Published at 5th of June 2024 07:16:06 AM

Chapter 140: Black and Gold – 11

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Chapter 140: Black and Gold – 11

The 400 or so people taking the entrance exam needed more than six hours to complete all the tasks, as some tasks required quite a bit of time to prepare for again after taking the exam once.

However, by the time the exam was over, it had been only more than two hours since it started.

With only around 100 students remaining in line, if each of them completed just one or two remaining tasks, the exam would be finished.

The initial prediction that it would take more than six hours was based on the assumption that all 400 people would have the ability to complete all the tasks.

Hey, could someone pass me the sutures over here!

Do we have any more bandages?

Alright, lets see here. After setting three bones, well be done. One there we go!


Groans and cries continued to erupt from a corner of the auditorium.

It had been ongoing since the beginning of the exam.

One doctor and two nurses hurriedly moved among the patients lying on beds.

Their treatments were swift and precise.

If a patient had suffered a simple injury like a sprained ankle, they quickly left that bed.

But there was no rest for them.

The student supervisors continued to bring in injured students at a steady pace.

Dr. Nahimov, the head of the school infirmary, frowned as he examined a newly arrived patient.

Whats this? How did this happen?

The examinee brought in had one eyeball bulging out of its socket.

Except for the students with fractured skulls or ruptured testicles, this patient was the most severe among those seen today.

Fortunately, the student who brought him in explained.

The eyeball is a prop prepared by the examinee! He thought it would be fun to do a reaction with a bulging eyeball

Dr. Nahimov thought it was fortunate that this examinee wouldnt pass the exam.

Every April 1st, on the Day of Kirku, limbs were cut off to deceive people, or pranksters wearing costumes of cursed diseases came looking for them. There had been enough of that.

Lekachep was the school with the highest rate of injuries and illness in the world.

It wasnt that the professors here were easily fooled by students antics and fake medical certificates.

It was a testament to the intensity of training received here.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Getting scratched during class was routine, and every day, some part of the body was twisted, broken, or fractured. Occasionally, students suffered burns or were bitten by animals.

The opportunity for Dr. Nahimov to become a member of the Imperial Academy was the paper he wrote on Emergency Treatment and Future Treatment Plans for Trauma Patients, thanks to over 20 years of work here.

Its more chaotic than usual today.

He removed the fake eyeball and began treating the broken nose and bruised eye underneath.

Lekacheps entrance exam was as notorious as its classes.

It was always known for producing a large number of injured.

Just completing all 25 exams was enough to pass.

But this years entrance ceremony had an unusually high number of injuries.

Some students blindly rushed in for a chance to participate in the Grand Prix of the Circus, while others were incited by the two geniuses.

Students who attempted Ellas unconventional tricks ended up with broken fingers or arms, and many who tried to mimic Reynas lack of innate sense of balance ended up with injured backs or legs, crawling out.

Thanks to the two who caused the problems, when they presented the final task, there were barely 100 people taking the exam normally.

Even the professors, who had been busy with their own tasks, now sat leisurely watching the exam.

Ella and Reyna.

Their scores so far were tied at 12 wins and 12 losses.

With superior physique and absolute sense of balance, Reyna excelled in Strength Show and Tightrope Walking, while Ella, with her remarkable perception and natural friendliness, excelled in Shooting and Taming. In Ground Skills, Reyna excelled where toughness was needed, while Ella excelled where flexibility was required.

Both showed exceptional skills, but what surprised the professors the most was Ellas skill in Taming.

Squawk! Squawk!

Huh? Hahaha! Whats this? Are you here to cheer?

A creature with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion, only with wings folded, nestled its head against her chest and cooed like a pet.

The griffin, mainly tamed in the Kievan Empire, was known to be an animal nearly impossible to tame without forming a thorough bond with its trainer from infancy, due to its strong will and pride.

While the one Lekachep possessed was relatively tame, it was definitely not one to expect to beg like a puppy to someone it was meeting for the first time.

A student came up with that?

Those who had already taken the test were surprised by its familiarity, and those who had heard about it through magazines were amazed to see it in person.

The theme of the test proposed by the Lekachep Circus School was skill.

They saw acrobatics as the most important aspect of the circus.

Initially, the school planned a test similar to the entrance exam.

It was a scoring system based on dozens of devices.

Although it felt somewhat lacking for a festival, there seemed to be no other way.

Then, Charlies graduation project inspired them.

He combined the equipment seen in the entrance exam to create a sort of obstacle race.

The rules of the Start! Dream Race are simple. Ten runners stand on each track and must overcome obstacles to reach the finish line.

The Lekachep Grand Prix test was held once a month.

Their test was similar in format to the 25th task they were currently seeing.

Ten circus groups raced for three stars.

However, the scale was incomparable.

The entire building of the school, known as the Miracle Palace or Magic Palace, became the stage.

So, this is what Charlie made?

Ella smiled as she examined every corner of the steel structure.

Hes amazing, isnt he? If what the professors say is true, he practically created one of the preliminary rounds of the Grand Prix?

Ella wondered how great it would have been if he was here.

Hes from the Lekachep.

He even refused the invitation to join an elite Circus Troupe Lekachep 25

Why did he go back to his hometown?

Theres nothing much there



Suddenly, her head throbbed.

The scenery of her hometown, Alamo, flashed through her mind.

The sprawling desert and the majestic wall of the Sierra Madre Mountains to the west appeared.

The master and friends, kind villagers.



The ones who killed everyone

Ella rubbed her throbbing head.

That damn inspiration was clouding her mind.

She almost got confused just now.

The cursed plague that killed everyone was in Dvallchep, it wasnt her hometown.

The monster appeared there too.

She experienced a confusion of misplaced memories.

Ella resolved to look for more clues when she returned to figure out more.

She stood at the starting line.

Next to her was Reyna, her rival in this test.

Its the last one. Who do you think will win?


Oh really?

Ella grinned, baring her teeth.

Great. This tension is what she needs.

With the sound of the ground pounding, ten challengers raced down their respective tracks.

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