Published at 5th of June 2024 07:16:29 AM

Chapter 136: Black and Gold – 7

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Chapter 136: Black and Gold – 7

Some of the acrobats wore confident smiles, while others wore sour expressions.

The former would likely be members strategically sent out, while the latter would be members sent out due to their lack of skill.

Still, both had to do their best in the audition; the former to secure the circuss priority in selection, and the latter to be selected again somewhere else.

Silk Circus!

From the group in the corner of the auditorium, a young woman in a hooded robe emerged.

Although their philosophy was that extraversion was fake, she was an exception. While she wore the hood, it only barely covered her shoulders.

Underneath the cloak, she revealed a slim waist as she rolled a fist-sized crystal bead in her hand, walking towards the group of candidates.

Hehehe, so the Silk Circus is here too. I remember seeing that lady once.

As Sven chuckled, Yurakne recalled something she had read in a magazine.

I heard shes a newcomer. I remember seeing her in an interview featured in a magazine Shes the one who came up with that subliminal thing, right?

Hahaha, I remember. Wasnt she from a fortune teller background?

Thanks to the circus magazine featuring updates from various preliminary rounds, participants could easily gather information about their competitors.

They had also heard through the magazine that the Silk Circus had once failed in Lekacheps audition.

Ella had mentioned that Silk would be retaking the audition with them in October.

The announcer called out the names of the circus troupes one by one.

While he tried not to show favoritism in his proceedings, his voice unintentionally rose as he prepared to announce the next name.

Golden Carnival!

All eyes in the room shifted to one place.

There stood a group of people who remained unruffled despite the thousands of eyes upon them.

Their calmness emanated from their acclaimed skills, often referred to as the best dream team.

Lord Fantastic, the leader, turned to his daughter and said, Reyna, I believe in you.

For the first time, a warm smile adorned Simon Maguires lips.

To an outsider, it might have seemed like a father cheering on his child with pure sincerity.

However, Reyna knew better.

That smile was as fake as it could be.

His words of I believe in you were no different from a gunmans words to his gun.

Reyna despised herself for being swayed by his warm words.

But she hated herself even more for craving it.

She tightened her grip on the whip in her hand.

Yes, Father. I will do my best.

With the whip swinging at her waist, she stepped forward, unfazed by the thousands of eyes upon her.

Her turbulent emotions remained concealed, her outward demeanor exuding flawless confidence.

Her shimmering long blonde hair.

A towering height and well-built figure reminiscent of a model.

Add to that, fair skin and a beautiful face.

It was evident to everyone that what was once called Lord Fantastics masterpiece wasnt merely a result of his enthusiasm.

The chorus of admiration from the crowd made Reyna sneer inwardly.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

A well-made product indeed.

Everything she had cultivated and achieved was all orchestrated by her father for profit.

From her smile and speech to even the clothes she wore, everything was manufactured through his discipline and verbal abuse.

Last night, she had to endure correction at his hands once again.

Her father hadnt been this severe before.

Of course, when she was younger, he had verged on abuse, but once she had gained some proficiency, he would only chastise her lightly a couple of times a week.

However, as he leaped into the grand arena of the Circus Grand Prix, his nerves sharpened progressively.

Since coming to this city, where he tasted defeat, his edginess peaked, pouring out icy daggers whenever she made even a small mistake.

Sge had long discarded hope that things would improve if she did well.

She was destined to live like this forever.

All she wanted was not something big.

She just wanted a normal father who would praise her for her efforts, comfort her when she was tired.

Suddenly, she remembered the two people she had seen from the terrace a few days ago.

Although they were passing strangers, they strangely kept coming to mind.

She recalled the warm laughter of the man.

She remembered the girls overflowing affectionate chatter.

She was envious.

Get rid of it! Such childish antics. You are the daughter of Lord Fantastic. Not even a slight gap is allowed.

She reassured herself by murmuring the words her father had almost indoctrinated into her mind.

Wonderstein smiled as he watched her come out onto the stage.

Reyna Maguire.

It had been a long time indeed.

She was one of the supporting characters in TTT.

And she was the only supporter to appear consistently throughout the trilogy.

In TT1, she appeared as a nuisance, screaming in confusion amidst the monster attacks.

In TT2, she progressed a bit, acting a bit more sassy but still serving as a reliable ally.

In TT3, she filled in Mayas shortcomings and came out as a friend, sharing her friendship.

Maya Rendekub, what are you thinking?

What am I thinking?

Maya felt her face flush.

She stood up abruptly.

Ill be outside.

The entrance exam is about to start soon, you know?

Im not interested.

Wonderstein suddenly laughed as if she was angry, puzzled by her sudden departure.

Gascon, standing behind him, tried hard to suppress his laughter.

Look at this guy?

He had been staying in the circus troupe for a few days, gradually realizing how things worked inside.

The members adored the Director as if worshipping him.

There was no interference of any authority.

It was just pure gratitude and respect being expressed.

He thought his disciple was overflowing with talent.

But there was a problem.

It was women.

Even Lady Vergsong seemed to have feelings for him, and the circus atmosphere never ceased within the troupe.

Not that it was a bad thing.

A wandering acrobats career couldnt last forever.

Once you meet someone you love and start a family, you naturally find a place to settle down.

Those who cultivate plants need to settle somewhere.

Otherwise, the act of cultivating plants itself doesnt hold.

The problem was Ella, who never left his side for a moment.

As long as he was entwined with that circus enthusiast, my disciple couldnt escape the life of a wanderer.

The goal was to rid him of that thorn in his side.

Strategically speaking, it would be best to push forward a rival for her.

Anais was difficult. She was too far away.

Maya was also difficult. She lacked initiative.

The most viable contender was Yurakne.

Thanks to thirty years in the political hub, Gascon was sharp.

He noticed that Wonderstein was gradually leaning on her emotionally.

She knew how to care for people.

Though he was reluctant to admit it, she had thoroughly soothed his heart while focusing solely on comforting him.

Men tend to get tired of those who get jealous for no reason.

But she knew how to wisely care for a man.

Pushing her towards Wonderstein, letting go of the circus girl, and settling her in one place would be the best path for his disciple.

Gascon looked at the two sitting side by side.

Indeed, it would be best to leave them alone.

Ahem, look here. Mister Skeleton. Would you mind stepping outside with me for a moment?

Gascon tried to clear the space for the two of them.

But the skeleton clown he called looked at him with a smirk.



There was a strange suspicion mixed in with his always cheerful voice.

Gascon was taken aback.

Excuse me, but how old are you, Mr. Gascon?

His question made Gascon feel uneasy.

60almost 70 now

Im in my 90s.

His words made Gascon swallow hard.

Uh I see really?

He had grown old too.

There was no need to suddenly raise his voice like this.

But there was a subtle sense of respect in Svens tone that made him keep his manners.

The skeleton clown burst into laughter at his hesitation.

Haha, thats right. Ive been bored all this time because there are only young friends around, but thanks for talking to me so kindly. Then, shall I call you brother, brother?

Uh oh, okay?


When he said it seriously, Gascon found himself responding in kind without realizing it.


Haha, thats great! I understand what you want to say! Even Im quick on the uptake! Shall we go outside then?

In a sudden turn of events, the two ended up leaving, citing the stuffiness of the air in the auditorium as an excuse.

Only the two of them remained in the audience seats.

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