Published at 5th of June 2024 07:15:30 AM

Chapter 151: Black and Gold – 22

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Chapter 151: Black and Gold – 22

Its been over 10 days since she joined the Monster Circus.

During that time, she became quite close with the members.

It was thanks to practicing together on the dirt floor.

However, she didnt become close with the members she couldnt practice with.

There were two people.

One of them was Jobel.

He was said to be a bald dwarf man, but she had never seen him until now.

The other members had seen his face quite a bit.

They said it was because of the new Inspira he had acquired, but she couldnt find out the details.

On the contrary, there was a member who she saw every day.

That was Maya.

Reyna wasnt particularly sociable either, but Maya was even more so.

She always acted as if there was no other people around her.

Even when eating together, she stared blankly into space as if she was in her own world.

A few days ago, when Reyna gathered the courage to talk to her, Maya only replied briefly and ended the conversation.

Still, Reyna didnt feel any bad feelings towards Maya.

She wasnt the only one having difficulty interacting with her.

It had been three months since she joined, and other members also found Mayas emotionless and self-centered personality difficult.

Reyna wondered if she had appeared like that to her colleagues in the Golden Carnival.

So when Maya ignored her greeting and passed by last night, Reyna only thought she was a little peculiar, not that she harboured any ill feelings towards her.

But was that her misconception?

Reyna looked at the cat blocking her path.

It was created by Maya.

The members said they could guess Mayas mood by looking at the cats behaviour, which often appeared.

The cat was clearly mocking her.

Reyna remembered the cold look Maya used to give her when she coldly rebuffed her if she didnt like her.

There was definitely hostility.

It wasnt a mistake to think that she had ignored her greeting and looked coldly at her yesterday.

Reyna had always been told not to surrender wherever she went.

Although she now knew that it wasnt the only answer after losing to Ella, being rejected by her father, and being taught by Wonderstein, she naturally followed her fathers teachings with ingrained habits.

Her determination boiled up.

A cold wind blew on Reynas face.

If you block me, Ill break through.

It was just a illusion.

It wouldnt be a problem to break it.

Reyna gave a fierce look at the cat and approached the door.


Just as the cat tried to block her, a voice came from inside.

Hows this outfit? Yurakne recommended it to Maya a while back, saying it suited her?

It was Director Wonderstein.

When she heard his affectionate and laughter-filled voice, all the strength drained from her body.

It was a reaction similar to when she stood in front of her father.

The desire not to be hated by the other person firmly gripped her body.

Who am I to interfere?

Its something the director accepted as okay

Then, Mayas blunt and cold voice followed.

Its slippery. Please change the socks.

It felt like speaking to a store clerk.

Rayna clenched her fists.

Lack of courtesy.

What further fueled Reynas inner turmoil was the dignified attitude of the Director.

He smiled without any sign of discomfort while receiving orders from a much younger girl.

Haha, understood. So, these socks?

There was a rustling sound of fabric.

Reynas head spun dizzyingly.

The scene inside was depicted in her mind.

The sight of dozens of types of cookies pouring out in various colors simultaneously in an assembly line-like fashion was magnificent.

After the tour of the factory, the Golden Carnival members were treated to cookies and drinks in the supervisors office, overlooking the factorys scenery.

The factory manager proudly introduced the cookies they were eating as a new product still in development.

Hehe, who knew freshly baked cookies would be this delicious!

Yeah, Ive had them a few times at the villa. Its on a different level of taste!

These workers here must be lucky. They get to eat this all the time, dont they?

Look at this. The artisan lady recommended having it with coffee, and its fantastic!

As they began to feel full, the factory door opened.

Visitors began their tour.

The factory manager entered the office.

Now, let me guide you to the Gallery.'

Oh, is that where the chairmans collection is?

The Candyman was famous for being a circus enthusiast.

Especially, he heard he was a fanatic about playwright Christian.

To be able to see his collection!

The members all stood up from their seats.

At that moment, Ella raised her hand, looking embarrassed.

Im feeling a bit unwell. Ill go to the restroom.

Do you know where it is? Shall I call a guide to take you there?

Oh, its okay. Its just to the side from where the chairmans room is, right?

Ella pretended to go in the opposite direction from where the members were leaving.

And after confirming that everyone had left, she secretly returned to the office.

She wasnt actually in a hurry to go to the bathroom.

She grabbed cookies that were still emitting hot steam from the tray and put them in her hat.

Ability: Inspira-Hat Magic

Target: Ella and Wondersteins hats.

Effect: Two objects are spatially connected. Put the item you want to transfer into the hat and wear it on your head. Before the item even touches your scalp, it disappears. And the moment the wearer takes off the hat, it appears inside the other persons hat.

Requirement: Ellas favourability x30

She had obtained the Inspira just before being stabbed by the Reapers scythe.

The hat magic seemed like a side act of amusement for Ella on Luzs stage, but then, whether due to the assistance of Wonderstein or not, she became entangled with him and Inspira.

She was offered a new blessing.

Until now, few people her age had obtained two Inspiras.

It was something to be proud of as an acrobat.

Most of all, what was enjoyable was that this ability was connected to Wonderstein.

It was as if the Kirku acknowledged the two as soul partners.

Ella filled the hat with cookies.

Whenever she ate something delicious, she kept thinking of that person.

So, she often sent things like this through hat magic.

This time, she planned to use the cookies as a means of communication.

She would lead the conversation in this direction during todays regular contact.

They were snacks from the villa, and they were so delicious that I wanted you to try them. How were they? Its from Slagbrot, a very famous Candy factory. Its a new product that hasnt been released yet. Ah, was that where you wanted to go? Yeah, the owner of the Golden Carnivals Villa is the owner. The pastry chefs came to the villa and made them themselves. The freshly made ones were definitely different. Did you enjoy them? Mmm, I want to eat them again. So, what Im saying is, can I propose what I did back then again? Didnt you reject it? Ugh, so you wont recommend it again? Yep?

Understood. Miss Ella, could you please accompany me for a walk?

Hmm, Im busy Alright. Since its you, Ill make an exception?

Ella chuckled as she looked at the cookies in the hat.

She didnt know that the window of the directors office was a one-way mirror from the factory managers room.

Candyman sat on the sofa in the factory managers room, listening to the internal view relayed by his secretary and chuckled.

Hehe, I would have happily given you the cookies if you wanted to eat them. To hide them in a hat.

If it was his young artisan days, he would have angrily accused the thief of trying to steal his pastry secrets.

But now that he was old, he found the childs behaviour simply cute.

He gestured to his secretary.

The office door opened.

Ella was startled and put on the hat.

At the entrance, an old man dressed in work clothes stood with the support of a young man.

The old man spoke in a stern voice.

Are you the thief trying to steal my cookie recipe?

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