Published at 10th of January 2022 09:05:21 AM

Chapter 101

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Qin Yunhan still has some ideas. He wants to spend more time with Wang Haoran, but it's too late.

"I'll call my driver." Wang Haoran picked up his mobile phone, pressed it and dialed a fake number.

He put the cell phone to his ear and put it down after a while.

"No one answers the phone?" Qin Yunhan saw that Wang Haoran didn't seem to get through, so he asked.

"Yes, I don't know what the driver did." Wang Haoran looks sad

"It's so late. There are few taxis on the road outside the school. It seems that I have to walk back on my legs."

"Where do you live?" Qin Yunhan asked.

"Lishui villa."

Lishui villa is a rich area in Qingling city. It's about 20 minutes' drive from here. If you walk, it's even until what time in the morning.

"It's too far to walk. How can that work?" Qin Yunhan also worried about Wang Haoran.

"Or I'll stay with you for one night, and I'll sleep on the floor." Wang Haoran thinks it's time.

"Ah? This... "Qin Yunhan hesitated.

"In fact, I want to talk to you more. Since you are not at ease, I'd better walk back." Wang Haoran walked towards the door with a lonely face.

"Wait a minute." Qin Yunhan couldn't bear it, so he stopped Wang Haoran

"I don't worry about you, but I was scared just now. You... You can stay here for one night."

She was just afraid of the dark. If there was someone nearby, she would not be so afraid.

Moreover, she also wanted to spend more time with Wang Haoran.

Just out of the girl's reserve, I'm sorry to say it.

"Sit down. I'll take a bath." Qin Yunhan, red faced, grabbed some clothes and went to the shower.

It's summer now. It's hard not to take a bath.

Love clean Qin Yunhan of course can't stand not to take a bath on the direct rest.

See Qin Yunhan temporarily disappear in the field of vision, Wang Haoran can't help but secretly smile.

Not going back to sleep on the floor is the first step in the plan.

The next steps are as follows:

The ground is so cold, so we'd better go to bed. We're on our own side, and the well water doesn't make the river water.

I can't sleep. Let me hold your hand. I'll meet you in my dream.

Still can't, I still hold you.

I have my hand right here, absolutely not moving.

Let me have a look, just a look!

I promise, just rub, absolutely just rub!

And then it happened.

Routine is such a routine. According to Qin Yunhan's unswerving affection, most of it will be achieved by his own routine.

Waiting time is a bit boring, Wang Haoran opened perspective to have a look.

Originally, he wanted to know how long Qin Yunhan would be able to finish the washing, but his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of Xiao Yifeng, who was eavesdropping on the wall in the middle ear of the teacher's dormitory next door.

Wang Haoran was startled.

The room next door is song Zhenyu's, but the room is very small, and the infrastructure is not complete, so song Zhenyu only takes a nap here occasionally at noon.

She won't be here at night.

Xiao Yifeng really deserves to be the leading role. He is really capable of listening next door.

I saw Xiao Yifeng eavesdropping on the wall with his ears, with an angry look on his face. On the position of the wall, there was the mark of his finger which he grasped with anger.

It seems that this guy is very angry.

I think he's been eavesdropping here for a long time. Knowing the conversation between Qin Yunhan and himself, he naturally ate a lot of dog food.

I'm not angry.

"This guy is in the way here..."

Wang Haoran was a little annoyed.

Zuoqiu sunfish hasn't prepared all the materials to deal with Xiao Yifeng's poison. Naturally, he can't use the poison to deal with Xiao Yifeng.

If you fight head on, you can beat Xiao Yifeng, but it will make a lot of noise.

In this way, the routine of Qin Yunhan is sure to come to an end.

After thinking about it, Wang Haoran decided to act according to circumstances.

Xiao Yifeng may be following himself or for Qin Yunhan's sake.

But whether it is the former or the latter, he will certainly take action.

Wang Haoran doesn't believe it. This guy can stand next door and eavesdrop for a night.

After a while, Qin Yunhan finally came out.

"I'll wash it, too." Wang Haoran smiles and walks into the shower.

It's very hot. I sweat during the day. My body is sticky. I'm not comfortable sleeping. I must take a bath.

There is no change of clothes, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm here to do something important.

After entering the shower, Wang Haoran did not immediately drench, but used perspective to monitor Xiao Yifeng's behavior.

After sticking to the wall for a while, he suddenly pulls a towel to cover his face. Then he stealthily leaves the next room. After confirming that there is no one outside, he comes to knock on Qin Yunhan's door.

"Who is it?" Qin Yunhan asked.

"I'm miss Qi. Can you open the door? I don't have any tissue in my room. I want to borrow some tissue from you. " The reply sounds like a middle-aged woman.

Wang Haoran with perspective is clearly seen, the mouth is Xiao Yifeng.

Nima, the protagonist is really on show.

He even pretends to be a woman's voice?

On the other side.

Qin Yunhan doesn't know who teacher Qi is, but he immediately judges that the other person is a woman.

She was also unprepared. She took a package of paper, moved the door a little, handed out the tissue, and wanted to send teacher Qi away.

After all, Wang Haoran is here. Naturally, Qin Yunhan doesn't want to be discovered by others, so there is no gossip.

However, Qin Yunhan did not see the other person, a hand directly from the crack in the door.

And then on her shoulder.

Qin Yunhan only felt sleepy, so soft that he fainted on the ground.

Xiao Yifeng hurried into the room and closed it.

"What is he going to do?"

Wang Haoran, who noticed the trend of Xiao Yifeng in the shower room, couldn't help wondering.

He continued to watch.

Xiao Yifeng came to the shower and took out a silver needle from his body. Then he reached out to knock on the door.

"Wang Haoran, open the door." His voice is nine points similar to that of Qin Yunhan.

Show, you're special. Keep showing!

He can imitate Qin Yunhan's voice!

Wang Haoran secretly make complaints about Xiao Yifeng.

With his current combat power, he can beat Xiao Yifeng in frontal combat, but it is very unlikely to kill him.

The best way to fight head-on is for Xiao Yifeng to escape seriously.

However, Xiao Yifeng has his own medical skills, and he can treat himself, which is of little significance.

And one time can not solve Xiao Yifeng, but also let him be on guard, or find a chance to attack.

Wang Haoran soon had a decision in his heart.

"Wang Haoran, you opened the door. I took a towel to wipe you."

Outside the door, Xiao Yifeng imitates Qin Yunhan's voice.

Wang Haoran almost felt sick on the spot.

This protagonist, can you be more disgusting?

It's enough to be a woman. I'm learning to be a coquettish!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!