Published at 5th of June 2024 07:19:18 AM

Chapter 96: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (End)

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Chapter 96: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (End)

Its over.

Ella tightly closed her eyes.

A deep sense of disappointment washed over her as the efforts of the past two months seemed to have been in vain.

However, simultaneously, a strange sense of relief lingered in a corner of her heart.

She couldnt confidently identify its nature.

But in a fleeting moment, she recalled a play she had seen when she was young.

During the closing remarks on stage, a nobleman suddenly barged in, pushing aside the male lead and shaking hands with the female lead before the audience.

The male lead, who seemed the most courageous and splendid man in the world, couldnt respond and was pushed aside. The female lead, who appeared destined for the male lead, submitted to the nobleman.

Later, as she grew older, she learned that such incidents were common in the performance industry.

However, it was a scene that had shocked the young Ella, who saw the world on stage as independent.

At least I didnt lose my place.

She said, being careful not to let her lips curl up.

Didnt your lawyer defend you? she asked.

Wonderstein raised his head in response to her question.

The lawyer did not defend me.


Wonderstein smiled as he saw the doubt on Ellas face.

Mr. Bartel didnt tell you everything, it seems. There was no need for a defence.

The golden tomato lottery that took place last night.

The person who scored the highest was none other than Minova, the leader of the Satbeyol Circus.

Cant we use the coins we earned? So we spent most of todays earned coins on purchasing cards.

With his declaration, everyone in the hall was astonished.

Wonderstein remained outwardly calm, but internally, he was equally baffled.

Technically, there was nothing wrong with his statement according to the rules.

They could buy items from each others stalls.

In fact, Minovas daughter, Ruelle, drew a portrait with Womon and bought a massage stick from the Satbyeol side, helping the members relax.

Of course, it was permitted with the intention of selling attractive items that even competitors would buy.

Pouring all the earned coins into buying goods and sweeping them away was something the organizers couldnt have imagined.

He even revealed that, during the audiences viewing of their performance, his staff collected cards.

People were angry at this absurd situation.

Is this even reasonable?

While we were watching the performance, they pulled off such a trick behind our backs?

Do you have no dignity, you idiot!

In response to peoples complaints, Minova scoffed and shouted.

Who cares if we lose a few coins in the end! Oh, if you have complaints, come forward and tell me directly!

In the face of Minovas shameless reply, people were left speechless.

Few dared to confront a man with shoulders wider than 30cm on each side.

Even Lord Dosville, who was confident in his bluffing, bit his tongue and stepped back.

Minova continued to shout a few more times, puffing up his muscles to dismiss peoples complaints.

While his rude and arrogant way of handling things was entertaining to watch, experiencing it first-hand was intolerable.

There are all kinds of people in this world.

Just as the rumors say. Just as the rumors say.

I heard he was arrogant, and hes still nothing more than a thug!

However, no matter how angry they were, the last word could not be spoken in front of him.

Especially in a situation where his daughter was watching.

Minovas head suddenly turned.

What did you just say?

He lifted the man who had just spoken by the collar.

Ah, the acrobat is attacking people!

Dad, stop it!

Manager, please restrain yourself!

Ruelle and the subordinate members rushed in and barely managed to calm him down.

After everyone left, Minova looked at Wonderstein with a sullen expression.

Sorry, it was unavoidable because of the sponsors command. They wanted to have this even if we lose.

I agree.

Although the theme of the competition forced him to borrow the business practices of game developers, his true favourite games were not like that.

He preferred games like the Tril Trilo series, filled with collection and exploration elements, offering high freedom.

Alright. Weve got the badge now. Shall we research for the next test?

Ella reached for her notes, but Wonderstein blocked her hand.

She glared at him, lips pursed.

Oh, come on. Reading a book is okay.

Its not that

At that moment, her rooms door opened, and someone peeked in.

It was Yurakne.

She glanced at the two, then grinned.

Oh, Director, Ella hasnt changed into her clothes yet?

Were just having a chat. Well be down in a moment.

Wonderstein placed Ellas notes on the table.

We should have a celebration party for passing the test.

Oh, right. Thats true.

Ella hurriedly changed into the clothes she had taken to the tailor for alterations. The dress that had been sent for repairs returned looking as good as new. She changed from her nightwear into a blouse and skirt, wearing the performance costume over it. She also put on a hat.

Naturally, the dove entered her hat like it was her home, and the mouse perched on her shoulder.

Ella came out of the room, and Wonderstein extended a piece of jewellery toward her.


Oh, the star?

After a brief pause, Wonderstein smiled and said, Ella, take it.


Ella Yang deserves to have it.

But youre the Director

Just take it.

At his firm words, Ella seized the jewel with determination.

All right. No objections?

She hesitated on where to attach it for a moment, then clipped it onto the collar of her performance costume.

Even amid her red performance costume, the sparkling red jewel shone brightly.

The two walked together to the dining hall.

No words were exchanged.

But perhaps due to spending several days on stage together, the companionship felt much more comfortable than before for Ella.

Then, suddenly, she had one question.

It was a question she had carried with her from before.

By the way, why are you so determined to reach the finals of the Circus Grand Prix?

Hoho, because what I want is there.

What do you want? Cant you just take it with your own strength?

Yes. Thats right.

Is it something so valuable?

In response to her question, he pointed to the badge on Ellas chest.

Its something more valuable than that jewel.

They arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall.

The other members were already there, and the place was buzzing with excitement.

Before entering, he gave his final words of advice.

Well leave for the next city only after Ella Yangs body has fully recovered. So, dont push yourself too hard and focus on recovering.

Ella tried to say she was fine, but she stopped.

It would be excessively shameless for someone who had already collapsed twice to boast about being perfectly fine.

Yeah. From now on, she shouldnt cause trouble like this.

She will work harder to become stronger.

No matter what happens, she wont be pushed off the stage.

The door to the banquet hall opened.

Cheers and laughter from the members welcoming her filled the air.

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