Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:35 AM

Chapter 87: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (21)

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Chapter 87: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (21)

Most of the people who came to see the Monster Circus were already familiar with the face of Wonderstein. His pictures were featured in newspapers and magazines, and Mayas sign, painted at the entrance of the hall, made it impossible to miss.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sculpted face.

Tall stature with a well-proportioned figure.

A lively smile.

In this era, photographs were blurry, making it difficult to grasp peoples appearances clearly. Portraits were often seen as deceptive due to common retouching tricks.

However, those who had seen him in person unanimously agreed that there was no exaggeration in the rumors about him. Even those who mocked him with his status admitted that he deserved recognition in that aspect.

So, those who came expecting a handsome man were shocked by the unexpected appearance of a grotesque clown. Even other circus performers who had encountered him a few times felt the same way.

During the trial, they had advocated for him, but they didnt consider him a genuine colleague in the industry.

The Monster Circus was a show scorned in the industry.

Not only did they drag unfortunate people into their performances, but engaging in suspicious magic tricks and captivating women made them appear even more despicable.

The audience, who came to watch the show today, intended to mock and find something to ridicule.

A circus showcasing so-called monsters seemed rather mundane. Just exhibit someone peculiar and move on, no need to be surprised.

Thats why what he did to give them a shock was hard to believe.

If it was just makeup, it wouldnt have been so surprising.

He portrayed his character fittingly, a character that was disturbingly similar to the Black Magician Wonderstein from the game.

The unsettling gaze, the slightly off laughter, and the gestures that touched the nerves of the viewersall were devices that subtly revealed his inhumanity and created discomfort.

The laughing man, with a clean face, appeared unexpectedly dishevelled, as if he had just emerged from highly concentrated waste.

No, if it were just makeup, it wouldnt have been so shocking.

He skillfully portrayed the character that suited him.

Now, shall we introduce the monster?

His manner of presentation was ordinary, despite his appearance.

He greeted normally, cracked jokes, and introduced the members in a mundane manner.nove(l)bi(n.)com

However, with just one word or gesture, there was a mysterious power that sent shivers down peoples spines.

He was imitating the movements and lines of dialogue of the Black Magician Wonderstein from the game.

The subtly disturbing gaze, the laughter that seemed out of place, and the actions that disturbed the viewersall created a similar effect here.

The smiling man twisted and contorted, as if covering or revealing his mouth in a bizarre pose.

Hahaha, gentlemen, you better be careful. This person has a somewhat discerning taste. Let me introduce you. The only woman among the monster members, the spider lady!


A sound of something crawling echoed from the ceiling.

As people looked upward, all the lights went out simultaneously.

Purple flames flickered. Beyond them, a figure with multiple legs revealed its silhouette.

Tasty-looking men are plentiful, arent they? Oh, of course. I dont mind women either. Hehehe, sometimes you need something to chew on.

Yuraknes voice contained a vibrancy that didnt match her usual nonchalant demeanour.

It was worthwhile practicing under Ellas guidance.

Dim lighting illuminated the ceiling.

In a matter of seconds, people screamed at the transformed scene inside the hall.

What, what is that?

T-Thats a spider web.

Ugh, I hate this kind of thing

White threads crisscrossed, creating intricate patterns between the steel frames of the ceiling. Sticky fluids dripped down the strands.

Throughout the spider webs, patches the size of a person were hanging.

Inside the patches, something wriggled, resembling the movement of something squirming.

Its really moving

Dont worry. Its, it must be a prop for sure.

Yeah, an illusion or something.

One of the audience members uttered those words when suddenly, with a sharp splitting sound, something poured out from inside, splattering a green, sticky, and bloody fluid.

Everyone entering the Monster Circus had signed up for the Wet Seat category.

Stagehands sniffled through the audience, changing seats and wiping some areas with rags.


Ella could leave the hotel on Monday afternoon.

To convince the doctor that she needed at least a week of rest, she even demonstrated her skills in front of him.

Its really okay. Look.

Oh, no! Uh, this is!

Her body bounced like a spring and spun in mid-air.

She demonstrated difficult acrobatics in succession.

One-armed handstand, lightning somersault, backward flip

She skillfully avoided people and furniture by twisting her body through the narrow spaces.

Alright, thats enough.

Finally, the doctor reluctantly allowed her to go out. However, even as he gave permission, he still had an unpleasant expression.

He allowed her to go out not because he believed she had recovered, but as part of the process to prevent her from demonstrating a free fall from the second floor, almost like a threat to the doctor.

Absolutely, do not go on stage.

Yes, yes. I understand!

Ella shouted energetically.

The doctor sighed, nodded, and left the room with the hotel staff.

Once she confirmed that everyone had left, Ella gasped and sat on the floor.

Cold sweat ran down the back of her neck.

Sweat clung to her back as well.

In her weakened state due to the flu, moving her body hastily had drained her energy in an instant.

What she did on the second floor, preparing to perform a mid-air fall, was almost a threat to the doctor.

If she had really jumped, she would have lost balance and suffered a serious injury.

Ella threw her sweat-soaked pyjamas away and entered the shower.

She turned on the shower and leaned her forehead against the wall.

Her body felt like a boiling pot.

He really didnt treat me.

It was unexpected.

She thought he would at least touch her body.

Ella knew.

His kindness was only for a specific purpose.

It wasnt because he genuinely cared about her health.

She was aware that his kindness was driven by necessity.

He must have started the last performance of the day by now.

Ella sat on the shower room wall, leaning her back against it.

The warm water warmed her body.

The doctors words, saying it would take a week to recover from fatigue, seemed true.

She wanted to faint and fall asleep just like this.

It was even more difficult to control her body due to the strain just now.

But she couldnt do that.

She had to check if the members were doing well as they practiced and if that guy was doing well as the host.

Helping him fulfil his role as the ringmaster was her role as the assistant-ringmaster.

That was the contract.

Ella got up from her seat.

The moment she turned off the shower, a chill struck her. Her body shivered.

She wanted to turn on the warm water again and lie down on the floor.

But she gritted her teeth and left the shower room.

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