Published at 5th of June 2024 07:15:52 AM

Chapter 147: Black and Gold – 18

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Chapter 147: Black and Gold – 18

A week had passed since Reyna was put in charge of the members practice.

It was truly an excellent decision.

At first, the members were reluctant to the idea of her teaching them.

Even kind-hearted Ella, once she got into training, didnt spare them and pushed them ruthlessly.

But judging from Reynas demeanor, she seemed like she would push them even harder without showing any mercy.

However, when they actually started training, her training style was different from what they had expected.

Her tone and expression remained cold, but her words were kind and considerate.

She always thought from the perspective of a learner.

She quickly noticed what made them struggle and what confused them.

And instead of simply throwing solutions at them, she explained in a way that was easy for them to understand from their perspective.

This was the opposite of Ellas teaching style.

Ella was always lively and led the training joyfully mixing jokes, but what came out of her mouth were demands so harsh they felt mechanical.

Ella could accurately assess the limits of the members and only gave instructions accordingly.

There was neither too much nor too little.

Her teachings made sense from a perspective that sees everything.

But from the perspective of following instructions, it meant blindly following without understanding or reasoning.

If only her instructions were wrong, there would have been room for criticism.

But her commands were always precise.

Thus, the process of the members learning skills under her was quite challenging and demanding.

On the other hand, Reyna emphasized on fostering the mindset of accepting problems rather than direct instructions.

Ella, who loved the circus and found training enjoyable, couldnt quite understand what made the members suffer.

Cant they just do it?

While Reyna, who disliked the circus and was afraid of training, had to prioritize this kind of nurturing mindset as she had to constantly encourage herself.

Ill explain why we need to do it like this.

Both were born with genius talent, but this difference brought about a difference in their teaching styles.

There was no doubt which training was more enthusiastic and enjoyable for the members.

Before long, they began to enjoy learning from Reyna.

The talent for education.

It was an ability Reyna herself didnt even know she had.

Wonderstein knew she was going to be a teacher at the circus school from TT3.

Since it was mentioned in the story that the school became famous shortly after it was founded, he just wanted to try it out.

But he didnt expect her to do so well.

Under Reynas guidance, the members sometimes solved problems on their own, sometimes tried various practices. Reyna only helped when absolutely necessary.

She knew how much correcting for minor mistakes could disrupt a learners focus.

This training style greatly stimulated the members interest in acrobatics.

Around the time when Reyna had been in charge of the members training for a week, the members clamoured for her to stay and continue teaching them.

Wonderstein, hearing the members opinions conveyed by Yurakne, smiled and nodded.

The Assistant Director is still Ella, right? Haha, Ella must be pleased that she has fewer duties now. But what about the trade?

Theyre suggesting letting Gascon be traded instead.

At that, I laughed even louder.

That was all I could ask for.

Because it could resolve a headache.

It was Gascons mistake to be accidentally enrolled in the circus troupe at the entrance exam that day.

As a guest, Wonderstein couldnt interfere with Gascons whereabouts.

But it was different if he was a member.

According to the rules of this draft, if a selected person wants to leave, we cant stop them. Just like Ella can come here from there, if Reyna wants to leave us and go back there, we cant stop her. Haha, maybe the trade will go as planned after all.

Yurakne smiled without saying anything in response.

This person sometimes seemed really clueless.

Did he really not know?

That Reyna was wavering?

Reynas morning guidance session ended.

After lunch, the members went into individual practice in the afternoon.

Reynas practice was assisted by Wonderstein.

Technically, there was no one else who could match her.

Haha, you did well today too. Thanks to you, the members seem to have mastered the trampoline technique.

Thank you.

But Reyna had now shed the self-consciousness that had held her back for ten years.

While executing precise movements, she also thought about the future.

As a result, her body began to move smoothly in curves.

She now understood the freedom of movement that Ella had displayed.

What she possessed in her heart was not the confidence that she could not fail.

It was the confidence that she could fail, allowing her to adopt a bold attitude.

Oh, shes smiling!

At Womons exclamation, all eyes turned to her.

And no one could hide their surprise.

She, who had spent more than a week with them, had never smiled once.

Yet, her lips were now adorned with a bright smile.

That smile shone as dazzlingly as her golden hair.

Haha, seeing both of them smile together doesnt it seem like a womens thing?

At Svens remark, Yurakne, standing beside him, hastily nudged his shoulder.

She was now aware of Reynas position under the director.

She worried that his words might unnecessarily provoke Reyna.

His words definitely had an impact on Reyna.

All her attention was focused on Wonderstein, who was throwing planks.

She watched as the last plank flew toward her, just like it had a week ago, with the same angle and speed, as if copied from memory.

He was undoubtedly able to perfectly control even a slight tremor in his fingertips.

He possessed remarkable skills, yet also seemed to have insight and consideration for the feelings of those beneath him.

When he first suggested training the members, she doubted if he was merely shirking troublesome tasks.

But now she could be certain.

He saw teaching others as greatly beneficial to her.

And he did not hesitate to extend that to someone who would surely become his enemy.

She was envious of Ella.

To be under such a person.

Then, suddenly, a sticky desire rose in a corner of her heart.

What if this continued?

When she was first rejected at the draft, she feared she had been completely abandoned by her father.

She wished she could go back there in two weeks.

But now her thoughts had changed.

Director Frank Wonderstein and Assistant Director Reyna Maguire!

Two men and women walking side by side on the street, laughing heartily.

What if it was her standing there instead of Ella?

She thrust out her fist, bubbling with determination from within.

Her posture, movements, timing, and strikes all flowed seamlessly with perfect coordination.

With a thud, the plank flew backward.

The members cheered as they witnessed it.

Yurakne wore a worried expression.

All the planks that had been split until now fell right where they were.

But this time, the plank flew backward, just like on the first day.

Yurakne approached the plank that had fallen to the ground and examined it.


She exclaimed as she looked at it.

There was a hole in the plank.

The size of a fist.

Wonderstein laughed heartily and clapped his hands together.

Well done! Excellent job! Especially the last move was art. Haha, even Ella only did that once.

It was an unparalleled praise.

For a moment, she felt she had achieved something worthy of her position as his deputy.

Thanks to you, Director.

Reyna nodded slightly.

Her smile was even brighter than before.

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