Published at 5th of June 2024 07:14:25 AM

Chapter 185: Demon in the Bottle – 24

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Chapter 185: Demon in the Bottle – 24

Her condition had improved significantly over the past two days.

Though she occasionally exhibited peculiar behaviors, at least her demeanor in formal settings had returned to that of a restrained model student.

However, separate from her weakened state, her illness seemed to have worsened.

Her complexion had grown even paler.

Her friends looked at her with pity, knowing she had stayed up all night in the dormitory caring for a sick pet.

Of course, Clara knew all too well that the story was entirely false.

She wasnt ill, nor was she under the influence of painkillers.

Naturally, she hadnt been caring for the pet either.

Clara recalled the events of the past two days.

She had undergone rigorous posture correction training from Pyrene overnight.

Walking like Clara.

Smiling like Clara.

Greeting like Clara.

After much effort and practice, she had finally mastered Claras usual behaviour, only to be met with Pyrenes ridicule.

How pathetic. It took you this long just to mimic Claras steps and actions. Any newbie could have done it in a day.

Expecting praise, Claras expression darkened at her words.

Pyrenes continued taunting and mockery made her feel truly inadequate and deficient.

Can you even continue attending school like this? What about important performances? If you fail twice in the end-of-month exams, you know youll be expelled, right?

W-what would happen then?

Seeing the frozen mentor, Pyrene sighed as if she was pitiful.

If you leave school, youll have to find other work. What kind of work could a girl do in the city? Maybe working in a potato-peeling job or in a sewing factory would suffice.


A gloomy light flickered in Claras eyes.

Even with knowledge or magic, she needed social status or money to utilize them.

But she had none of those things.

Pyrene decided to try to comfort her now.

She gently embraced Clara from behind.

Or how about doing cleaning and kitchen work at my house? It would be better than living outside for no reason. I can provide you with a generous allowance.

As Clara pondered her words, she slowly nodded.

Although it was humiliating for someone who had been a master of the Magician to work as a maid, she had no other choice.

At present, she couldnt do anything without Pyrene.

Clara consoled herself.

Anything would be better than falling back into the hands of the Black Magician..

She remembered the days she spent trapped in the first bottle.

At that time, she didnt know who had created her or why she was being imprisoned.

She only saw the face of a man outside the bottle.

By breaking out of the bottle and venturing into the world, she could gather information and piece together clues about the being who created her.

The Black Magician.

The mastermind behind the Great Circus Grand Prix Terror.

The Biomancer.

The one who dealt with the Curse Plague, Debulroots.

If it was known that she was alive, she would never see a good ending.

Clara and her friends headed towards the platform.

There stood a tall man in a black cloak, organizing lecture materials with his back turned.

The instructor arrived first.

The director of the Wonderstein Circus. Its Ellas circus.

He was really handsome.

Clara stepped forward.

She intended to greet him as the representative student.

As he turned his head, she bowed her head.

Hello, instructor. Im Clara, the top student of the senior class.

He also bowed his head in return.

I am Frank Wonderstein, director of the Wonderstein Circus.

They both lifted their heads.

They stared at each other for a few seconds.

Clara felt her entire body freeze the moment she faced him.

The person before her eyes.

He was the owner of the face she had seen countless times when she was in the first flask.

The Black Magician.

Why was he here?

Clara tried to calm her trembling body.

But she couldnt calm down at all.

Be calm.

Im not the nameless demon in the bottle.

Im Clara.

He will never recognize me.

Then, a single word uttered from his mouth shook her mind.

Originally, it was a whisper too soft to be heard.

But even though she had lost most of her powers, she could still pick up on nearby conversations to some extent.

She could understand it.

Oh, it is you. Youre alive.

Clara lost consciousness right there.


Wonderstein thought he had seen Clara somewhere before when he faced her.

Was there a character in the game who resembled her?

He hesitated for a moment, then remembered The Seven Legends of Lekachep.

