Published at 5th of June 2024 07:16:28 AM

Chapter 137: Black and Gold – 8

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Chapter 137: Black and Gold – 8

Yurakne quickly moved to the seat next to Wonderstein.

Before the two old men left, they clenched their fists towards her.

It was a clear show of support.

She suppressed the laughter trying to come out with both arms covering her mouth.

Uhuhu, I didnt expect it at all Thank you, thank you.

Her arms attached to her back and waist tried to flutter with joy.

She barely suppressed it and said,

But did you know Sven was over 90? Ive heard hes old Have I been abusing the elderly by hitting him so much?

Wonderstein looked at her like a child and burst into laughter.

Hahaha, well, dont believe the clowns words too much. It could just be a joke.

Name: Sven

Age: 59

Favorability: 20 (Next reward: Favorability 30)

Title: Skull Clown

Occupation: Clown

Trait: Inspira-Clowns Falsehood

Target: Svens Audience

Effect: The target exerts a weak hypnotic effect on people other than the members. The effect is nullified if used while laughing.

Requirements: Svens Favourability x15

Three weeks ago, thanks to the promise to help the members, their favourability all exceeded 15.

Sven received Inspira at that time.

Clowns were different from acrobats.

While acrobats were admired for their success, clowns received applause for their failures.

Perhaps thats why the blessings they received were somewhat twisted.

Just looking at Svens Inspira was enough to tell.

He had never deceived the audience with lies.

Instead, he seemed to enjoy telling obviously false lies to elicit reactions like Does that make any sense?.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Perhaps because of that.

By lying, he ended up receiving the blessings that people believe his lies.

Even Gascon, who didnt lose in verbal sparring with Ella, was completely drawn into his lies; whenever he spoke without a hint of laughter, Gascon nodded absentmindedly.

It seemed very effective for light jokes.

That aside, its been a while. Being alone with the leader.

Yurakne naturally pulled his arm and linked arms.

If it was Ella, Wonderstein might have felt discomfort and awkwardness.

It wouldnt have been different with Anais.

And might have pushed Maya away.

But Yurakne pulled off this approach as if it was a natural rhythm.

Her smile and gaze, though somewhat hesitant, seemed to make it impossible for the other party to push her away, but rather to embrace her more.

This was why Gascon rated her so highly.

The tactics of a woman who once got hold of a man and even led him to marriage.

It was something the other three didnt have.

Ive been busy too, you know. I shouldve given Gascon a break now and then. In Luz, I made sure to have tea with you once a day

Wonderstein said regretfully.

Yurakne, expecting this, took out something from her bag.

Ta-da! I knew it so I brought tea! Surprised?

What she held out was a red thermos.

What Anais had given her was split in two by the Grim Reapers scythe.

So he hadnt been able to drink tea for a while.

Even after arriving at the villa, he had barely managed to have a cup when it coincided with her time.

He was such a tea lover

Yurakne heard that he hadnt asked Anais for a new thermos.

It seemed a bit shameless to demand a thermos for tea while a healer was requested because Ella was ill.

She had been saddened by the sight of him carrying around the thermos that Yasaku had given him every day.

Whats inside is my tea!

Should I shout that out loud, to the point of impulse?

Yurakne heard that he didnt ask Anais for a new thermos.

It seemed a bit shameless to demand a thermos when requesting a healer for Ella.

She had been saddened to see him carrying the thermos he had been given by Lady Vergsong every day.

Whats inside is my tea!

Should she shout like that, it was almost an impulsive urge.

But here was the opportunity.

Wanderstein accepted the thermos she handed over with a welcoming smile.

She would just reveal her skills.

Reyna calmly glanced at the girl who stood before her with an imposing attitude.

Could you move aside?

Despite the intimidating demeanour, she didnt seem to falter, which indicated that she wasnt just any ordinary girl.

Why? Are you scared of being compared?

Reyna chuckled lightly and then averted her gaze from her.

Verbal sparring would only tarnish the dignity of a Golden Libra.

Showing her skills was enough.


With the starting signal, the students poured into the auditorium.

Some dashed towards the equipment right in front of them.

Some strategically sought out equipment that suited them.

And some hesitated in the middle, observing the situation.

They came in all shapes and forms.

Reyna headed towards the equipment on the innermost side.

There was no other reason.

She was simply drawn to the side with fewer people at the moment.

Shes quite fast.

Reyna briefly glanced at Ella, who was sticking close to her.

Although Ella seemed smaller than her and was about 20 cm shorter, her leg muscles were unusually elastic. Her running posture and movements were perfect.

Reyna admired inwardly but was not surprised.

It was a competition among the worlds top circus troupes.

Having such talent was only natural.

Even so, no one could defeat her.

Surely there wouldnt be another newcomer like Charlie who deviated from the norm.

Reyna chose one of the equipment on the inside.

It had a mark indicating ground skills.

Ground skills required patience, perseverance, endurance, and stamina.

Such quick types might excel in tightrope walking, but they often showed weakness in ground skills.

Reyna intended to demonstrate the difference in skill to the girl who confronted her.

Measurement apparatus number 19. Self-Goal Keeper! Let me explain the rules.

The rules were simple.

It involved catching balls shot from a giant slingshot.

Zero points for failing to catch the ball or if any part of the body except the soles touched the ground.

Even if the ball was not blocked before the line drawn on the ground, it still resulted in zero points.

The score depended on how close to the line in front the ball was blocked.

Get out of the way! This isnt a sport for girls like you!

A rough-looking guy in pink gym clothes stepped forward.

He arrived panting almost at the end of the explanation and squeezed in front of Reyna and Ella.

Given his nervous gaze and hasty actions, he was clearly a member expelled due to skill.

There was no reason to refuse to show a demonstration.

Perhaps Ella thought the same as she allowed him to go first like Reyna did.

Hmph. Im fortunate its this kind of test. I lack a bit of finesse, thats all. Strength doesnt easily disappear.

The man put on gloves and stood on the X mark.


The slingshot made of rubber and rubber stretched as if it might break.

The students turning the crank cast glances at the man, and he nodded in return.

The latch of the crank snapped open with a bang.

Simultaneously, the ball shot out like a bullet.

Even though he was expelled, he still had the skill to compete in the Circus Grand Prix.

He caught the ball with both hands without falling or missing.

He looked around.

People were staring at him in astonishment.

He chuckled and tossed the ball to the ground.

His palm was slightly grazed, and his thigh felt sore, but it was bearable.

Its nothing, Lekachep! If only my family was wealthy, I wouldve passed here when I was young.

However, his confident smile quickly faded.

Beep! Self-goal! 0 points! You crossed the line!


Perplexed, the man looked at the ground.

From the X mark where he stood, a trail of rubber sole marks stretched out, clearly indicating that he had crossed the line despite being told not to.

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