Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:20 AM

Chapter 94: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (28)

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Chapter 94: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (28)

The monster circus, having lost its only source of income, struggled to generate profits after the morning.

The meager amount they did manage to earn came from the members of the three circus groups involved in the tomato fight, who, out of remorse, donated their remaining coins.

Yuraknes encouragement not to lose hope, given the many who hadnt spent their coins, felt empty.

Those still holding coins were merely waiting for the inevitable final round.

Since they could still buy things until the end, they delayed spending as much as possible in the faint hope that something might change.

The outcome was practically decided.

Is this the end?

Although Ella didnt show it in front of the members, inside, she couldnt help but feel a constant sense of disappointment.

After all the desperate efforts, she ended up failing.

Of course, losing this time didnt mean the end of the competition.

They could take their turn again in two or three months for another test.

But could they win even if they tried again?

The theme of the test set by the 6 theaters had remained the same for two years.

In other words, the test they would face in two and a half months would be identical to the current one.

The only reason they could contend with other large circuses with a group of about 20 people was because of Mayas magical tool, the Sketchbook.

When asked how to repair or obtain it again, Wonderstein shook his head.

Its a one-of-a-kind item. Repairing it would probably be difficult.

Upon hearing this, everyone despaired.

On the other hand, Maya, the owner of the item, remained calm.

She showed only a slight reaction, like biting her lip or letting out a sigh.

It seemed like a very indifferent attitude to others.

As if she never had any attachment to the item in the first place.

But Ella knew better.

For Maya, it was an expression similar to choking back tears.

She looked towards the practice room.

Maya had been locked in there for several hours, struggling to restore the Sketchbook.

She had rushed to the alchemy guild, presented her academy student ID, and brought all sorts of elixirs to spray on the Sketchbook.

However, the Sketchbook showed no reaction whatsoever.

Each page was only covered in tomato juice like decals.

With each failed attempt, her complexion darkened.

Ella felt uneasy watching Maya being so shaken.

Maya, using telekinesis, skilfully deflected the barrage of tomatoes raining down on her on the stage.

Especially around Ela, not a single fragment was allowed to pass.

She was determined to strictly follow Wondersteins request.

Perhaps because of that.

Maya was negligent in defending herself. She didnt see the blind tomato coming from behind and ended up being hit by the Sketchbook.

The thrower was just an ordinary audience member who happened to aim for Maya while enthusiastically aiming for the unpainted areas. Because her hair was a shade of blue.

As the Sketchbook got wet, the drawings inside melted away with various liquids of unknown colours, making sounds like moans and screams, seeping into the floor and disappearing.

And no matter what Maya looked at, the images no longer came to mind on the paper.

Even after losing the magical power, Wonderstein didnt express anger towards Maya for losing the Sketchbook.

There were no words of reproach.

He consoled her with just one word, expressing his sympathy with a smile.

Maya couldnt bear herself, feeling pathetic.

The sketchbook he gave her was no ordinary item.

If he was a magician, he would easily recognize the power of the sketchbook.

It was not a human-made object; it came from the world of Abyss, where the demons reside.

Stories about demons magical tools were widely spread in the world.

Like a lamp that appears when rubbed, granting wishes.

Or shoes that, when worn, make you dance until death if youre a fairy.

Or a horyeong disease that sucks in and confines people.

There were many aspects in which she was more immature than her in-game persona.

Wonderstein couldnt help but smile at her admirable side. Discovering unexpected human traits in characters he thought he knew everything about, like with Minova, was enjoyable.

Maya, how about leaving that behind and going outside with us?

I have nothing to do outside.

Why not? This is a festival. You should enjoy it.

Enjoy what?

He chuckled and showed her the box in his hand.

Dont you see? Our final trump card.

30 minutes until the end of the competition.

People who had just watched the final performance of the Satbeyol Circus rushed to the concession stand.

It was time to spend all the remaining coins.

Wondersteins side is finished now.

He said he cant draw portraits anymore.

In business, you shouldnt focus on just one item.

Lets go. Theres nothing decent left in the concession stand.

As people went to the lobby, they were greeted by an unexpected sight.

The concession stand in front of the Statbyeol Circus was empty, and the one in front of the Monster Circus was crowded with people.

Curious about what had happened, they asked those who had just come out.

And they learned that the Golden Tomato was offered as a prize in the card draw.

Is it a scam?

Why is the Golden Tomato here?

The Golden Tomato was a legendary fruit said to be tasted only by rulers of a nation, religious leaders, or the CEOs of major corporations. The news that such an item appeared at the concession stand was hard to believe.

Its guaranteed by Vergsong Merchant Union.

Vergsong? Oh, right. Vergsong was the sponsor of the Monster Circus!

Then it might be possible

People hurriedly ran towards the concession stand.

They worried that the cards might be sold out if they were late.

At that moment, someone among those coming out from Hall 2 shouted, Wait! I have an objection!

Peoples attention turned to the corner.

There was Lord Dosville, diligently opening card packs.

Why are you looking at me? Hes the one who shouted.

Dosville Marquis pointed to a man who had just made the noise. He was one of the thugs who had caused trouble at the Monster Circus earlier.

He looked surprised when he saw Lord Dosvillle opening card packs.

No, just regular cards again.

Dosville Marquis threw the cards onto the table with a sigh.

Peoples attention continued to focus on him.

The people felt a slight sense of victory that he had lost earlier.

Even though Lord Dosville promised not to do this while we went to see the Satbyeol Circus side, why are you opening card packs on the Monster Circus side? You said, if the prize was set, it would be cheating

Oh, those idiots again.

Dosville rolled his eyes.

Gifts are not cheating. Its not cheating. Its just excluding the value of the prize from the sales as agreed.

Anyway does this mean the Monster Circus lost? The Golden Tomato is quite expensive, isnt it?

The thug spoke in a somewhat softened tone.

Many people were in chaos, even though they had rushed to the concession stand after hearing about the Golden Tomato. The sudden doubt about whether they could really receive it lingered.

If you set a prize, its not considered cheating. Its not. According to the rules, we exclude the value of the prize from the sales.

After Lord Dosville finished explaining, people finally started moving with all their might.

The remaining time was 20 minutes.

Everyone started tearing open card packs as if they were crazy.

Even street thugs were mixed in with the crowd.

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