Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:02 AM

Chapter 106: Curse Plague (9)

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Chapter 106: Curse Plague (9)

Her first impression in the game could be described as unfavourable.

Appearing with an elaborate flower ornament on her head, she addressed the warriors, stating she could handle Wonderstein and the Dock Cult so they should leave. This demeanour was undoubtedly that of a haughty lady with a princess syndrome affected by the game.

However, when news broke that the Papal Punishment Corps had fallen into the trap of the Dock Cult and collapsed while attempting to subdue them, her pitifulness became more apparent.

But as the story unfolded, her true nature turned out to be the opposite.

She narrated untold stories from TT1 and TT2, revealing that she had been chasing the Black Magician for a long time.

A significant portion of the TTT universes lore was unveiled here.

Her role was not limited to being a mere information shuttle, as she was the closest thing to the strongest among the humans in TTT.

From combat scenes to interactions with other characters, she displayed a different calibre.

Although her immense power was showcased in only a few event scenes, such as pillars of light descending from the sky and obliterating the surroundings or turning a rock the size of a house into dust with a single palm strike, it left a lasting impression on players.

Even the final boss of the series, Wonderstein, found it difficult to completely subdue her, resorting to restraining her with chains and escaping, despite being resurrected.

Despite constantly portraying an invincible facade, she also showed human aspects, such as grieving for fallen comrades while chasing the Black Magician or being cornered in a siege due to hostages.

Considering her life story, she was practically a senior figure among the warriors.

The transition to the final stage of TT3, along with her sacrifice, was the most thrilling scene in TTT, resonating with players emotions.

Of course, this had not yet happened.

The story of TT3 was set six or seven years in the future.

I didnt know in detail what she had experienced during that time.

I only vaguely remembered a few stories I had heard.

One of them was losing many comrades while tracking the Black Magician.

After hearing the origin of the Black Magician during the opening ceremony, I confirmed that people had a vague understanding of Wondersteins existence, and I felt relieved.

As long as I was cautious, I think there would be no risk of being accused of being the Black Magician.

But I never expected to encounter her in a place like this.

What motive brought you here!

The woman with pink hair walked forward with clenched fists.

Her eyes glared at me fiercely.

Meeting a holy woman at a time when I couldnt use the power of the Biomancer.

I couldnt think of a way to resist and just laughed quietly, but Ivanenko intervened between us.

Now, please stop for a moment. This person

The woman, who was approaching me as if she would attack me at any moment, listened to a few words from Ivanenko and showed a surprised expression.

Oh, was that the case? I-I apologize!

She lowered her fists and bent her waist towards me.

The reason she confronted me was that I was dressed as a priest.

Seeing a human who was undoubtedly a mage disguised as a clergyman made her think that I might be plotting something.

Ivanenko explained in detail about what I had done to her.

She looked at me with a deeply impressed expression.

I misunderstood such an excellent person I apologize again!

She shouted with a confident voice, bowing her head.

Her voice alone could rival that of a rooster Minova.

Despite the busy schedule of the commander, he willingly helped people. The director? Oh! Does that mean youre a participant in the Circus Grand Prix?

She opened her eyes wide and looked at me.

Her cheeks blushed in a shade of pink similar to her hair.

She waved her arms around and exclaimed, Amazing! Ive never seen a circus before!

I knew the reason, but I pretended not to and asked why.

She scratched the back of her head shyly and said, Hehe, I trained in a place isolated from the world! Have you heard of the Troms Monastery in Tanchaka?

The Troms Monastery was one of the stages that appeared in the latter part of TT3.

I nodded, recalling her as she looked at the monsterized monks with a pained expression.

At that moment, a flash of light accompanied something slashing Valentinas hand and passing by.

She startled and stepped back.

She pointed at the creature that attacked her, trembling.

I-Its a cat! It suddenly appeared!

She clenched her fists and took a stance as if ready to fight again.

I could immediately tell where the cat came from.

It was the one Maya had summoned during the illusion demonstration, claiming it was a pet she had raised when she was younger.

Maya glared at Valentina as she took a deep breath.

Watch your mouth. This little lady.

In response, the cat bared its teeth.

There was no sound, but it was clear enough that it was aggressive.

Valentina, looking at the scratches on her hand, frowned.

Wow, its definitely a demon cat! This little one summoned it!

Calm down this is an illusion created by Maya. She applied telekinetic force to the claws. Maya herself doesnt need to be so aggressive.

I managed to calm them down.

Valentina grabbed both of my hands and exclaimed.

As expected, not all mages are bad! Our leader and Director Wonderstein are good people too! You shouldnt judge people by appearances alone.

She looked displeased as she glanced at Maya.

Maya sighed as if she found the situation ridiculous.

But our leader is genuinely good-looking, hehe! I meant it when I said that earlier!

Valentina shouted this and, covering her face with the hem of her robe, laughed strangely before running away.

I stared blankly at her retreating figure.

Maya chuckled at her eccentric behavior.

Um, Mr. Magician? Sister? Were ready.

Ivanenko came in, opening the door of the the Church.

While we were talking to Valentina, he had prioritized and arranged the order in which the villagers in urgent need would receive treatment.

Thanks to that, I was able to complete the subjugation of 30 Debulroots during that time.

I used all the incoming large amounts of Debulroots and the accumulated Debulroots over the past three weeks.

First, to increase the burden my body could handle, I raised each of the three basic abilities by one level, and the rest was invested in the maximum capacity of Debulroots.

It was to minimize the amount that would have to be discarded due to lack of capacity when purifying 170 Debulroots.

Name: Frank Wonderstein

Age: 27

Occupation: Biomancer

Debulroots: (0/1966

Muscle Strength: 5.0 (Gorilla at the gym

Tissue Resilience: 5.0 (Tough beef

Cell Regeneration: 5.0 (Lizard tail with ointment

Traits: [Smiling Man]

Well, Ill do my best! Sir Director!

Valentina, who had returned by my side without me noticing, extended her palm towards me.

I cautiously met her hand with mine.

She smiled widely.

The door of the sanctuary opened, and the patients entered.

With this, it seemed that this quest would be resolved smoothly.

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