Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:10 AM

Chapter 101: Curse Plague (4)

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Chapter 101: Curse Plague (4)

Ismi Plateau was the name of the high coastal area sandwiched between the Sierra Madre Mountains and the Huz Sea.

In the front yard, there were borders; in the mountains behind, there were dragons; neighboring the area were sturdy mountain people, and within the region, there were abundant undeveloped resources. It was a place with the potential to immediately write the myth of territorial development.

However, realistically, it was difficult to attract investment due to its proximity to the border, safety was extremely low due to the threat of dragons, and constant conflicts arose due to stubborn neighbours. Additionally, the dense forests and hills made it challenging for the land to prosper.

Nevertheless, this place was the only land route connecting Kiev and Charlotia.

Just a few decades ago, this region had thrived much more than it does now, thanks to serving as a bridge between the two countries.

However, with the advancement of navigation technology, the development of large and small canals, and the discovery of new routes over the mountains, it had lost its former prosperity.

When winter began with freezing, making navigation difficult in Huz Bay, travellers passing through Ismi Plateaus winding hills increased, providing some comfort.

But now, it was the end of July.

No one attempted to use the winding hills of Ismi Plateau when they could sail.

Dvallchep was one of the villages in such Ismi Plateau.

Normally, the people of Dvallchep would be busy harvesting summer cabbages on the highland at this time.

However, a few days ago, an unwelcome guest visited, destroying their entire daily lives.

The Curse Plague.

The dreadful calamity that was only heard of in rumours had begun to spread in this altered village.

The lord governing Ismi Plateau dispatched knights and soldiers as soon as he heard the news.

Their mission was to save whoever they could, burn the bodies, and block the entry of outsiders.

Contrary to its name, the Curse Plague was not contagious.

It was more of a localized curse phenomenon than a plague.

So, as long as protective measures were faithfully taken on-site, there was no fear of it spreading outward.

People infected with the Devolution could be restored to their original state by injecting the Galaxy.

However, the Galaxy was not a readily available resource.

Because no one knew when and where the Curse Plague would erupt.

Only about 10% of the villages population could be saved with the medication.

The rest had to silently watch as parts of their bodies transformed arbitrarily.

If the body could no longer withstand the transformation, death awaited them, and once confirmed dead, soldiers would take them away and set their bodies on fire.

When an epidemic broke out, burning the bodies was crucial.

The bodies that died painfully from the disease emitted negative spiritual waves.

It had the effect of breaking down the barrier between the Abyss and this world.

Especially, such rural villages in the forest were vulnerable to spiritual protection.

If more than a dozen people died from the epidemic in a day, strong demons that could harm humans could appear.

Knight Ivanenko led the two visitors into the stockade.

The two introduced themselves as wizards and boasted that they could defend against Devolution.

There was no reason to refuse anyone willing to help, especially when one had only one hand.

Ivanenko descended from the stockade and looked around the inside of the village with a sigh.

The fire, which had been ignited in the firewood a while ago, was now gradually sinking, emitting cold smoke.

They had burned 30 bodies today alone.

And there were still over 500 infected people.

Though residents with less severe symptoms were helping, it was not enough.

Dvallcheps population was over a thousand.

Originally, even with him and ten soldiers, it was an unbearable number.

But they were sent to this scene.

Injected with the Galaxy, which was said to be harsher than the plague.

Ivanenko could see the faces of the soldiers and understand by what criteria they had been selected.nove(l)bi(n.)com

The affected area in question was both hands.

He didnt have much time left in his life. Even though it might be better to carry the disability, Wonderstein couldnt bring himself to cut off those hands, no matter how much it was for the sake of treating the disease.

The knight also understood this, nodding in agreement.

We wont cut off the hands of the elderly. Instead, bring those whose conditions are stable.

Soon, several people stepped forward.

They had deformities on one ear, a couple of fingers, a bit of thigh flesh, or part of their shoulders affected.

Wonderstein couldnt help but inwardly groan as he looked at the areas they presented.

Their skin seemed to be crawling with hundreds of insects inside.

And their forms were changing every moment.

Even the stabilized affected areas didnt look pleasant.

Tentacle-like protrusions, sharp-toothed beaks, and even eyeball-like structures were pulsating.

Wonderstein finally understood what the curse plague meant.

The ordinary people sacrificed in Wondersteins power in the game.

They looked just like them.

The name Debulroots was not a mere coincidence.

Of course, the victims in the game were much more miserable than these individuals.

Things like octopus-like legs emerging by dozens from the abdomen, serpent-like entities wriggling in the eye sockets, or fingers growing meters long and intertwining with each other, with skin and flesh sticking together.

Compared to the victims directly affected by Wonderstein, these people were relatively in good condition.

Of course, they might not see it that way, having experienced the equivalent of being struck by lightning in the dry sky.

Anyway, this was a problem that he could handle sufficiently.

No, perhaps there was no one else in the world who could handle it properly.

Hurry up! If youre going to cut it anyway, cut it quickly!

Wonderstein looked at the patient in front of him.

Something like a crab shell was growing on his shoulder. It would occasionally split the skin and protrude, then spew out a bunch of foam, and retreat back into the shell.

Thanks to the laughing man, he managed to maintain a smile, albeit barely.

Wonderstein suppressed his breath.

He aligned his emotions with the calmness feigned by the man laughing.

What was the curse plague?

Why was Debulroot affecting these people?

He decided to postpone these questions and focus on treatment.

He placed his hands on the patients body and attempted a diagnosis.

However, before he could give the diagnosis command, the status window responded first.

[Detected Free Debulroot. Initiating absorption.]


Sudden pain flowed through his arm as if dozens of needles were piercing and digging into his palm.

[Acquired Debulroots x14.]

[Initiating dependency of absorbed Debulroots.]

[Dependency at 56%. System and body burden increasing at 33%.]

The status window flickered like a malfunctioning monitor.

It felt like a malicious code had invaded.

The Debulroots he possessed was a loyal subordinate, but the absorbed Debulroots seemed like a wild beast. It rampaged fiercely inside his body.

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