Lekachep had all the elements to be a school setting.

Is that the Black Magician?

The information she had collected did not include this.

Of course, she knew the weaknesses of the Garden of Whispers.

It only collected rumors circulating among people.

It was far from truth or reality.

But considering what he had done, or at least what was known he had done, he was definitely not a saint.

She never expected it to turn out like this at all.

Youre quite different from what Ive heard.

Hehe, are you talking about the rumors about me?

Wonderstein tilted his head as if tired.

Coward, swindler, slave trader, abuser of the disabled, and so on.

Starting with the incident with Vergsong, malicious slander became more frequent as his fame grew.

It was really difficult to shake off that reputation because of the eerie Monster Circus.

How absurd it was to hear recent rumours that he possessed an Inspira to seduce women.

Youve done a lot of research, it seems.


Wonderstein remembered what Ella had warned him about.

He had heard that Lekacheps students were trying to devour external lecturers.

Even last week, Lord Fantastic had been questioned throughout the lecture about rumours and weaknesses.

Its okay. I didnt come here to fight. I just came to talk.

At his words, Clara swallowed her saliva.

Now she understood his kindness.

It was obvious why he left her alone, even though he could easily kill her.

Do you have something you want from me?

She asked with a guarded tone.

No. Just pure goodwill? Hehe.

Although he said so, it didnt seem that way at all to Clara.

Seeing the skeptical look in her eyes, he quickly added.

If you want something, I just ask for you to live. I wont make any other demands.

To live? Is that really all?

She looked as if she had been struck.

It was a completely unexpected statement from him.

So she was considering suicide after all.

Seeing the startled look in her eyes, he nodded.

Wonderstein paused for a moment before recalling an old story.

It was about a person who couldnt do anything without the help of others.

They were such a petty existence that they couldnt even sustain their own lives in a small room.

Clara could understand who he was talking about.

It was her story.

Watching others from outside, sneering and mocking, was all he could do.

Wonderstein recalled his days before starting the game broadcast.

Indeed, he was such a person.

Filled with anger and inferiority towards the world, he roamed the internet.

Clara scratched the sofa in embarrassment.

He was seeing through her completely.

But that person got a new name. He broke out of the room and went into a new world. He wanted to bring joy to the world and receive applause from people.

Clara blushed.

Suddenly, she felt embarrassed.

It was his misunderstanding.

She never had such noble thoughts.

She just wanted to avoid his gaze, she took away this body and name to comfortably manipulate society from behind the scenes.

Ironically, she couldnt even do that properly and was considering living off someones money.

She couldnt lift her face in front of him, whom she should call her Parent.

Without knowing my situation Im not even that kind of existence.

I just wanted to say that I support you. If it sounded like meddling, Im sorry.

The voice of the assistant calling him from outside could be heard.

It was time to start class.

Wonderstein felt sorry.

He wanted to deliver some courageous words, to encourage her, but ended up just talking without substance.

As he stood up to leave, he threw in one last piece of advice.

Replacing someone elses position is a difficult task. You dont necessarily have to follow that person exactly. Youll find your own way.

Wonderstein recalled his experience as a possessor as he said that.

Of course, it was somewhat disconnected from what she was struggling with as a student representative.

The demon shrugged.

It sounded like a message to stop obsessing over imitating Clara.

Oh, and its common for pets to act out suddenly. Its hard to live if you stress over every little thing like that, hehe.

He said the last words reminiscent of what Ella used to say and left the room.

After he had completely left, Clara realized the meaning behind his last words and muttered with a bitter voice.


It was as if his cherished cat leaving home had caused him a headache.

To evaluate her own escape and seventeen years of struggle in such a manner.

Come to think of it, she remembered the term of endearment she used to call him by a long time ago.

She used to call him that while he was administering nutrients outside the flask.


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Chapter 184: Demon in the Bottle 23

Chapter 186: Demon in the Bottle 25

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