Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:06 AM

Chapter 103: Curse Plague (6)

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Chapter 103: Curse Plague (6)

Maya had a cat named Wally when she was young. Wally was a Castew breed with a dense blue background and a pattern of red and white crossing each other.

Wally was the only presence that could bring even a faint smile to her face, excluding her father. However, within a year of raising him, Wally met with an accident and left the world.

It was the first death of a loved one she had cared for. Maya remembered how she coped with the grief. She did nothing. She left the deceased cat in its place and returned home, locking the door to the outside world. She built a fortress of logic in her mind about life, relationships, individuals, and death.

After days of contemplating alone, she managed to bury her emotions deep within herself. Then, she wrote a death report for Wally, describing the facts in a dry and cold style, devoid of sadness, regret, or pain. She felt relieved but also a sense of regret. The memories of Wallys voice, the scent of his fur similar to freshly baked cookies, and the sensation of stroking his back and belly had all faded from her recollection.

However, today, for the first time since that day, the cry of the cat she thought she had completely forgotten echoed from beyond her memory. The emotions she believed she would never feel again surged from the depths of her heart. The object of her emotions was a man, staring at her with a perplexed smile, dressed in the attire of a hooded monk.

Absorbing Debulroots, Maya? It seems theres a misunderstanding. Im just

Dont think you can deceive me. Ive seen everything.

Her firm tone indicated that Maya had confidence in her suspicions. Wonderstein abandoned his plans to explain vaguely. Speaking and acting meant Maya was sure and had evidence.

I need to be careful about this

The moment Maya exposed his secret, he tensed up internally. He couldnt determine how much she knew and what she might reveal. In the TTT perspective, the Curse Plague victims in the game were known as victims of Wondersteins power. It wasnt some unknown disease. Everyone in the game knew that all those appearing were due to the curse of the black mage.

Now, he had to be cautious. He had to choose his words carefully, as any unintentional clue could reveal his identity.

You must have a lot of questions.

Wonderstein decided to gauge her reaction first. Fortunately, Maya wasnt currently trying to uncover a truth but expressing surprise and pointing out the danger of him absorbing Debulroots.

She seemed unaware that he could manipulate them.

Wonderstein let out a relieved sigh internally.

The plague debulroots that were raging through his body.

If he used the Galaxy, he could certainly stabilize his body.

But it didnt make sense to spend money to get rid of the debulroots he acquired.

However, explaining to her, I am a mage who utilizes debulroots as a resource, was too risky.

He couldnt provide her with any more clues here. With her sharp mind, she could reach conclusions with minimal information.

Preventing her from passing this clue to others was also crucial.

It was a prerequisite for the success of the TT0 strategy that Wondersteins true identity remained undisclosed until the main story.

Whether it was the Black Mage or the Mastermind of the Curse Plague, revealing such facts would disrupt the progress of the competition.

Maya must remain clueless until the main storyline.

Even if I have to be a bit cowardly, there is a surefire way for this, he thought.

Smiling at her with a mischievous grin, he said, Maya, didnt you tell me? Ypu promised to help with anything to repay your debt.

Mayas face showed a trace of embarrassment. Could it be?

A sly smile formed on the mans lips.

Ill use it right now. Forget what you saw today.

Wonderstein knew Maya well.

She was self-centered and rational, but once she spoke a word, she always kept her promise.

His judgment was correct.

Whether he asked for everything she had or not, Maya couldnt object after making the proposal.

She bit her lip slightly, displaying a resentful expression.


Didnt Ella mention it? Im originally a ruthless person, hehe.

He revealed a playful smile toward Maya, who sometimes wanted to squeeze him, understanding Ellas frustration.

She had hoped he would agree, prepared to fulfil any request he had, but he used this opportunity.

He seemed to show a smile, reassured that she understood or didnt.

Dont worry. The debulroots that I absorbed wont harm anyone nearby.

Foolish person.

Checking the status window as he left the room, fortunately, the affinity didnt drop.

But it would be difficult to raise it further from now on.

He left the room with a somewhat gloomy heart.

At the entrance of the inn, Knight Ivanenko and Maya were waiting for him.

She smiled at him, still something that others couldnt recognize.

Lets go. People who need help are still waiting.

[Mayas Affection has increased by 2. Affection is now 30. As a trusted one with Affection 30] Due to a status window error, he couldnt read the message properly, but it clearly stated that Mayas affection had surpassed 30.


Maybe he hadnt understood Maya properly yet.

Silently contemplating, Wonderstein urged his steps towards the village church.

Maya followed him quietly, lost in thought.

Wonderstein had asked her to forget what she saw today, but her brain couldnt comply.

What she saw and heard in the room replayed automatically.

Casually transitioning the conversation, she stopped at a certain point.

The Director has to take the Galaxy Injection right away.

But now that she thought about it, it was strange.

She had witnessed his suffering from the accumulated debulroots.

Wouldnt it be better to use medicine to remove it rather than endure it silently?

Endure it for just two more years.

An uneasy intuition pierced her mind.

The reason why he could nonchalantly accumulate debulroots.

The reason why he couldnt use the Galaxy.

The two-year deadline.

All the answers were connected.

After all, he wouldnt live long.

So he couldnt shorten his remaining lifespan with Galaxy.

Because his dream was to stand on the Circus Grand Prix before he died.

The remaining period was precisely

Maya looked at Wondersteins face, leading the way.

His face looked remarkably calm, and his smile showed no shadows.

That couldnt be the face of a person going to die.

She erased her unreasonable speculations from her mind.

He promised.

That up to 200 people, he wouldnt be harmed.

So, he refused the Galaxy.

There was no reason to endure the side effects.

He would not do that.

Certainly not.

Wally made a clattering noise in the darkness.

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