Published at 5th of June 2024 07:20:59 AM

Chapter 58: Opening Ceremony of the Reversal (13)

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Chapter 58: Opening Ceremony of the Reversal (13)

Even though both the singers and actors had come down from the stage, there were still many people in the hall who seemed intoxicated by the excitement of the performance.

Some swayed their hips and shoulders, while others hummed the memorable melodies with their noses.

Bouvalle, in a strong tone, conveyed that the performance had ended to some stubborn guests who were still holding on to the dancers and throwing tips.

Among them, there were even some well-known dignitaries who were known for their quiet demeanor. The impression left by the welcoming extravaganza of the Rose Windmill was powerful enough to make even such individuals feel excited.

It took quite some time for the guests to find their seats and even more time to sit quietly in their seats.

On the other hand, there were places where people still suspected that the memorial service had not yet ended.

The far end of the step seat overlooking the stage in Hall 1.

The two girls sitting there had displayed excellent manners as spectators throughout the performance.

They sat quietly, not disturbing the enjoyment of others, which was appropriate for viewing.

However, according to cabaret etiquette, they had become the most impolite spectators.

Ella was ready to prove at any moment that she was the most polite person here. If it werent for her current situation, she would have jumped out of the window and run to the front of the stage immediately.

Thats how much power this stage had to make peoples hearts race.

Today, she had learned why people often called Yug Maroine the director. He wasnt just a stubborn and obstinate old man. He complained about the industrys obsession with the commercial and profitability of performances, but his eyes for watching performances were keen.

Otherwise, at his age, he wouldnt be able to direct a stage like this.

The last stage of his youngest days, dedicated to his final years.

She, too, wanted to enjoy the excitement of that place firsthand.

But she couldnt.

The reason they were allowed to enter here today was because the theatrepeople they had become friends with had accommodated them. If they were noticed by people outside the theatre, it could have caused controversy. They might accuse him of showing favouritism to a specific circus troupe before the competition even started.

That was something she couldnt do, not only for the circus troupe but also for the people in the theatre who had shown them kindness.

They could still enjoy the performance here.

The space on the step seat didnt necessarily have to be quiet.

They could dance and sing as much as they wanted.

The problem was that there was no one to enjoy it with.

The people on the Rose Windmill side left their seats and went out to do their own work once the opening ceremony began.

The only ones left here were Ella and Maya.

And Maya was definitely not the type to get carried away.

Despite Ellas repeated attempts to persuade her, she coldly refused.

After all, enjoying dancing and singing was more fun when done with others.

Creating a ruckus alone in a quiet space was nothing more than a rural farce.

Even Ella, who had lost her energy, eventually gave up and stared out of the window in a daze.

The clanging of the Rose Windmill was enjoyable just to see and hear.

But the intention of the planner was to have people sing along and dance together with the performance. Thats how the enjoyment was designed to be truly experienced.

If this is the case, why did she even come to the opening ceremony?

Mayas disappointment at not being able to attend the opening ceremony was much greater than expected.

But now that she was at the opening ceremony, she didnt even try to enjoy the performance.

Just sitting quietly

This was similar to the reason why Ella disliked magic so much.

She believed that real performances were about interacting with the stage and feeling the atmosphere on the spot.

Watching a video prepared by a magician was not fun at all.

I guess were just not a good match.

Ella didnt think that even if they spent not just two but twenty years together, she could become friends with Maya.

However, as the performance neared its end,

At first, Ella was sulking because she couldnt enjoy the stage and was ignoring Maya. However, she later noticed sadness and anger in Mayas expression.

Until she entered here, she had been filled with anticipation.

Suddenly, sadness and anger, she thought.

Ella could only think of one reason.

Was it that shocking?

No matter how you look at it, there was something going on between Wonderstein and Anais behind closed doors.

If Mayas observations were accurate, there had definitely been some intimate physical contact.

Ella could imagine Wonderstein holding Anais with tears in her eyes, and his characteristic confident smile as he pressed himself against her.

Both of them would have been undressed.

Anaiss slender body and Wondersteins toned and well-built body overlapping

Ella suddenly felt her face getting hot.

She shook her head.

Was it because of what happened earlier?


Ellas sharp observation skills surprised Maya once again.

Was she someone who could express her feelings so openly?

Admitting openly that she liked Wonderstein was quite unexpected.

The Black Magician.

However, the name that came out of Mayas mouth was completely different.

Only then did Ella realize her momentary confusion.

My mother was also an illusionist. Did you know about the Veiled Circus?

I do.

The place where the Ringmaster of Illusion Magic, Veil Arno, is in charge.

Its not Ellas favourite circus troupe, but she had heard their skills are top-notch.

Thats impressive.

Ella was about to exclaim in admiration, but she soon closed her mouth.

The Black Magician.

The fact that she mentioned it means theres a backstory to it.

Tragedy that occurred during the 2nd Circus Grand Prix.

My mother gave birth to me and shortly afterward had to rush to the Hippodrome for some urgent business. And she had an accident there.

I see.

Maya took a small metal disc in the shape of a donut, no bigger than a babys palm, from her pocket.

Ella knew what it was.

It was a memory disk that Illusion Magicians used to store their memories.

They found my mothers body at the accident scene, and she was clutching this.

Maya flipped over the memory disk and showed the writing on it.

To my beloved daughter.

I want to see what message my mother left. Using my Illusion Magic, directly. But I struggled to learn ordinary Illusion Magic. Thats when the Grand Master helped me.

I see.

Ella reflected on herself for the past few days.

She had treated this girl, who had come chasing after her just because of Wonderstein, with such indifference.

So, I wanted to participate in the Grand Prix. I wanted to come to the opening ceremony and enjoy the performance together. Im sorry we couldnt.

No, its okay.

Ella gave a sheepish smile and scratched her head.

And the dagger throw, that was because of that, right? You couldnt bear it because you were feeling uncomfortable.

Dont turn people into circus perverts.

Maya shook her head playfully.

But why did you scream?

Please dont ask me that.

Ella sighed again while covering her head.

Maya, as if she couldnt understand, tilted her head slightly and looked out the window.

Just then, the person she had been waiting for downstairs was coming down the stairs.

Its the Ringmaster.

It looks like theyre going to have the swearing-in ceremony and introduce the sponsors.

Ella didnt raise her head.

She didnt want to see his face, as she thought it might bring back the memories from earlier.

But Mayas voice changed.

It was a bit more serious.




Ella raised her head.

Wonderstein and Anais Vergsong, coming down the stairs.

They were surrounded by police officers in blue uniforms.

Wonderstein and Lady Vergsong were followed by Porsche Grape.

The police officers were surrounding /CircusTL

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