Published at 5th of June 2024 07:16:48 AM

Chapter 126: Curse Plague (29)

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Chapter 126: Curse Plague (29)

The three people momentarily closed their mouths and exchanged glances.

The shock from the sudden information thrown at them was significant.

The Black Magician and Debulroots.

The two have been widely known for their notorious reputation.

But were they connected?

That inevitably led to one inference.

Could it be that the Curse Plague was caused by the Black Magician? the priest muttered incredulously.

Bayern nodded, opening his mouth.

Sister Valentina conducted a forensic investigation into the incident of the Abyss gate opening in the early hours.

The appearance of demons was always accompanied by supernatural traces.

Exorcists could statistically analyze them to determine the cause of the connection to the Abyss.

The investigation revealed that the proportion of the plague caused by mass spirits was 20%, environmental factors 10%, and rituals related to mages 60%.

At the mention of rituals, the priests expression showed surprise.

I- Is that true? Rituals?

Rituals concerning mages meant all forms of communication with spirits.

Through rituals, mages could receive requests or rewards from spirits, trade with them, and ask them for favours.

Contrary to what the Church preached, rituals didnt necessarily involve blood sacrifices or decadent acts.

For example, a common ritual for communicating with Kirku was through performances. Acrobats, magicians, and actors could showcase their talents and receive applause and enthusiasm from the audience, offering prayers to the spirit Kirku.

In return, they would receive an ethereal power called Inspira.

Most powers bestowed by spirits needed regular rituals to maintain them, so mages conducted rituals in their own ways according to the spirits they served.

Unless accompanied by crimes, there seemed to be no reason for the oppression of spirit beliefs in the world.

However, there was one problem with rituals for spirits.

The very act of communicating with spirits widened the passage between this world and the Abyss.

The primary justification for the Churchs oppression of spirit beliefs was precisely that.

In the past, when all kinds of primitive beliefs prevailed, terrifying demons roamed the earth, and humans had to rely on feeble light to get through the night.

Nowadays, with airships soaring in the sky and steam locomotives running on the ground, those gloomy fairy tales that were once hard to believe reflected the reality of the time.

But since the Church raised its power, many indigenous beliefs were considered sinful evils threatening humanity and were eradicated.

Thanks to that, there were now people who lived their whole lives without ever seeing a demon.

Even in the history of oppression, fortunately, rituals for Kirku were determined to counteract the opening of the Abyss by providing spiritual encouragement through performances, allowing them to continue under the guise of religious solemnity.

However, the age of interpreting everything as a confrontation between light and darkness had long ended.

With growing resentment against the Churchs dominance and advancements in mage studies, the oppression of spirit beliefs hadnt regained its former strength.

Mages now preferred to conduct rituals in quiet places in bustling cities rather than in remote villages where people were dying from diseases.

Unless deliberately summoning demons.

A large-scale ritual significant enough for a high-ranking demon to appear

Didnt someone suspicious appear nearby?

Youd better ask Ivanenko. He came to this village right after the plague broke out and supervised all the security. If theres any news, it would have reached him. Oh, speaking of which, wheres Ivanenko? I heard he was present when they expelled the demon

In response to the priests question, Bayern exchanged quick glances with Valentina and then spoke.

He went to inform nearby villages. Hell be back soon.

The Tracking party left the church.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

They politely declined the priests offer of wine.

As they reached the town hall, Ivanenko arrived on horseback.

What happened to the circus troupe?

Ive taken them to the beach.

Valentina looked concerned.

Is everything alright? Even if its tomorrow, rumours might spread nearby.

Any conspicuous members got inside the carriage or covered with a blanket. They handled it skilfully, as if they were accustomed to such things. Besides, they have the pass I gave, so there shouldnt be any checks within the hills.

A whole village was wiped out this time.

The monsters and demons killed the people, but outsiders would think they died due to a curse plague.

Thats why the place was quarantined.

But how did only the monster circus survive in a scene where everyone else died?

They had no idea what the terrified locals might think.

There was a high probability that they would riot, claiming they should kill them before they spread the plague again.

To appease such residents, the lord could personally lead the military.

Even if they defended them, it was obvious that they would come out saying, Its because of them that the demon appeared!

Seeing Valentina embrace the painting again, Bayern asked another question.

Have there been any sightings of suspicious individuals? Anything related to the Black Magician?

This was a question regarding official duties.

Putting aside personal feelings, Ivanenko responded with his beliefs and conscience as a knight.

No. I havent heard of any.

He said honestly.

He hadnt heard any such sightings.

He had seen it himself.

That was the end of what he could gain here.

Bayern and Valentina bid him farewell and left the village.

They passed through the scene of yesterdays fierce battle.

Bayern examined the remaining traces.

The demon was incredibly powerful.

What could be the identity of Wonderstein, who defeated him alone?

According to Valentinas observation, he was likely a user of Kirkus power.

If it was that the case, yesterdays actions could be understood through his abilities.

Inspira, the blessing bestowed by the God of Circus Kirku, possessed unpredictable power.

In short, chaos.

It only diminished peoples guard because it relied on revealing and showing itself to many people.

Just in case, that Wonderstein

Bayern tried to make a cautious guess, but Valentina shot him a sharp look, silencing him.

He arrived here a few days after the curse plague spread!

But isnt it suspicious? That the one treating Debulroots

Look at the members of the circus he leads! Its highly probable that he found a way to use his abilities for treatment!

Still, the fact that the incident occurred just when he appeared

Ive been watching Wonderstein closely the whole time! He focused solely on treating people, without any other activities! If he had done anything suspicious, even a fool like me would have noticed! If Wonderstein could perform rituals just by waving his fingers, then it would be possible!

Bayern chuckled at Valentinas assertiveness.

Seems like youve taken quite a liking to him?

Oh! W-What are you talking about! I was just stating the facts! I have no personal feelings whatsoever!

Alright, alright

Bayern conceded to her words and moved on.

Indeed, if there was a way to communicate quietly with the mages, he wouldnt have bothered with such tedious tasks every fortnight.

Especially the followers of Kirku.

They were usually noisy and flashy.

That aside Im worried about the Director and that girl, the Assistant Director.

Valentina expressed regret as she turned towards the beach road.

They couldnt properly care for their injured bodies.

They had to settle for emergency treatment using first aid kits, as they couldnt poke fun at the mages.

We have a busy road ahead of us.

I know

They couldnt casually impale the mages, so they had to settle for emergency treatment using their tools.

Were in a hurry.

I know.

Looking at her gloomy expression, Bayern shook his head as if to say he couldnt do anything.

Lets stop by the next place and check it out if we have time.

Oh, I see! Hehe, did you know? It seems like Captains temperament has improved a bit!

If it was yesterday, he would have pulled the cheek of the subordinate who gave such an arrogant answer and scolded him.

But thanks to yesterdays excessive use of power, his personality had undergone quite a reversal.

As soon as he returned to the village, he felt that he had changed himself by changing his clothes, getting a haircut, and shaving.

Even when he used his ability with the Reapers scythe, he didnt feel the side effects that much

It was probably because he had rushed too much to use his abilities at the end.

How did this happen?

Bayern briefly glanced in the direction the monster circus troupe had left, then hurriedly followed Valentina, who was bouncing up and down, to the next destination.

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