Published at 5th of June 2024 07:15:10 AM

Chapter 163: Demon in the Bottle – 2

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Chapter 163: Demon in the Bottle – 2disciples.

The young man and the boy stiffened their expressions at his words.

They understood what he meant.

Lets go.

The three of them called the remaining two scattered in the city and prepared to leave for Vegas.

The auction house became noisy as he left.

The highlight of this auction, the last item, had finally found its owner after a fierce battle.VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The auctioneer smiled as he watched the casually dressed man in the audience walk up.

The name of the signer and that of his employer.

In such cases, the legal representative of the owner often appeared instead of the owner himself.

Especially if the owner lived far away, the probability was high.

The auctioneer confirmed the owners name and smiled, imagining the commission he would receive.

Thank you. With this, the ownership of this item has been transferred to Marquis Slagbrot.

The glass jar was carefully packed and shipped to Yeterinpuurk under tight security.

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Chapter 162: Demon in the Bottle 1

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