Published at 5th of June 2024 07:14:21 AM

Chapter 187: Demon in the Bottle – 26

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Chapter 187: Demon in the Bottle – 26

As I sat alone in the lounge, celebrating the successful completion of the lecture, Karen suddenly approached me.

She came closer and handed me something unexpectedly.

It was an invitation to the freshmen welcome party.

And Mayas name was written as the inviter.

Why would you have Mayas?

She paused for a moment, then poured out words like a storm.

I was so frustrated watching from the sidelines. Do you know how much Maya wanted to go with the Director? Why dont you show a little favour to Maya this time too? You pamper Ella so much Even Reyna, who just joined recently, youve been so attentive to her. But why do you treat Maya so coldly?

Everything was sudden.

But her last words lingered in my ears.

Did I treat Maya coldly?

I pondered deeply.

Perhaps there was some truth in what she said.

Knowing Mayas independent nature, I didnt try to show her more attention than any other member.

I knew she would find it bothersome.

But listening to Karens story, it seemed Maya had been feeling disappointed about it.

Did Maya tell you all this?

No. Shes not that type of person. But I can sense it from what she says.

Is that so?

The current Maya still had a childish innocence compared to her two years later.

But she never really opened up about herself, making it hard to guess her true feelings.

She had the lowest count of initiating member quests among the group.

Even Gascon and Reyna, who recently joined, surpassed her within a few days.

It was evidence that she was keeping her emotions tightly in check.

I knew Maya wanted me to play the role of a mentor to her.

She only asked once when she joined the circus troupe, and I refused.

Because I had nothing more to teach her.

After that, she never made the same demand again, and the member quests never appeared either.New novel chapters are published on no/vel(b)in(.)co/m

But listening to Karens story, it seemed like she had been secretly wishing for it all along.

She was still only seventeen.

An age where she needed an adult to rely on.

In the original, Arno, the leader of the Silver Veil Circus, played that role.

But I didnt.

By equating future Maya with present Maya, I treated her as if she was a grown adult.

It was undoubtedly my mistake.

Now, I looked at Karen, who was passionately advocating for someone she had only recently met.

Maya could have made good friends since coming to school.

But I doubted if she could truly be satisfied in the role of friend.

Then, would it be okay if I took Maya as my partner?

Of course!

Really? But Karen, you like Maya, dont you?

At my words, Karens expression momentarily stiffened before softening.

I, uh, like her. Because shes my friend

I threw a remark that pierced through her hesitation.

You were going to kiss Maya while she was asleep, werent you?

Her face turned pale with astonishment.

H-How did you?

You were about to enter the classroom about a minute before you started talking to me.


Her complexion turned pale.

She stuttered, trying to divert the conversation as she approached the sensitive topic.

Ma-Maya Are you going to tell her?

Depends on the situation. Please be honest. Do you love Maya?

After hesitating for a moment, she confessed her story.

Growing up among boys from a young age.

Having a keen interest in women because of that.

Being labelled as weird by her peers for excessive physical contact with her female classmates.

Feeling scared of girls as a result but finding comfort in Mayas emotional detachment.

As I listened to her story, I wondered what kind of day it was today.

To counsel a suicidal teenager and then a teenager struggling with sexual orientation.

Did you approach Maya with that intention? Youve been deceiving her all this time. Your friend.


Karen blinked.

She wasnt sure if she heard correctly.

Maya reinforced her words.

I said, get lost.

Why, why are you suddenly

Maya didnt answer but instead threw the friendship chocolate on the ground.

As Karen reached out, an unseen force crushed it completely.

Dont come near me.

She spat out coldly, but her expression remained unchanged.

It sent shivers down her spine even more.

She was definitely angry, but she barely showed it.

Karen felt a pang of unease at her sudden change in attitude.

Uh, did you hear it from the Director?

She wanted to say it.

She wanted to say that she feel betrayed.

To feel like she was stabbed in the back by the Director she admired.

But she corrected her thoughts just before speaking.

She couldnt tarnish the honour of her master.

No, I overheard it outside earlier.


Karen felt her mind going blank.

Could it be that Maya heard everything?

About how she felt butterflies when she saw her body in the locker room or the urge to kiss her sleeping cheek?

Karen remembered her childhood trauma.

Back then, she innocently touched her female friends chests or private parts.

She did it out of curiosity.

It was something boys around her didnt have.

It was okay because it was between girls, even if it wasnt between opposite genders.

But that was her mistake.

She was ridiculed and ostracized by the girls she used to be close with.

And now, she was caught by Maya.

For her strange tendencies.

All the stories she had just shared must have been heard by Maya as well.

I-Im sorry. for deceiving you. I thought you were okay because you were different from the others.

Maya felt something snap inside her at those words.

You thought I was okay because I was different from the others?

That was one of her few comforts.

Since childhood, people around her treated her like a psychopath or a freak because she didnt show emotions and her expression remained unchanged, no matter what happened.

Some even tested her emotional limits and moral boundaries.

Shes okay because shes different from the others.

What Karen was saying now was just like the behaviour of those people.

Maya poured all her emotions into her sincere words.

Youre the most disgusting person Ive ever met.

Her words and gaze were filled with a disgust Karen had never seen before.

Karen was shocked but didnt show it.

She reminded herself that she was the perpetrator, not the victim.

She shouldnt be the one getting hurt.

It was her mistake to deceive and approach her in the first place.

She bowed her head as if resigned.

Im sorry, Maya. I wont make you uncomfortable again.

With that, she turned around and ran out of the practice room.

She tried to control her emotions, but she couldnt hide the tears.

I thought I finally had a female friend.

Karens swallowed words scattered behind her,

I thought I might actually have a friend.

The broken friendship chocolate turned to dust.

And black ink spread thicker on Mayas canvas.

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Chapter 186: Demon in the Bottle 25

Chapter 188: Demon in the Bottle 27

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