Published at 5th of June 2024 07:14:44 AM

Chapter 177: Demon in the Bottle – 16

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Chapter 177: Demon in the Bottle – 16

The building of the Animal Taming major was sponsored by the Miracle Palace before the school was even built.

Due to the nature of the subjects involving caring for animals, a spacious and open area was necessary.

The students who entered the sponsorship pointed out various traces left behind, such as elephant footprints or tiger claw marks, discussing among themselves.

What kind of animals are they bringing and training?

Training was something one could enjoy simply by observing without necessarily showcasing any skills.

The students were excitedly discussing the animals they were looking forward to.

At the end of the garden stood a small tower.

At the entrance of the tower sat a creature.

Many students, including Ella, recognized it.

A four-legged creature with a eagles head and white wings.

It was a Griffin, the task that appeared in the entrance exam.


As strangers approached in groups, the creature stood up, assuming a defensive posture.

Closing its beak with a loud sound, it snorted.

Scratching the ground with its claws, it threatened them.

The students hesitantly stepped back, looking at the creature with fearful eyes.

The Griffin was a fierce beast that could attack farms and even snatch calves.

If it went on a rampage, it wouldnt be surprising if several people were injured or killed.

You all stay behind me. It might get startled.

Clara stepped forward, speaking with a serious tone.

This Griffin was a stubborn creature that few students could handle.

Clara herself wasnt very comfortable facing it.

However, she had been coming here every day for the past three weeks.

Instead of covering up what she had done wrong in the entrance exam, she had agreed to fulfil a few requests from the professor.

Thanks to that, she had become familiar with facing the Griffin.

Now, if she just set her mind to it, Clara felt like she could surpass even the highest score Ella achieved in the entrance exam.

As she stepped forward, the Griffins demeanour softened slightly.

Clara smiled reassuringly at it and approached slowly.

The Griffin folded its wings and stretched its neck, a gesture of relaxing its guard and showing friendliness.

Clara also spread her arms and approached calmly.

The creature also approached her.

Admiring murmurs could be heard from the students behind.

Clara felt exhilarated as she reached out her hand towards the Griffins beak.

Petting it was a sign of affection to it.

Yeah. Here. Come here

However, her attempt was unsuccessful.

The Griffin suddenly raised its head.


It was the sound the Griffin made when it was excited.

It dashed towards the students, passing Clara.

Oh no! Everyone, step back!

Clara shouted.

The Griffin had already pounced on one of the students.

A student in a blue gym uniform struggled under the excited creature.

Clara looked embarrassed.

She had told the professor she could handle it!

What a disgrace.

Clara took out a dagger from her pocket.

There was an anaesthetic on its end, which could even sedate an elephant.

As she threw it towards the Griffins neck.

Laughter burst out.

It was from the person the Griffin had pounced on.

Hahaha, ticklish. Stop it. Its been only three weeks? You remember me. Yeah, yeah. Good boy. Good boy.

The voice belonged to Ella.

She hadnt been attacked.

The Griffin had rushed towards her out of joy.

It extended its tongue through its beak and licked her hand.

The students watched in disbelief.

Handling such a violent beast as if it was a puppy.

It was hard to believe even after seeing it.

You, you have to pet his beak

Clara wanted to give the impression that she was somehow in control of the situation.

She wanted to show that she could give advice to make the Griffin behave better.

Fortunately, everything was fine.

They had just spent a bit more time at the last place they visited because the children had enjoyed it.

Oh, I see.

I nodded at her generous assessment of Professor Pyrene.

Was my worry unfounded?

Even though she had shown madness in TT2, now she might just be a mere animal enthusiast.

Even in the game, she was focused on capturing animals.

She even carried glass jars with a cheerful smile in that hellish setting.

After a few sub-quests, she would invite players to her hideout to show off her collection.

Whats this?


The knights expression stiffened, and the thief looked like might vomit at any moment.

Only Maya scrutinized Pyrenes collection with an emotionless face.

The creatures inside her jars were not ordinary beings.

G-gu please, k-kill me. I cant

The legs are torn apart like this. Aaaagh!

Victims whose bodies were transformed by Wondersteins power.

They had stopped just before being completely transformed into monsters.

Isnt that a person?

At the knights words, she smiled brightly and shook her head.

A person? No, of course not. My ability doesnt capture people.

She said so and took out a jar from a corner of the office.

It was a jar with a round body and a long snout.

Master, guests have arrived.

She proudly presented it to the warriors.

Say hello. He is my master.

Could there be people transformed into monsters inside it as well?

The thief, inspecting the jar closely, frowned.

There wasnt even a living creature inside it, let alone a human.

Even one side of the glass jar was shattered.

Inside, there were only dried bloodstains clinging to the broken shards like pieces of shell.

Master! Master! Guests have arrived!

With a broken glass jar from which no sound could be heard, she found her master who had died decades ago.

As expected, this woman is a bit crazy.

In a city dominated by Wondersteins madness, wouldnt anyone be a bit off?

Though she was a creepy figure, compared to the allies in other cities, she was relatively quiet.

At least she didnt harm people.

However, her words about not recognizing people as people made me uneasy.


After the students left, Pyrene was alone in the tower.

She drew the curtains, locked the door, and approached the bookshelf behind the desk.

As she touched a few items there, the bookshelf made a noise and moved back, revealing a hidden passage.

Passing through the passage, she found a switch on the wall and turned on the lights in the room.

As there were no windows in this room, the light from the lamp did not spill outside.

The light illuminated the dark space.

The space revealed was several times larger than her office.

Several large shelves surrounded the room.

Hundreds of glass jars filled each shelf.

Inside them were creatures, each different from those seen outside and with distorted features, as if someone had grabbed one corner of the original creatures and twisted them sharply.

They were forms that could not be found in this world, let alone in the Abyss.

Even faced with such horrifying things, Pyrenes expression remained calm.

After all, there was no reason for her to fear them.

They were all captured by her Inspira.

She stared at the center of the room.

From the dark corner came a deep, rumbling voice.

Have you come.

There was no figure of a person in the darkness.

There was only one glass jar with a round body and a long snout, firmly bound to the desk by a sturdy chain.

The voice came from inside it.

Inside the flask with a round bottom, there was a creature that did not seem to belong to this world.

It writhed with black flesh, reminiscent of something that might be seen in the trash bin of a seafood shop, with layers of broken shells and shells piled on top of each other.

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Chapter 176: Demon in the Bottle 15

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