Published at 5th of June 2024 07:21:43 AM

Chapter 39: Magician Maya (2)

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Chapter 39: Magician Maya (2)

Name: Allen

Age: 30

Title: Mind Blade

Occupation: Comedic Actor

Recruitment Condition: Express 'laughter' emotion as a knight or rogue when stumbling and falling forward.

Name: Jo

Age: 30

Title: Wind Blade

Occupation: Comedic Actor

Recruitment Condition: Express 'laughter' emotion as a knight or rogue when stumbling and falling backward.

Allen and Jo.

A comedic duo appearing as supporters in TT1.

They are men known for their shabby suits and ridiculous antics.

At first glance, they appeared to be just comedic characters, but in reality, they were exceptional swordsmen.

While they were building a reputation as mercenaries, one day they saw a comedy show on the street and were deeply impressed, leading them to pursue a career as comedic actors.

Their basic abilities matched their background, as they were both highly skilled.

To the extent that the saying "For beginners, just find Allen and Jo" became a proverb among fans.

Their performance was so powerful that it could disrupt the balance of the early game.

In fact, they were 'hidden supporters' who could not be recruited through conventional means.

Other supporters would appear on the roadside, offer quests, or blatantly demand something in exchange for their assistance, saying, "If you fulfil my request, I will help you." But Allen and Jo were nothing like that.

They would appear and disappear like extras, without a trace.

The fact that they could be recruited as supporters was only discovered weeks after the game was released.

The conditions were very simple.

All you had to do was make them laugh when they stumbled and fell, playing the role of a knight or rogue.

The TT series had features that allowed heroes to express emotions such as greetings, dancing, laughter, provocation, and more.

Using this feature to discover hidden elements of the game was one of the charms of the TT series.

Of course, at the time of TT1's release, this fact was not well known, so it took some time to discover.

"Oh, did you laugh at our comedy? Hehe."

"Kuk, I can't believe it. You guys are real heroes!"

So they joined us, the two swordsmen who would mercilessly wield their staff-swords.

If left alone, they could defeat the Stage 1 boss on their own.

So when I brought them to the hotel, I was ready to laugh at any time.

It was not a difficult task at all.

I laughed when they stumbled and hit their foreheads while picking up a fallen clock.

I laughed when they sputtered and spat out hot tea they were trying to drink.

I laughed when they stepped on each other's shoelaces and fell forward.

I laughed really hard.

But they didn't show the enthusiastic response I expected.

I didn't expect them to be as moved and teary-eyed as they were in TT1.

At least I thought they would show some gratitude.

But instead, they just shrugged their shoulders with a slightly smug look on their faces.

After receiving my guidance and looking around the circus group, the two swordsmen left the hotel, making various excuses they had rehearsed beforehand.

It was a clear rejection.

For the first time, my knowledge of the original work didn't apply.

I wondered why.

As I thought it over, I remembered the description I had seen on their character sheets.

"They debuted three years ago, but they were struggling to gain popularity. But the heroes made them laugh! They will do anything for their fans."

Three years had passed since their debut...

The problem was that this information was only relevant to the time of TT1.

Now it had been two and a half years before TT1.

In other words, they had only been debuted for six months.

Their reaction was not as desperate as it was during the three years of anonymity.

In the end, I had to compromise my dignity and pretend to be fooled by those mediocre guys.

I had the ratmen teach her some skills, but there were clear limitations.

Illusion magic was needed.

Before entering the curtain, I read the warning sign next to it.

"Do not use illusion magic outside this area."

I smiled wryly as I felt the strength in every stroke of the carefully written warning.

Over the past week, various illusions had disturbed Luz.

A mansion-sized spider appeared in the middle of the street, fake flames engulfed buildings, and a silent carriage raced through the air.

All of these were performances by illusionists.

They too did their best to showcase their talents to join a large circus troupe.

According to the Circus Grand Prix regulations, "magicians" were treated as "those who perform on stage" just like acrobats.

In other words, they were subject to the same restrictions on entry and recruitment during the competition period.

Although there were not many cases of magicians working as actors, it was a natural measure.

A magician's magic was similar to an acrobat's performance.

You couldn't say someone who specialized in throwing knives outside the stage wasn't an acrobat, could you?

So, they, too, like acrobats, did their best to stand out in any way possible before the opening.

The magician's yard was more peaceful than the acrobats'.

They were more like inventors showcasing their work at a technical exhibition than performers.

"Now, please look. These are my best works, the 24 dancing flames!"

One magician opened his palm, and various dazzling lights appeared, tracing colourful paths as they spun around.

A few people in the crowd exclaimed in admiration.

Most of them were local residents and tourists who came to watch.

The expressions of the circus troupe personnel were cold compared to the ordinary people.

"Ah, what do you expect from the Circus Grand Prix?"

"They're hiding their skills with such simple illusions."

"The movement of light is too simple. It just goes back and forth."

"It might pass at a country fair."

People who knew the circus had a different way of observing illusions.

They paid attention to intricacy and realism rather than extravagance.

"Look at the fur on that doe. Doesn't it look like it's naturally swaying in the wind?"

"It's a very precise illusion. Impressive. How about those metal dolls over there?"

"The texture feels very real. Can you smell the metal?"

The skill of illusionists lay in the meticulous and sophisticated creation of reality.

To faithfully replicate the backgrounds and special effects demanded by the circus, simply weaving flames in the air was out of the question.

And hiring illusionists would be better than using illusion magic.

As I walked through the crowd, I observed the illusion magics.

Then, I noticed a commotion in a corner.

People were murmuring and gathering around someone.

"Is that an illusion?"

"Look at the way she walks and moves her eyes! Is it possible to naturally replicate a person like that? Unbelievable. Why is someone like her here in this street yard? She should be submitting an application to a top circus troupe."

"It could be. Let's see. Is that girl an illusionist too?"

"I wonder if her skills match her appearance..."

I wondered who was causing such a commotion.

I looked to where everyone's attention was focused.

Snow-white hair like snow.

Perfectly proportioned facial features like a doll crafted by a master.

Icy-cold eyes.

I sighed internally.

If I didn'nt have the Smiling Man, I would have screamed like everyone else.

But the reason was different.

I was surprised that she was here in the first place.

One of the three heroes, Tril Trilo series'.

Magician Maya.

She looked more mature than I remembered, but it was definitely her.

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