Published at 5th of June 2024 07:25:33 AM

Chapter 6: Patron Anais (5)

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Chapter 6: Patron Anais (5)

Title: TT3 Prologue Stage - Complete Walkthrough

Author: Torch Dancer


I'm Torch Dancer.

The TT3 complete walkthrough series has now reached TT3, before the prologue, so the content isn't too long, and we can wrap it up in just one episode.

First, let's take a look at the table of contents.

Full Map and Item Locations

Main Quests

Mansion Cleanup

Defeat Airdra

Defeat Anais Vergsong

Side Quests

Collect Anais's Diary

The Maid's Final Meal

The Man Who Couldn't Leave Prison

Birthday Gift for the Daughter

Support Characters

Porsche Kyeong

Hunting Dog Mars


If You Don't Receive the Kill Switch

If You Receive the Kill Switch

2-1) Defeat Airdra

After completing "Mansion Cleanup" as part of Ghost Butler's request in the side quest, "2-1) Mansion Cleanup," you won't be able to find the "Anais Room Key."

The Ghost Butler suggests that the key might have been swallowed by the "monster in the annex."

Head to the annex.

Here, you'll encounter soldier monsters stronger than the maids and butlers.

Just be cautious of the ones in armour.

Defeat them reasonably, and when you reach the last room, you'll encounter Airdra.

Somewhere... a creature resembling a digging machine?

A form that combines biology and machinery...

A long neck...

As you collect the side quest items, "Anaiss Diary," you'll learn about the identity of this creature.

It used to be a machine used before Anaiss illness was cured.

A machine to assist with breathing...

An artificial respirator?

I've been feeling this way for a while, but the science in this world is quite erratic...

Anyway, since it's a fusion of an artificial respirator and a monster, it uses wind-based skills.

This is essentially a boss battle.

Once Anais reaches the entrance, the Ghost Butler event will trigger, and it will end automatically.

[Stage 1: Inhalation]

Basically, this creature attacks by swinging its neck.

It's a simple 3-beat pattern that's easy to dodge.

After attacking a few times, the creature will use "Inhalation."

*Make sure you've picked up any necessary items beforehand!!

Objects in the vicinity are sucked into the creature's mouth like a vacuum cleaner.

Use the knight's "Push" skill to quickly escape its range.

Otherwise, you'll be dragged in within an instant.

Then, move away from the knight and wait outside his attack range for the inhalation to end.

Do not attempt to shoot arrows as a rogue. Due to the creature's steel exterior, all damage is reduced by half.

This creature is a prologue mob, but it's an elite, so it has 300 health points.

Our equipment is just basic equipment.

To kill it with a sword, you need to strike 120 times, and to kill it with arrows, you need to shoot 300 times.

It's just easier to follow the walkthrough.

Anyway, after Inhalation, the creature will open its mouth wide and begin spewing breath.

At some point, Anais escaped to the entrance, and the Ghost Butler event will end automatically.

[Stage 2: Exhalation]

This time, Airdra exhales wind.

Before that, the creature will attack by swinging its neck several times. In this phase, it performs a 3-beat pattern with one big swing at the end.

"Uncle Pierre...?"

Her uncle looked at her with a cold expression, an unfamiliar face, yet familiar in a different way. His face lacked the usual warm smile and affectionate gaze.

"Uncle... Why are you here?"

"Because you became an obstacle."


"It's me, Anais. It's me."

He placed a stack of documents he had been holding onto the table. It was the information he had taken to investigate during the day.

"Do you understand what I'm saying? If you're as smart as they say you are, you should."

A traitor within the inner ranks closely associated with pirates. She knew that only a few of the employees in the highest ranks could pull off something like that.

She thought that someone at the top of the company was involved... could it be?

The person she trusted more than anyone else...

"Why did you suddenly come today of all days?"

"I heard the report that you were investigating the Froland branch. I rushed here as soon as I found out you had finally learned about the 'island.'"

"A person who dedicated their life to the company... why?"

Pierre's lips twisted as he spoke with disdain.

Pierre got up from his seat.

"And as for the machine... Well, IMT's engineers... they should be more humble. In the Underground Guild, there are talents just as exceptional as they are."

Pierre fiddled with the Kill Switch in his hand and put it in his pocket.

He looked at his fallen niece for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt, but he quickly hardened his heart.

"I'm sorry, but there's no other way."


Her breathing was so laboured that it was almost impossible to control her body.

Her limbs went weak, and her muscles trembled with spasms.

It was the suffocation she hadn't experienced in 15 years.

She couldn't even scream.

Sweat dripped profusely from her back and forehead.

"How much did I suffer when I was just 5 years old?"

Tears flowed from her eyes.

"While she was was dozing off, the machine malfunctioned in such a way that you suffocated."


"But don't worry. I just gave the maid a light sleeping pill."

Blue lines gradually spread on Anais's pale skin.

The onset of cyanosis had begun.

Pierre picked up a scroll from the table.

Now all he had to do was wait for the unfortunate news in his own bedroom.

Pierre glanced at Anais for a moment with a complicated expression before passing her by.

Tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her life was built on such a fragile foundation, like a sandcastle that would crumble with just one accident.

Even her genius intellect and her influence in the business world couldn't help in a situation like this.

Anais closed her eyes.

If it was to be an accident, she wont be a burden to the people who had loved and cared for her, even if it was the last bit of consideration she could offer.

It was all she could do.

And so, at the moment when she accepted death...


The door opened.

Cold night air flowed into the room.

Anais instinctively raised her head.

Her tear-soaked irises quivered.

A corridor where the moonlight had settled.

There, a black shadow stood.

She blinked once, and his figure became clearer.

Tall stature, a sturdy physique, and dazzling blonde hair that fluttered in the cold breeze.

His pale face was like a work of art, exuding calmness and enjoyment.

"It's not too late, is it?"

Frank Wonderstein.

He smiled at Anais.

"Miss Anais?"




Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!