrets.


The reason for becoming a villain varies from person to person.

But at the end of it all, there's always a strong desire.

To want to become stronger.

Or to not be hungry.

To want to amass tremendous wealth.

Or to destroy the world.

I made efforts so that she wouldn't feel a need for such desires.

Though it might not be enough, I provided financial support.

Though it might not be enough, I made sure she was well-fed.

Though it might not be enough, I cared for her so that she wouldn't harbor too much hatred towards the world.

Though it might not be enough, I strived for her happiness.

Has she become Luna because of this?

That path again?


I can't understand the reason.

Maybe that's why I'm turning a blind eye.

If there was a convincing reason... my head wouldn't be this chaotic.

Since there was no sign whatsoever, I didn't want to believe that she was Luna even more.

What has become of my efforts?

She must like me too.

Think about the smiles over time.

The eye contact that felt like trust was building.

The photos we took together.

The moments we made memories.

If she liked me... she wouldn't have betrayed my words to not become a villain like this.

No matter how prickly she was, she wouldn't deceive me.

She couldn't be one of the people who destroyed our restaurant.

It wasn't just a precious space to me alone.


At that moment, Song Soo-yeon woke me up by shaking me.


She looked up at me worriedly.

I tried to hide my gloom, but here I am, absent-mindedly showing it again.

She couldn't easily offer words of comfort.

Just by that, I feel like I know how much she thinks of me.

I smiled again.

And playfully stroked her face.

Then she said,

"...It's August 9th?"

"What, you don't even know your own birthday?"

"...I don't celebrate it."


I blinked silently.


Her parents' situation wasn't normal.

She didn't have a single friend at school.

I keep forgetting she grew up alone.

Seeing me make a bitter expression, Song Soo-yeon lowered her head and mumbled.

"...Don't make that face. I'm okay now."


"...Because you're by my side.."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. By the way, when is your birthday?"


I too was surprised as I began to speak, realizing, like Song Soo-yeon, I didn't remember my own birthday.

"...Just a moment."

Like her, I rummaged through my wallet and pulled out my ID.

Song Soo-yeon burst into laughter seeing me do this.

"It seems there are similarities between you and me after all."

I smiled at the situation, then was surprised when I saw the date.

"...Oh? April 20th."


Song Soo-yeon, with her arms crossed, shivered.

She was surprised as well.

"....It's in a week?"

"Looks like it. Then, we can apply the discount."

I showed my ID to the concession stand staff.

He nodded, applying the discount.

It was surreal.

We were lucky.

After paying, I said to Song Soo-yeon,

"Let's go sit down."


Song Soo-yeon, seemingly lost in thought, followed me without resistance.

As we sat, we waited for our popcorn.

After a long silence, Song Soo-yeon asked hesitantly,

"....Mister, is there anything you want for your birthday?"

"Are you going to give me a present?"

"...I'll see."

Smiling, I pondered her question lightly.

A birthday present.



There is.

There's exactly one thing I want right now.

I wish she wasn't a villain.

But unable to say this, I beat around the bush.

"It's a secret."

"Ah, come on."

"How can it be a secret if I tell you? Look, the popcorn's ready. Let's go."



Since I had seen the movie before, I enjoyed watching Song Soo-yeon's reactions as much as the movie itself.

She watched more intently than I expected.

The highlight of the movie was coming up.

The male and female leads shared a deep kiss.

I could feel Song Soo-yeon, who was hugging my arm and resting her head on my shoulder, stiffen up.

She watched, unable to take her eyes off, thrilled like any other girl.


Watching her, I turned my attention back to the movie.

What did I feel watching this scene before my regression?

Emptiness? Loneliness? Envy?

I'm not sure anymore.

My emotions from this movie now were quite different.

More positive feelings filled me than those negative emotions.

Maybe... because Song Soo-yeon was right beside me, the loneliness had dissipated, giving way to a sense of ease.

My heart fluttered slightly at that romantic scene.

-Thump. Thump. Thump.

This was nice.

My heart gradually became more at ease.


At that moment, Song Soo-yeon, who had been focused on the movie, turned to look at me.

Our eyes met.



She didn't say anything.

She was no longer looking at the movie.


I finally asked.

At my question, Song Soo-yeon blinked, then rested her head back on my shoulder.

Until the movie ended, she showed no other movement.

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