Published at 5th of June 2024 07:17:32 AM

Chapter 120: Curse Plague (23)

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Chapter 120: Curse Plague (23)

Endless descent towards infinite space.

The emotions felt by the two demons as they tumbled through the dark sky were fear.

It was similar to the feeling that humans facing the abyss would experience.

Bayern, who unintentionally imparted a lesson in karma to the demonds, ceased using his abilities.

No matter how much he was a disciple, he could not misuse the power of the Abyssal Chiral.

There was always a price to pay for his favour.

Especially for powerful abilities like the power of reversal.

Gravity returned to its original state.

However, the two had gained momentum and only started falling again after soaring for a while.

The height was estimated to be about 100 meters.

Even though their bodies were sturdy, they couldnt survive a fall from this height.

Then, they spotted a river a little away from the expected landing point.

At this height, even water would have a hard time serving as a cushion.

But it was better than crashing into the ground.

Once they survived, they could return to the Abyss and recover their bodies.

Zakanubas adjusted their posture.

It was a mid-air movement utilizing the repulsion from this world.

Bayern watched them with a smile.

He was an experienced exorcist.

He had already anticipated that they would react like this.

He glanced at the river and made a gesture.

With one hand still in place, he twisted the other hand downwards.

Flowing water turn back.

Once again, the power of the Abyssal Chiral manifested.

He attempted to reverse the flowing water into still water to freeze the river and strike their bodies.

However, the power of the Abyssal Chiral acted far beyond his expectations.

The world brightened up.

The members watching the fight shielded their eyes from the sudden burst of light.

Despite it being midnight, the brightness resembled daylight.

The source of the light was the river where Zakanubas were falling.

The river, which was flowing noisily until a moment ago, was now engulfed in large flames.

Is the opposite of water fire? Damn, what kind of ability is this

Bayern cursed as he looked down at his own palm.

The power he possessed, the power of reversal, was quite unstable.

The duality and reversibility seemed like a binary choice between two predetermined results.

However, to divide the world into two requires a criteria, a third element.

The axis around which the world is reversed was the user of the ability himself.


Fortunately, the result was much more effective than he had intended.

Their bodies, shattered by the impact of the fall, were incinerated by the flames.

They writhed a few times before turning into dust.

It was the fate that awaited the bodies of the demons exposed to the intense light.

However, Bayerns expression as he watched this wasnt pleasant.

It was because of the unintended consequences of the reversal.

Being responsible for reversing the aspect of the world was never an easy task for a human.

When using the power of reversal, if the role of the criteria was not clearly defined, the user could also be affected by the ability.

Changes in habits or personality were fortunate, but in unfortunate cases, gender reversal could also occur.

The Abyssal Chiral of duality and reversal.

Having lived as its proxy, Bayern had long forgotten what his original personality was like.

Fortunately, it was clear that he was still a man

Confirming the death of the demons, he released his powers.

The flames turned back into water.

The river emitted thick steam due to the intense heat around it.

Bayern glanced at the cigarette he had just thrown away and confirmed that it was still lit before putting it back in his mouth.

It was an unhygienic habit, but he didnt care.

Hey, are you guys okay?

Approaching them with his old coat fluttering, the man made the members take a step back.

Ella couldnt believe what she was seeing.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Having seen firsthand how strong those demons were, she knew.

Valentina told them about what happened with Debulroots.

The circus members were surprised not so much by the story of him defeating monsters alone but by the fact itself, causing Valentina, who had acted dramatically and raised her voice during the dramatic scenes, to feel quite embarrassed.

Ella guessed why the members were shaken by that fact.

She was not the one who didnt know what question they had been wanting to ask Wonderstein all this time.

Wonderstein, who could manipulate and play with human bodies.

They had been too afraid, too worried that even after their fears were allayed, they might receive a negative answer, so they didnt dare to ask.

Could it be a cursed deformity treatment that even skilled doctors, alchemists, magicians, and priests didnt know about?

Maybe Wonderstein could provide an answer.

Still, there was always a lingering doubt in her heart.



Could it be possible, after all?

If it were the Director

To change their bodies.

The question they had harbored in their hearts but couldnt bring themselves to ask.

But today, a clue was revealed.

The incurable curse plague.

It was related to their origins.

But he claimed to have cured it.


Hey, you blabbermouth! Why are you talking so much? Are you spreading rumors that were tracking down Black Mages?

Uh, well, no!

Valentinas expression crumpled at the unexpected sight.

You did, you did! Ah, just shut that foul mouth of yours!

Ah! Dont let go!

It was Ella who first noticed the anomaly.

While the members exchanged hopeful news and the two exorcists chatted amongst themselves, only she, who remained vigilant, could detect it.

Even though it was night, that place was unusually dark.

The black curtains seemed to absorb all light.


I clearly said you should hurry up and get what you need from the priest and come to the meeting place!

B-But, you see, the plague is spreading

Ella, unable to contain herself any longer, shouted.

Look at that!

Only when Ella pointed did everyones gaze shift to where she was indicating.

The members didnt know what the black curtain fluttering in the air meant, but the two exorcists knew what it signified.

Valentinas complexion turned pale, and even Bayern, who had remained composed in front of the Zakanuba, couldnt hide his perplexity.

Ella could understand.

The emotions that surfaced on their faces were unmistakable fear.

What is that size?

Ah, thats right! The Mabanggyeon has become extremely hot!

Mabanggyeon? Why are you saying this now?

Because the Captain kept pressuring me so I couldnt find the time to say

After this is over, Ill

There wasnt much time for yelling.

A chilling and sharp wind, like that blowing through a gap in an Arctic glacier, flowed through the black curtain.

At the same time, a large figure appeared there.

At first glance, it resembled Zakanuba.

Although it was several times larger, it had a rabbits head with antlers and long arms stretched out.

However, the creature wore a helmet made of a dragons skull on its face and draped a silky black cloth behind it like wings.

And most notably, a large ebony scythe hung over its shoulder.

Valentina realized that what she had read before wasnt wrong.

It was just that there were so many Zakanuba gathered there

In the depths of its crimson eyes, flames flickered.


A high-ranking demon of the Abyss nicknamed the Reaper.

He emerged from the Abysss curtain, surpassing dozens of Zakanubas in power.

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