Published at 5th of June 2024 07:16:47 AM

Chapter 127: Curse Plague (30)

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Chapter 127: Curse Plague (30)

A group of carriages traveled along the coast.

The carriages were adorned with bright colors, and the luggage compartments were filled with equipment used for performances.

It was obvious to anyone that they were a wandering circus troupe.

The first to witness them was a quick-footed child from the village who spread the news.

Children from the village gathered along the roadside.

They looked at the approaching caravan with expectant eyes.

The village they lived in was the largest in the area, conveniently located right next to the main road.

The weekly market always took place here.

The children naturally thought the circus would stop by their village.

However, the rat men sitting on the sidelines with annoyed expressions blocked the road.

Shoo! Get out of here!

No business today! Move along!

They paid no attention to the childrens protests and drove the carriages through.

The children dispersed with exclamations of disappointment.

How dare those rat men!

Lets see their faces! Who do they think they are!

Some of the ruffians among the children who were mingling in the crowd confronted the carriages, but they stepped back in surprise when the masked clown sitting at the front extended something towards them.

It was a pass stamped with the lords emblem.

Although the villagers were ignorant of many things, they knew well the significance of the lords emblem.

They saw it every time they were conscripted for labor or when taxes were collected.

It seems the token given by the knight has its uses.

Sven, who had successfully used it to settle disputes several times before, whistled cheerfully.

But there was no one to respond to his words with agreement.

Everyone was tired.

They hadnt slept properly because they had been fighting off demons all night.

And now, on top of worrying about pursuers, they were irritated.

Sven, being a skeleton, was the only one who didnt need to eat or rest, so he could act as usual, displaying calmness and laughter.

Yurakne wiped the sweat from Womons feverish body, which was lying in agony within our confines.

The broken tip of his horn was swollen and red with clotted blood.

He was the one among us who had fought the demons most fiercely.

It was regrettable for her to have to lay him on the hard and rattling iron-barred floor instead of a comfortable bed.

But they couldnt afford to rest.

They had to leave this area as quickly as possible before news of Dvallcheps tragedy spread, and they didnt know how the lord, upon hearing the news, would react.

They continued to travel along the coastal road without stopping for a moment.

They took turns driving the carriages through the night.

Thanks to Ivanenkos pass, they were able to exchange tired horses at each station.

Thanks to that, they managed to barely escape the Ismi Plateau by around noon the next day.

Wonderstein also woke up around that time.

He looked at the woman who had fallen asleep while nursing, her head resting on his chest with three pairs of arms supporting her forehead, cheek, and chin, making her look comfortable.

Although he insisted he was fine, she stubbornly insisted on taking care of him.

He cleared his throat loudly and called out to her.

Miss Yurakne.

Umm? Huh? Director, youre awake!

Yurakne looked at him, rubbing her eyes, and smiled brightly.

Her usually neatly tied hair with a hairpin was now disheveled, and her eyes were squinted.

It seemed like she had a tough time while he was unconscious.

He patted her back gently.

Is everything alright?

Yes. Nothing happened. Everyone just collapsed from exhaustion.

He knew one person was missing from that everyone.

Is Ella okay?

At his words, her complexion turned pale, and she shook her head.

Not yet She hasnt regained consciousness

I see

Wonderstein smiled.

Yurakne trembled for a moment at his smile, but soon looked at him with a pitiful gaze.

He felt an overwhelming sense of regret.

He should have just stopped her.

He could have healed himself with the debulroots he received as a reward for defeating the reaper

Even if he got stabbed, he would have lost only a few basic stats and that would have been it

Im sorry Theres nothing I can do for you.

As if expecting his words, Ella nodded her head.

I, I thought so Even your body now in that condition Its Its okay to die Weve been through so much together Many times Ive doubted but now


Assistant Director!

Members rushed over from afar.

But there was nothing they could do.

Ellas lifeless face indicated that her life was slipping away.

The reapers scythe had pierced her heart.

It wasnt a wound that could be healed with bandages, ointments, or recovery potions.

But to lose happy memories Its a bit regrettable Th-the effort put into these past few months It feels empty

She echoed Wondersteins words from earlier.

Then, suddenly, she took short, gasping breaths in succession.

Her lips quivered as if trying to smile but failing.

K-k Shall I tell you something funny? A A considerable number of the regrettable memories have been from the past few months? Um, e-exactly after meeting Vergsong?

Wonderstein closed his eyes tightly at her words.


Its strange? I despised you so much

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

I-I guess I dont want to admit it but d-during the time with you I I guess I was happy

Her eyes closed.

Wonderstein heard the members sobbing behind him.

He intended to move her, thinking that the members should also be given the opportunity to bid her farewell.

At that moment, someones hand pressed on his shoulder.

Stay calm. Shes alive. Shes just asleep.


The one blocking him was none other than Bayern.

He showed his palm and said, When she was stabbed, I used the Power of Reversal.


The members gasped at his words.

They had seen him fight.

Reversing gravity, turning water into fire, deflecting incoming attacks

Although they couldnt understand the principle, they could roughly grasp the contents from the name Power of Reversal and the fact that it reversed the situation.

After hearing the explanation, Wonderstein realized that it was because of his power that the reaper initially couldnt lift the scythe.

Come to think of it, the girl with closed eyes wasnt dead. She was just sleeping peacefully, breathing softly.

And it was also her first time shedding blood.

It was only a few drops that fell, which had accumulated since the moment she was stabbed.

He smiled faintly and said, So is Ella okay? Did something change about her?

Bayern shook his head with a dubious expression.

I dont know. Normally, my power of reversal doesnt last long. Its impossible to change someone elses essence with it.

He said so and covered her wound.

But this time, the power of reversal was applied when the reapers scythe hit. So the situation becomes a bit complicated.

The reapers scythe absorbs happy memories from the person it hits.

Bayern answered that he didnt know if it was reversed to absorb unhappy memories, or if it was reversed to plant happy memories, or if it was reversed to nothing happens at all, or if the ability didnt reverse at all.

I couldnt properly set the criteria because I used my power desperately. So, Im not sure. But its certain that physical impacts turned into nothing. However, mentally well have to wait and see.

Bayern left, leaving behind the possibility that the awakened Ella might not remember anything.

It was quite a helpless attitude, but they couldnt detain him as he had a long way to go.

It was grateful enough that he had saved Ellas life.

Moreover, he was the leader of the Black Magician Search Party.

Wonderstein, who thought there was no point in staying together, hastily accepted Ivanenkos suggestion to leave the territory.

Wonderstein prayed earnestly that it had been reversed to nothing happens at all.

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