Published at 5th of June 2024 07:25:19 AM

Chapter 14: Spider Lady Yurakne (3)

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Chapter 14: Spider Lady Yurakne (3)

After successfully completing the first day's performance, around midnight.

When all the troupe members were asleep.

I sneaked out of the carriage and wandered around the campfire at the camping site.

Everyone seems to be startled when they see me, so I've developed a habit of taking walks at night.

The sensation of the ground with every step I take always feels new.

How about the cold night breeze that tickles the palm of my hand?

The warmth of the campfire.

The sound of the remaining firewood crackling.

The chirping of crickets.

The moon's blue light rising in the sky.

Everything was vividly perceptible to my senses.

A game, huh.

Can all of this really be called a game?

I left my self-made territory and travelled the world for ten days.

People, environments, cities, materials, technology, culture, and so on.

Everything I saw was moving organically.

Even a single brick from a place not featured in the game, or a single blade of grass, each had their own compelling history.

My senses were speaking.

This place is reality.



No matter what...

This place is a game.

I don't want to say that this is a fake world.

This place could be a real world existing somewhere in the universe.

The Trill Trillo series might have been a test to select someone to send to this place.

But anyway, in two and a half years, I will disappear from this world.

Whether I return to the original world or simply cease to exist through death.

No matter how vibrant the stage is set,

Even if everyone sincerely immerses themselves in their roles in the play,

When the play ends, the actor has to come down from the stage.

I was the sole actor on this stage.

The character's name is Frank Wonderstein.

The leader of the Monster Circus Troupe.

Whether this place is truly real or not didn't matter to me.

It's just a stage, after all.

A two-and-a-half-year-long one.

Long if it's long, short if it's short, when the play ends, I have to give up my role and return to reality.

When that happens, I...



The constant notification sound from the status window continued.

Messages from the 'Evolution Research Centre' were being automatically calculated.

Ah, this is difficult to get used to.

Trait: Arm

Applied Area: Shoulder

Effect: Normal arm.

Required Resources: [Debulroots x16]

Trait: Leg

Applied Area: Pelvis

Effect: Normal leg.

Required Resources: [Debulroots x24]

Trait: Leg

Applied Area: Pelvis

Effect: Normal leg.

Required Resources: [Debulroots x24]

Trait: Arm

Applied Area: Shoulder

Effect: Normal arm.

Required Resources: [Debulroots x16]

Using the status window and muttering to the empty air or waving my hand every time felt quite embarrassing.

So, I had turned on the option 'Use the status window with thoughts,'

Which occasionally seemed to operate on its own when I was lost in thought.

Especially, the 'Evolution Research Center' often caused malfunctions.

It unconsciously calculate the abilities and resources I needed whenever I thought I needed something.

If I was reading a book late at night, it would recommend 'Owl's Eye,' and if the carriage was shaking too much, it would suggest 'Gravity Ring Channel,' and so on.

I guess I need practice with this, too, like moving my body.

I closed the status window for now and sat down in front of the campfire.

Traces of the troupe members who had gone to have fun were scattered everywhere.

It was truly a bustling evening.

It was the first performance that wasn't part of the original plan, but all the members did well.

Originally, we didn't plan to stay in Aksville for so long.

We had received sponsorship from Vergsong and decided to move towards the river.

Taking a boat was the fastest way to reach our first destination.

So, after a week of traveling, we finally reached Naruta.

But we couldn't find a boat.

"What? The Monster Circus?"

"Are you crazy? If we let those guys on board, the river spirit will get angry!"

"Ah, seriously, what bad luck! Can't they just go away?"

The boatmen were a superstitious lot.

They were the kind of people who would get anxious just by looking at a 'tailless mouse' or 'snake's discarded skin.'

Let alone talking about people known in the world as 'cursed.'

Even if we offered to pay three times the usual fare, no boat appeared.


[The current average favourability of the members is 2.6. The members provide 'Debulroots x2.6' each.]

