Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:27 AM

Chapter 92: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (26)

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Chapter 92: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (26)

Ella stood there, oblivious to the tomatoes falling in front of her, lost in thought.

She had just been hit with tomatoes on stage.

For someone who took pride in being part of the circus, this was akin to publicly receiving a slap.

She barely held back tears welling up from the embarrassment.

Not revealing her emotions on stage was the minimum dignity for an actress.

She glanced at the direction from which the tomatoes were thrown.

There was a man smirking at her.

She knew who he was.

Lord Dosville.

The man who had accused Wonderstein during the opening ceremony.

Though she didnt recognize the others with him, they seemed to be enjoying the spectacle, laughing at her expense.

Seeing them, her embarrassment disappeared like melting snow.

In its place, anger surged.

Ella had never lost a fight even during her school days.

She could take down guys a head or two taller than her.

She never backed down even if she got hurt and blood flowed.

The most important thing in a fight was not to show fear.

As she was about to step forward, she stopped in her tracks.

Lord Dosvilles eyes gleamed like a predator targeting its prey.

The henchmen beside him reeked strongly of acting.

In that moment, Ella realized something.

They werent just causing trouble for the sake of it; there was intent behind it.

Ella turned her head briefly.

Wonderstein was approaching her from the opposite side of the stage.

His face was painted white, and his lips were adorned with red lipstick, forming a smile.

Ella winced at his smile.

His show was being disrupted.

She wondered if he might do something to retaliate.

Maybe not kill someone in front of so many people, but humiliating them was nothing to him.

In that case, things could spiral out of control.

Disqualification in this competition was one thing, but it could lead to an irreversible situation for them.

The Monster Circus acts like a monster circus!

As expected, these wandering folks have no restraint. Its infuriating.

Arent the members dangerous? If they cant control themselves, who can they control?

It couldnt happen.

She couldnt let the efforts of the past two months go to waste.

Ella looked towards Lord Dosville.

Her pride was wounded, but she had to lower her head.

To retaliate was what the other party wanted.

Just as she was about to bow to apologize, an intangible force held her body in place.

What are you doing, idiot?

A cold voice.

Ella turned to the side of the stage, away from the audiences view.

In the backstage, a girl with white hair wearing a reddish-brown beret was looking at her.

Maya tied Ellas body with telekinesis.

What are you doing? Let me go.

Dont bow to those humans. Youre the assistant leader of our circus.

Who said I wanted to bow? Besides, I got hit with tomatoes because of me

You didnt get hit with tomatoes. I blocked them.


Ella blinked.

Come to think of it, something was off.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Certainly, smashed tomatoes spread before her eyes, and the smell of their contents wafted, but she felt nothing on her skin.

The tomatoes seemed to flow down as if blocked by an invisible wall right in front of her eyes.

The leader asked. Hes worried you might collapse again. Be prepared to unleash your powers at any time, Maya said.


At that moment, a gentle hand rested on her shoulder.

Could it be?

Wonderstein, holding the tomato, threw it with all his strength3,000 times the forcetowards Lord Dosvilles face.


The tomato scattered red fragments around, far beyond what had happened before.

Ugh! Crack! Crack!

Lord Dosville spat out as if some of the tomato had entered his throat.

Wonderstein looked at him smugly and spread his arms towards the audience.

This is definitely a good revenge, isnt it?

Static settled in the arena.

After a while, the people shouted in excitement.

The audience didnt dislike fights. They just didnt like unpleasant curses and emotional fights while trying to enjoy the show.

If it was a pleasant retaliation like this, they welcomed it.

Wonderstein looked at Lord Dosvilles gang and recalled the annoying trolls.

Apologizing to people who intentionally provoked and attacked was just another opportunity.

It was better to cheerfully counterattack.

Lord Dosville, with a tomato stuck to his neck, chuckled while grinding his teeth.

He had been hit unexpectedly, but he still believed that the situation was on his side.

If the opponent challenged him to a fight, they could mess up the performance as planned.

Hey! Tomato! Give me a tomato!

He urgently called the ratmen who was pushing a food cart on the other side.

Retaliation? Is that so?

Okay. Did he just return my words?

Fine. Wait. Ill give you a dose of retaliation.

Lord Dosville desperately asked for tomatoes.

However, the ratmen, staring at him, extended his hands.

Squeak! Tomato! Five Zirco coins per one!

What nonsense! Fresh tomatoes are free!

In recent years, Charlotia was in chaos due to an oversupply of tomatoes.

Even in cheap restaurants, boxes of tomatoes were stacked at the entrance, suggesting to eat them as a dessert.

There was no exception here.

The Monster Circus gave out fresh tomatoes for free inside the venue.

They had no intention of making a profit by selling food.

Filling the audiences stomachs and preventing them from eating food from the opposition was enough.

But now, the rat men called out five Zirco coins for one tomato.

Considering the current market price outside, it was almost like extortion, if not worse.

The ratman snapped his fingers and shouted.

Just now! The price has changed!


Lord Dosville looked in the direction the rat man was pointing.

There, an illusion created by Maya announced the discontinuation of free tomato distribution and the introduction of charges.

It was Wondersteins instruction.

Even though it was a joke, there were humans who flooded the chat with that kind of talk.

Humans who couldnt just stop disrupting.

Moreover, he couldnt ignore them, and leaving them as they were would disrupt the flow of the broadcast.

At such times, he set the donation option in the chat.

To chat, you had to pay a certain amount of money.

In other words, the right to disrupt the broadcast had to be bought with money.

Now, just like that.

Oh, Marquis? Are you going to buy tomatoes?

Lord Dosville gnashed his teeth at Wondersteins jest.

His purpose was not to throw tomatoes at him but to create a menacing atmosphere.

Buying tomatoes and throwing them would be foolish.

It just made him look like a clown.

People wouldnt feel uncomfortable; they would laugh watching the show that he and Wonderstein put on.

Lord Dosville smiled and looked at the smug Wonderstein.

He had overlooked another experience gained from his broadcasting career.

No matter how many restrictions you set, viewers may go beyond it.

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