Published at 5th of June 2024 07:20:30 AM

Chapter 72: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (6)

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Chapter 72: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (6)

Bouvalles declaration stirred up the hall like a beehive knocked down.

Free admission.

It was one of the long-standing controversies in the entertainment industry.

It hadnt been warmly welcomed by people on the positive side.

It was notorious for exploiting performers and ruining shows.

If admission is free, the performance can only be of low quality! shouted an old magician as he rose from his seat.

A middle-aged acrobat sitting at the table across from him slapped the table with his palm, echoing his words.

Thats right! Excessive discounts diminish the value of the performance!

Those critical of free admission were mostly older individuals.

Most of them had succumbed to the sweet talk of merchants in their youth and suffered for years.

Entertainers who had honed their skills but were immature in worldly affairs.

Many lacked the ability to understand the rigid clauses in contracts, and some couldnt even read. They simply signed the contract, lured by the idea that they could earn money while traveling.

Thats how merchants easily attracted the talented performers.

One of the common methods merchants used to exploit them was the free admission tactic.

At that time, merchants tempted performers with the clause, A percentage of the admission fees will be paid to the performers. However, when the performers arrived at the market or inn and entered the show, the merchants shamelessly claimed, Admission prices will be set according to the situation, using it as an excuse to offer free admission.

With no income from admission fees, performers couldnt settle their payments according to the contract.

By the time they realized they had been deceived, it was already too late. If they refused to perform, merchants threatened them with the contracts penalty clauses or subtly hinted at gaining no reputation unless they complied.

So many talented individuals had to unfold their skills for free next to the places where merchants sold their goods.

Compensation was meager, limited to a bed, three meals, and occasionally a small amount under the guise of an effort fee.

Considering the profits merchants were making, it was an outrageous exploitation.

If they had allowed proper performances, the artists might have burned their artistic souls for their own improvement.

But the merchants invaded even that territory.

They urged performers to skip the boring parts and focus on the dramatic elements, interfered in scriptwriting, forced unnecessary nudity or action scenes, and insisted on promoting the show by using the names of their flagship products.

Even among the current industry figures, many had traces of their past in their nicknames.

Magician Ignite derived his name from matches, illusionist Bigfoot from shoe insoles, and acrobat Barikan from the product name of grass-cutting scissors.

It wasnt only the contracting parties that were affected by such tyranny.

Due to them, local playgrounds and theaters also faced financial difficulties.

People didnt bother looking for a permanent performance venue since they could watch shows for free anywhere.

The exploitation of labor during the Industrial Revolution era, with the development of nitrogen fertilizers and increased agricultural production, explosive population growth, the decline of small-scale farming, and rapid urbanization.

The labor exploitation phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution era, influenced by various complex factors, also affected the entertainment industry.

It was a hungry and tough time for performers.

About 20 years ago, thanks to the Circus Grand Prix, acrobats gathered to share industry conditions, speak out against unfair contracts, and collectively take action, leading to a significant reduction in unfair treatment.

The Grand Prix Circus, in its purest sense, was more of a gathering of performers, singers, clowns, and entertainers than a festival. Given this context, it was natural for older individuals to harbour resentment towards free admission. Even in the present improved situation, prejudices persisted.

They viewed free performances as a system that made it easy for merchants to take advantage, as clear revenue metrics (number of spectators multiplied by admission fees) were not available. In the chaotic marketplace, devoid of curtains and seating, shameful times came to mind when performers resorted to contextless tricks and acts to catch the attention of passersby.

In this way, one by one, the directors expressed their determination, facing the stage, other tables, and their own members.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Lets go! Haha! Lets achieve the best performance in this preliminary round!

Of course, the loudest voice belonged to Minova, the rooster.

He shook his red crest, rallying the members.

There were requests from the surroundings to lower their voices.

The table where the Wonderstein Circus Troupe sat was relatively quiet.

Sven and Yurakne whispered to each other while watching the other circus members, and Ella, observing the situation quietly, spoke quietly to the ringmaster sitting next to her.

How about it? Are you confident? Just because the members diligently memorized the script doesnt guarantee theyll pass, right?

In response to Ellas words, Wonderstein nodded confidently, wearing a self-assured smile.

Hoho, of course.

Ella shook her head in disbelief.

Youve never been on stage before, have you?

I have.

At his confident attitude, Ella raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical.

In front of a few people? Maybe a hundred?

Upon hearing Ellas words, he grinned and nodded playfully.

More than that?

She raised her head, smirking.

Perhaps 1,000?


After taking a moment to exhale, he replied, 30,000.

Insane. Theres no way theres a stage that big.

Dismissing him, Ella turned her head abruptly.

This guy is playing with people again.

Watching the next proceedings of the event, she suddenly realized that there was indeed such a place.

The Sky City Hippodrome.

The aerial theater called Wonder Stage, which had collapsed due to a terrorist attack 17 years ago, was now under reconstruction.

She had heard that it could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

No way

At that moment, Bouvalle called out for each circus to come forward for the draw of the tests groups.


Thoughts about Wonder Stage quickly disappeared from Ellas mind.

Is it starting?

Wonderstein also stopped reminiscing about the highest viewer count on his Twitch livestream.

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