[The current reputation of the circus troupe is 7. The circus troupe provides 'Debulroots x0.7.']

Reputation? Does it also provide Debulroots?

As expected, there was something to it.

Apart from the reward list, there was no mention of it, so I thought it might just be a placeholder value.

: [Unlock at 10]

: [Unlock at 25]

: [Unlock at 40]

: [Unlock at 60]

: [Unlock at 80]

: [Unlock at 50]

: [Unlock at 150]

: [Unlock at 300]

: [Unlock at 500]

: [Unlock at 800]

Even if reputation increases when performing...

Can Wonderstein really accumulate an average favourability of 80?

Considering the fear the members have of Wonderstein, it seemed impossible to build up a favourability of 80 with just one person.

Should I just keep solving member quests?

Is that enough?

I never really knew how to build favour with people in the first place.

I was alone in this world, just like in the other world.

I played games all day, participated in online communities, recorded game strategies, and watched TV.

Except for the helper who came from the welfare centre, I had no one to contact.

I didn't have any family or friends either.

That's when it happened.

A noise that broke my trance.


Something rolled and hit my foot.

It was a potato the size of a fist.

"Oh, oh...."

An overturned tub.

Potatoes scattered on the floor.

And a woman in her mid-20s trembling as she looked at me.

Her purple hair radiated a faint light in the moonlight.

Her large pupils shook as she looked at me.

I knew who she was.

A member of the Monster Circus Troupe.

A woman with six arms.

Spider Women, Yurakne.

"It's a good night."

I greeted her with a smile.

But I didn't expect her to respond to the greeting.

She would probably bow her head and apologize while trembling.

It hadn't been more than two weeks, but I was already used to it.

The reactions of the members I happened to meet were all the same.

But her reaction was something I hadn't expected.

"Ah, hello... Go-good night..."

Although her voice and body were trembling, she responded to my greeting properly.

Except for Ella and Womon, it was the first time.

"What brings you out here at this hour?"

I spoke in the gentlest tone possible.

I hoped it wouldn't sound like I was prying or probing.

Fortunately, my wish seemed to be granted as Yurakne stammered but answered properly.

"Uh, well... I have to peel the potatoes in advance to prepare for tomorrow morning..."

"Do you have to do it at 1 in the morning?"

"Oh, no!... I heard that the early morning fish market in this neighbourhood opens at 2 in the morning..."

"Early morning fish market?"

"Well, since we're here, I thought I should try making some fresh fish dishes..."

Fish, right. Now that I think about it, in Korea, it was easy to come across seafood like fish, shellfish, and seaweed, but since coming to this neighbourhood, I hadn't had a chance to eat seafood dishes.

"I'm looking forward to it."


"I've enjoyed Yurakne's cooking so far. Can I look forward to it tomorrow as well?"

"Well, um..."

Blushing, she shyly lowered her head, and when I didn't say anything more, she began picking up the scattered potatoes on the floor.

I couldn't just sit there and watch, so I got up to help her.

"Uh, Ringmaster-nim, there's really no need for this..."

"It'll be faster if we do it together, right?"

"Uh, well... Thank you."

He picked up the potatoes, but her favourability didn't increase.

Well, it's not something that can be resolved so easily, right?

But I couldn't miss this chance for a favourability operation that had come after a long time.

"Shall I help you peel the potatoes?"

I offered my help with as gentle a tone as possible, trying not to make her feel uncomfortable, as if it were something I always did, with a smile on my face.

I hoped Yurakne would enthusiastically welcome my proposal, but...


The tub fell to the floor again. The potatoes I had just picked up rolled on the floor again.

"I, I'm sorry, Ringmaster-nim... I, I messed up..."

Yurakne sat down in front of me with her face turning pale.

Wonderstein's sudden kindness.

That's what scared her.

'The road ahead is really long.'

As I looked at the spider woman who was lying in front of me, I sighed deeply in my heart.

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