Published at 5th of June 2024 07:16:02 AM

Chapter 142: Black and Gold – 13

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Chapter 142: Black and Gold – 13

Start! Dream Race has been temporarily suspended.

The students who were about to run waited for a while.

At first, some people thought that the rope had broken and it was a trap set by the school, but as they saw the situation unfolding, they realized it was an accident.

Professors went into the control room to investigate the cause of the incident.

The faces of the students who were in charge of preparing for this assignment turned pale.

No, whats going on? Why is everything falling apart like this!

What happened?

We all did the final check together.

We definitely locked all the mechanisms.

Some of the more sensitive ones shed tears, feeling guilty for bringing shame to the school.

Among the murmuring friends, Clara felt her heart pounding like crazy.

Her fairy didnt come back.

There was no time to escape.


It was because of her.

Ella grabbed the rope with unreasonable reflexes and strength, lifting the breathless Reyna and immediately withdrawing herself, quickly resolving the situation.

The tinkering fairy would probably be hiding somewhere in the control room to avoid being noticed by others.

But that wasnt reassuring enough.

The professors were not naive people.

Especially the four of them had been the worlds best acrobats for the past 28 years, playing all sorts of hide-and-seek and tag.

It was unimaginable that they would fail to find just one tinkering fairy.

She thought it was a sacrifice she had to make, but now that she might be suspected, she trembled.

The reality she had ignored out of jealousy began to return.

Her mind was filled with excuses.

It was for the honor of the school.

We were just going to make it a joke, we didnt expect it to go this far.

I dont know anything. The tinkering fairy moved on its own.

If its revealed that the students did it, the professors will also be suspected as accomplices. Lets just cover it up as an accident.

We found it!

Someone peeked their head out of the control room window.

Clara confirmed who it was and almost burst into tears.

It was Professor Taming.

She was the youngest professor in her thirties at Lekachep and the only apprentice of Ursus, the deceased member of the Famous Five.

She was Claras favourite professor.

When rumors of her affair with Charlie Senior circulated among the students, she often stepped forward to defend the professor.

Of course, it was a behavior filled with her own wishes that it would never happen..

Taming also liked her, often listening to her various worries like a mother or an older sister.

But of all people, why did she have to find out about the dirty deed she had done?

Clara hoped this was a dream.

The four of them gathered where she called out.

A kind-looking woman with a friendly smile was waiting for them in the control room, holding something in her hand.

Professor Taming, did you find something?

Elpara, the vice principal and tightrope walking professor, had a cold tone.

If any evidence of negligence in equipment management came out, she wouldnt let the students off easily.

Thanks to her strict attitude, she was nicknamed the witch and was a source of fear for the students.

Taming felt a little ashamed when she stepped forward with such a fierce spirit because she remembered her old memories.

But she had been a professor here for a few years now.

She smiled brightly and showed them something in her hand.

It was a creature the size of a puppy in the shape of a human.

Its neck was twisted as if it had been broken.

A tinkering fairy?

Yakovlev, the strong professor nicknamed Beast because of his thick fur, looked surprised.

Taming smiled, thinking his expression was as innocent as a calf.

It seems it came into the school out of curiosity about the large machinery and played around, but it seems to have run away in surprise and got its neck caught between the gears.

She showed them the dead fairys body.

It was the first time in her life that she had encountered a fairy like this infiltrating the school.

It was found inside the equipment in the control room. It seems it got scared and tried to run away but ended up getting stuck between the gears.

She explained what had happened to the dead fairy.

The twisted neck oozed a sparkling blue powder instead of red blood.

His skin and flesh were fragmented, scattering like confetti.

This was the land spanning between the material world and the Abyss, Jormungandr, where his existence was probably being restored.

The performance was a ritual for Kirku.

Originally, the ritual widened the passage between this world and the Abyss.

However, the performance, by stimulating emotions and intensifying fervor beyond widening the passage, strengthened spiritual defenses. Therefore, demonic appearances during performances were unheard of.

But for those beings dwelling in the realm between the Abyss and this world, it was an opportunity to cross over.

Especially, a positive and festive atmosphere acted as a lure for them.

Large-scale performances or festivals inevitably attracted fairies or spirits.

Some sneaked around playing pranks, while others disguised themselves as humans, mingling in the crowds.

However, in Lekachep, fairies or spirits had never appeared.

Strange indeed. This place used to be known as the Miracle Palace, not just a circus school. To have spiritual beings trespassing here. murmured Professor Legault, revealing his pale complexion between the long folds of his robe.

Perhaps over time, the barrier has weakened? suggested Professor Yakovlev.

Of course, she had no intention of applying potions.

She had a more trustworthy presence.


Ella was thinking of asking him for treatment.

He even cured Anaiss incurable disease.

He also treated Ruelles terminal illness.

He resolved the terrifying epidemic known as the Curse Plague.

She had never seen a better healer in her life.

He could even reattach a severed neck!


Ella tilted her head.

Reattach a severed neck?

Ella shuddered.

Why did she even imagine such a horrific thing?

As amazing as he was, such a thing couldnt be possible.

As she left the infirmary, she found her companions waiting for her.

You are here Director.

Haha, Ella, is the treatment finished?

Are you okay? Did the doctor say its okay to move right away?

Haha, plenty of flesh, bones are well attached looks perfectly fine, doesnt it? Of course!

Hmph. Someone who had to take the entrance exam twice sure is something.

She awkwardly smiled at them, showing her arm wrapped in plaster.

Sorry for worrying you! Ah, I made a mistake at the end.

You were trying to help someone else. It cant be helped.

Wonderstein approached her.

For a moment, she felt strange.

A sensation like something chilling passing through her skin.

She saw the twisted shadow looming behind Wonderstein.

Tentacles, teeth, large eyes, and thorns.

And even the reattached neck.

Cold sweat soaked her back.

She screamed involuntarily.

Dont touch my body!

Wonderstein stopped in his tracks, and the rest of the group looked at her in surprise.

Ella gasped for breath.

She didnt even know why she reacted like this.

The image she conjured disappeared from her mind quickly.

Ella managed to calm her breathing and mumbled.

Sorry I, I dont know something weird dont know the neck no am I dead?

She muttered incomprehensible words in a daze.

Her condition didnt seem normal at all.

The group exchanged looks.

Didnt we say not to trigger emotions, Maya?


What happened, Alchemist? You said there wouldnt be any side effects!

Uh, well, you see, thats

Wonderstein gestured for them to quiet down and approached Ella cautiously.

He smiled reassuringly at her trembling figure.

Looks like your body isnt quite back to normal due to the injury.

Huh? Uh, yeah I guess so.

She muttered with a slightly uncertain voice.

Perhaps it would be best for the alchemists treatment to rest until Ellas body recovers?

Yurakne said, looking at Gascon with a slightly angry expression.

The other companions stared at him pointedly.

He nodded slowly, as if resigned.

Yeah, thats right. But its a bit strange suddenly entering a trance could it be because of the shock of the test

Wonderstein interrupted him with a raised hand.

His words would only further confuse Ella in the current situation.

He pointed towards the School.

Lets go. The draft will start soon.

Seeing his smile, Ella erased her doubtful expression.

Right. We have to go to the Circus Grand Prix, dont we?

Thats our promise.

Wonderstein and the circus.

Her two favorite things in the world reassured her mind.

She firmly held his hand and nodded.


The two led the way, followed by Yurakne and Maya, who wore a slightly complicated expression, and Gascon, still scratching his head, and Sven, who teased him playfully, in the rear.

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